Chapter 1213
The murderous aura on Tianhong's body disappeared in a flash, but it still attracted the attention of the two senior sisters.

"Junior Brother Tianhong, what's the problem?"

Xia Tian was the first to find out, so she asked directly.

The petite Gao Zhenyan next to him blinked and looked at Tianhong. In his impression, Junior Brother Tianhong had a loose temper and seldom showed his emotions. It was accumulated after experiencing mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Although it was fleeting, it still shocked her, who is also a golden fairy.

"The people of Yuexia Gate really have a problem. The thing they are holding in their hands should be the female insect of the Zerg race. The female insect is relatively fragile and does not have the defense ability of the black beetle. The black shell is used to protect it."

Tianhong explained.

This kind of black shell was found in several insect nests that were exterminated. At the beginning, the people of Tianjianzong didn't know its purpose until one time, the disciples of Law Enforcing Hall saw the female that popped out of the black shell with their own eyes. Insects, to know its function.

When the two senior sisters heard this, their hearts skipped a beat. Fairy Jian really expected it. If it was true, they naturally couldn't stand by and watch.

"Warning now, or wait for the matter to be confirmed before notifying everyone?"

Gao Zhenyan began to think about what to do best.

"Don't worry, wait for us to meet with Fairy Jian before discussing, catching thieves will be dirty, if they deny it at that time, we have no evidence, and it is easy to give someone a reason to say that we are oppressing Yuexia Sect."

Xia Tian was more cautious, and after thinking about it, she put forward her own opinion.

"Senior sister Xia is right. Although I have seen the black shell, others have not, not even you. We must at least break open a black shell to determine whether there is a female insect inside, and then determine the next action. .”

Tianhong felt that at least he had to be worthy of the trust of the two senior sisters.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, let's wait for Fairy Jane, and continue to monitor them by the way."

Gao Zhenyan said with a smile.

"Look, they're throwing that black ball around in the swamp!"

Xia Tian didn't know what to call the black ball, so she named it after the opponent's appearance.

"Why did they do that?"

Gao Zhenyan asked with some doubts, but his almond eyes widened in the next moment.

"They... They are preparing to let the female insects settle in the secret realm, and then reproduce more Zerg!"

"It should be. I can't think of a second reason."

Tianhong also said with a dark face.

"Damn them!"

Xia Tian is also showing murderous looks at this time.

Tianhong silently took out a piece of photo jade and began to record the actions of these people. Although it was a little far away, this distance did not affect their identification.

I saw the people of Yuexiamen, in the process of advancing cautiously, throw those black shell balls around, some of them were swallowed by the black-billed crocodile as soon as they landed on the swamp, which also dispersed the pressure of their being attacked.

Halfway through the journey, the swamp black mosquitoes had surrounded them. They could only support the defensive cover and continue to move, but the black mosquitoes would not give up and continued to attack the defensive cover, making them look like a moving black ball.

Simply based on the location given by Tianhong, plus the surrounding topographic map automatically obtained by his live map, he found Yingzui Cliff relatively smoothly, without encountering any immortals along the way.

The Eagle's Mouth Cliff is quite unique. There is a piece extending from the top of the cliff, like a barb of the eagle's beak, and it is the highest nearby cliff, so it was found immediately.

The communication jade slip in Tianhong's storage ring shook three times, and he immediately stuck out his head from the hidden place in the middle of Yingzui Cliff, waved his hand, and after a few simple ups and downs, he merged with the three of them.

"Fairy Jane, we meet again."

Xia Tian and Gao Zhenyan smiled and bowed to Jian Jian.

Reaching out his hand without hitting the smiling face, he simply and politely greeted the two of them, and then asked what's going on with his eyes?

On the side, Gao Zhenyan's almond eyes slightly curved, and said with a smile:

"Fairy Jian, after the secret realm was turned upside down, we arrived at the original secret realm. Han Yu was the one who cut off his natal sword. He complained to Junior Brother Tianhong and spoke in a strange way. We couldn't understand it, so we formed a group with Junior Brother." A small team explores the secret realm."

"Fairy Jian has helped us a lot, Junior Sister Gao and I are not ungrateful people."

Xia Tian said it more directly, and made it clear that she couldn't understand Luo Xun and Han Yu's actions, so they parted ways directly.

After listening to it briefly, he smiled awkwardly, how did he become the fuse of his family's internal strife.

"Don't think too much, it's not your reason. If they continue to act like that, it will be a matter of time before we separate from them."

Tianhong said.

Then sister Gao Zhenyan talked about the discovery of the three of them, a series of operations of Yuexia Gate, and then focused on the black ball they threw in the swamp.

"We didn't dare to use our spiritual sense to investigate. We were afraid that they would find out, so we chose this high place to observe. However, Junior Brother Tianhong used the photo-recording jade to record all their actions."

Xia Tian added from the side.

While the three of them were talking, she spread her spiritual sense to the besieged people in the swamp without hesitation. Her spiritual sense was higher than those of Yuexiamen.

It's just that now those people are besieged by the black mosquitoes in the swamp, and they haven't thrown the black balls that Tianhong said, but the ones that have been thrown have either been swallowed or sank to the bottom, so it's not easy to be sure for the time being.

"Then I will help them."

Simply curling his lips into a sneer, flicking his fingertips, a beam of light simulating the magic moon slash flew out, rushing directly into the encirclement of black mosquitoes.

With just one back and forth, the defensive cover that the eight people couldn't hold on for long was broken, and then the black mosquitoes swarmed in, and the screams immediately spread far away, and the streamer had already returned to Jian Jian's hands.

The eight members of Yuexia Sect felt that they had been plotted against, but they couldn't find the person who plotted against them, so they could only run for their lives first, and everyone tried their best to resist the attack of the black mosquito swarm.

An hour later, two of the eight people whose cultivation base was at the initial stage of the Golden Immortal were left in the swamp without escaping. Their bodies were instantly surrounded by black mosquitoes, and within a short while they were stung and covered with dense red envelopes.

After the remaining six people left the area of ​​the swamp, they immediately scattered. They knew that there were people watching them in the dark, and only by dispersing could they save their lives to the greatest extent.

"Unfortunately, there are only two left."

Tianhong said lightly.

"Wait another day, tomorrow we will go to that swamp to explore."

"it is good!"

The night was fairly calm, with occasional roars of immortal beasts, and swarms of black mosquitoes flying above the swamp, and the two corpses that were killed in the morning had become a breeding ground for black mosquitoes.

On the second day, there was nothing on the swamp, and the four of them left Yingzui Cliff at noon and came to the swamp again.

Simple consciousness covered the entire swamp, but when she wanted to explore further, she was hindered.

(End of this chapter)

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