Chapter 114
Yue Yue lay obediently on Jian Jian's shoulders, a little sad, because she was leaving her mother and brother, and also leaving the place she was familiar with. This was the first time she had truly stepped out of the clan land since she was born.

"My name is Yunzhu, and I am a disciple of the outer sect of Jianyue Peak of the Heavenly Sword Sect. You will be my partner from now on."

"The moon has met Shan Zhenren, I will be very good, and I will help you in the battle."

"Don't worry, we don't need to fight now, we need to help you recuperate your body first, otherwise it will affect your future growth."

"Thank you Shan Zhenren." Yue Yue rubbed the side of Simple's face happily.

The four people outside the green bamboo forest were waiting anxiously. They were discussing who to send in to investigate the situation, when they saw Shan Zhenren come out from the green bamboo forest. Alternate raccoons.

"Wow! Shan Zhenren, you came out and abducted a raccoon beast. This one doesn't seem to be the one just now?"

Jin Liuli watched the raccoon beast's eyes shine, and wished he could rush up and touch it.

Although the other three male cultivators didn't say anything, their inquiring eyes revealed their thoughts.

"Cough! This is the moon. It has just formed a contract with me. It is my spiritual pet."

Simple and simple, the moon is also standing on her shoulders, bowing politely with its front paws, saying hello to everyone.

This attracted Jin Liuli's envious gaze.

"Okay, let's get down to business. At present, we have completed two tasks and defeated two teams. We already have four points. Now we have to go down the mountain to hand in the tasks."

"The road down the mountain will not be peaceful. Some teams that have not completed the task will definitely make a last-ditch effort. We are the big fat sheep in the eyes of others. How have you all been recuperating in the past few hours?"

"Shan Zhenren, we all take turns to adjust our breath, and we have recovered our spiritual power. There is no problem in starting now." Cao Chenfeng came out and answered simple questions.

"Okay, be alert and let's go."

Jian Jian led the team to quickly move down the mountain. Along the way, Jian Jian's spiritual sense spread out, avoiding as much as possible, minimizing encounters, and smoothly descending to the middle of the mountain.

Suddenly stopped simply, and raised his hand to stop the people behind, just because within the range of simple consciousness, he found a group of acquaintances who were confronting a Nascent Soul cultivator, and it was Tao Chengfeng's team from Jianzhen Peak who had been overshadowed by Jin Liuli .

Jian Jian wanted to take a detour, but this Yuanying Zhenjun was a bit domineering, blocking the only way down the mountain, and fighting with the sword formation formed by Tao Chengfeng's team.

Tao Chengfeng stood at the forefront of the sword formation, and poured the fierce sword energy input by the other four people through the formation into the sword in his hand continuously. A huge sword shadow formed above his head. The Zhenjun smashed it with a fist, and returned with all his strength, breaking the sword formation, and several people fell to the ground, their faces turning pale.

"A golden core, with four foundations, if you can pass a move with me, you will pass, go down the mountain!"

Zhenjun Jiancheng waved his hand and let them go down the mountain.

"Your team is ready, come out!"

Jian Jian is not surprised that his group was discovered, obviously they have been waiting here for a long time!
Hearing Zhenjun Yuanying's summoning, how could he dare to delay, a group of five people came to Zhenjun Jiancheng respectfully, and saluted together:
"The 'Yin Ding' group pays respects to the real person."

Simply looking up, I found that this Zhenjun Jiancheng was also wearing the white robe of the Heavenly Sword Sect, but the array pattern on the robe was more complicated, and the sword-shaped jade pendant of Moyu was hanging on his waist, and the Zhenjun looks very ordinary. , belong to the kind of people who can be forgotten at a glance, commonly known as people who can't be found when they plunge into the crowd.

"Get ready to start!"

She still bowed her hands in a simple salute, and the silver beetle in the pendant had already covered her cassock like flowing water:
"The real king is mighty. I can't form a sword array like Brother Tao. I can only rely on some foreign objects. I hope I don't lose too badly. I also thank the real king for his guidance."

After saying that, the figures of the five people had disappeared into the clouds and mist. Long before the few people came over, Jian Jian had arranged for Marshmallow to play by ear. While helping everyone hide their figures, they began to attack the real monarch with the strength of the five people.

This time, the focus is on simplicity. Her Flood Dragon Shuangyue Sword is currently in a half-disabled state. This time it is still on top of the Obsidian bracelet. The fist shadows were shot from different angles, and the purple fist shadows seemed to come from all directions, but they were all easily resolved by the real monarch.

But in the final blow, the other four people lent all their spiritual power to Jian Jian, and Jian Jian's fist wrapped in spiritual power finally changed from lavender to dark purple. The white fist shadows collided.

The energy brought by the two fists facing each other swayed away the cloud made of marshmallows, and the two parties saw each other clearly. Both sides pushed back and finally dissipated into the air.

Jian Jian only felt that his energy and blood were surging, and his spiritual power was a little agitated, while the moon was holding Jian Jian's neck tightly, with a pair of round black eyes looking at the real king opposite, Jian Jian and his group all retreated a few feet. , to stabilize the figure.

On the other hand, Zhenjun Jiancheng just took a step back, but now he drew his sword.

 Some readers said that since she is reborn, she should meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and destroy the Buddha, and kill the enemy to be happy, but I personally think that the most important thing about rebirth is that she has more opportunities than others Her life experience and experience, so that even when her cultivation base is low, she can rely on her rich experience to win the final victory.

  Moreover, this article assumes that the heroine did not compete with the female supporting role in the next session. One is because she cannot kill the other party temporarily, and the other is because she feels that she can do more things and change more in the cultivation interface, so she is a hundred years earlier than in her previous life. Enter the world of self-cultivation.

  A hundred years is a cultivation world that she has never experienced, and this is where she really begins to change her destiny.

(End of this chapter)

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