Chapter 122 The Butterfly Effect
It has been two days since Tao Chengfeng and Jian Jian led the 500 Heavenly Sword Sect monks to set off, and it will take another three days to reach the central part of the mainland. So turn on every [-] years.

Ordinarily, a low-level secret realm should not be in great danger, but Jian Jian felt a little terrified from the beginning of accepting the mission, so after seeing Lord Jianjun, he diverted to the affairs hall of Tianjian Peak. The matter is a Nascent Soul True Monarch with a face.

"I have met Zhenjun. I am Shan Yunzhu who led the trip this time, and I am here to collect the items needed for the trip."

As he spoke, he handed his mission jade token to Zhenjun who was sitting behind the table.

Zhenjun inspected it and found that there was nothing wrong with it, so he handed Jian Jian an intermediate storage bag, "The inside is what you need for this mission."

He simply took the storage bag and swept it with his consciousness. Inside was a brown ordinary airship, a box of spirit stones, a primary defense array and an attack array.

After receiving the storage bag, Jian Jian did not leave immediately, but considered how to speak to Zhenjun.

The real monarch who checked other jade slips before the table had found that Jian Jian hadn't left, so he said:

"What else?"

"The flying boats and array disks equipped for this mission are all standard? Can you exchange them?"

This time, Zhenjun raised his head and looked straight at Jianjian. The female cultivator on the opposite side had bright eyes, and the person who was supported by a white cassock was even taller. There was a white jade identity jade pendant on his waist, and the whole person was very elegant and generous.

"This mission is considered a red-level C-level mission, and all equipped items have corresponding levels. What adjustments do you want to make?"

"Can the manned airship be adjusted to be more defensive and capable of combat?"

When Zhenjun heard the simple request, he frowned and felt that she was making a big deal out of a molehill, so he directly refused:
"Cannot be replaced."

Simple was a little discouraged, but her intuition as a monk made her try again. She reached out and patted the storage bag, and took out Moyu's sword-shaped jade pendant.

"Can you make adjustments if you use this jade pendant?"

This time Zhenjun didn't refuse immediately, but took Mo Yupei in his hand, asked Jian Jian to wait a while, and then turned into the back hall.

Simple is holding the moon in his arms, gently stroking her brighter and brighter hair, and communicating with her spiritual consciousness:
"I feel that something will happen when I go out this time, so don't be lazy in the past few days. I will go to the deacon's hall to exchange the beast spirit pill for you. Don't be reluctant to eat it. Repair the hidden wounds in your body as soon as possible."

"The moon understands."

"The spirit animal bag is not suitable for our beautiful moon, you just stay by my side!"

"The moon thanked the real person." The bright black eyes of the moon narrowed happily, and swept the simple hand with its fluffy tail.

In a separate room in the back hall, the Zhenjun in charge was communicating with Jianwu Zhenjun:
"Ask Zhenjun Jianwu, whether to make adjustments according to Zhenren Shan's proposal?"

Zhenjun Jianwu on the other side of the water mirror didn't know what he had said to the people next to him, and he replied to the Zhenjun in charge after a while:

"Adjust as she asks."

Afterwards, the water mirror dissipated into nothingness.

Zhenjun in charge appeared in the front hall again, and said to Jian Jian:

"What do you want to replace?"

After listening to it briefly, his eyes lit up, it can be adjusted, and he immediately said:

"Is there a warship?"

This time, Zhenjun in charge really took this real person with admiration, and dared to make a request:
"Your cultivation and level can only control the most basic warships."

"Then adjust it to a primary warship."

Jian Jian quickly took out the ordinary manned flying boat, returned it to Zhenjun, and Zhenjun in charge returned to the inner hall, but after a while, he came out with a shrunken silver-gray boat in the palm of his hand, and helped Jian Jian to put on the temporary one. Spiritual branding, easy to control.

Simply looking at the toy-like warship in his hand, after imprinting his spiritual consciousness, he transformed the warship into the shape and color of an ordinary flying boat, and prepared to go back and study it by himself.

Zhenjun in charge watched him leave briefly, and then he frowned. As the head of Tianjianfeng's affairs hall, this was the first time he lent out a warship since he took office. Does this mean something? He didn't dare to think deeply. Last time when the Hua family and the Kong family were involved, the Heavenly Sword Sect was very tough, and the loss of a direct disciple didn't cause any big waves.

As a person in charge, you must have a sense of proportion, not to mention that the one who just took the Mo Yupei from the Law Enforcement Hall, but some things can still be prepared in advance. It is possible to open up resources, improve the cultivation of the children of the clan, and strengthen defense.

Lord Lianxu of the Yu family received the Feijian letter sent back by the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect. He immediately summoned the elders of the clan and held a clan meeting. Although his own children didn't say anything clearly, they also hinted that something was going to happen. Improve your cultivation as soon as possible.

After what happened to the Hua family and the Kong family last time, the cultivation families within the Tianjianzong area seemed to have calmed down, but everyone knew that this was only a superficial calm, but in fact it was an undercurrent. After hearing such news, they naturally attached great importance to it. Within three days, they formulated specific countermeasures, opened up the family's resources, and made every effort to enhance the strength of the outstanding children in the family.

Naturally, what the Yu family did could not be concealed from the nearby big families and small sects. The news spread slowly like this. I didn't even think about it. Just because I adjusted the resources for the mission, it triggered a butterfly attack. The effect slowly spread to the entire cultivation world, which can be said to be a crooked attack, laying the foundation for the cultivation world to defend against enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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