Chapter 1223
Brother Ye, these people originally had ghosts in their hearts. They wanted to plant and frame them, but they didn't succeed. will be taken care of.

Cheng Zizhen calmly controlled the array board in his hand, contacted his teammates in the array at any time, separated all the eight people lured into the array, and then defeated them one by one.

It is not easy for Sanxian to survive in the fairy world. Everyone who grows up has a wealth of experience, even far surpassing the disciples of sects and aristocratic families.

After these people got through the initial panic of being thieves, they struggled to deal with one attack after another, and finally were separated by the formation. After knowing that they had no way out, they attacked even more fiercely. escape.

Cheng Zizhen is not a vegetarian either. His formation skills are not low, and he is an elite cultivated by the family. After seeing these people's fierce attacks, he directly fused the illusion formation, killing formation and defense formation together, Then point to everyone in the formation:

"Gao Xianyou, take five steps straight forward, attack directly, and then move two steps to the left."

Gao Zhenyan acted according to his words, and at the same time as he took the fifth step, a green sword light appeared across the sky, attacking the male Golden Immortal who was destroying the formation.

This person was very vigilant and felt the attack coming from behind, so he immediately turned around and swung his sword with his backhand, trying to block the attack, but Gao Zhenyan's sword implied the power of the law of the wood system, implying the meaning of endless life, the attack of the sword was huge There was a continuous posture, as if he was attacking him non-stop, making him keep retreating, and he was directly forced into the killing array.

As soon as he entered the killing formation, those sword lights and sword shadows began to attack without dead ends, with tricky angles and tyrannical strength. If he counterattacked, the sword light he attacked would double, and when he hit him again, it felt like he was hitting himself , annoying.

Gao Zhenyan saw that the opponent was forced into the killing formation, and followed Cheng Zizhen's instructions, when the opponent's attack touched the rebounding formation, he immediately added his own attack and bounced back together, so that the opponent could feel his attack, but Twice as many attacks return.

The male fairy was also forced to be manic, and he used a big move in the formation, and a golden sword shadow slashed at the weak point of the formation he was aiming at.

This attack worked, and Cheng Zizhen didn't have time to move the formation to remedy it, revealing Gao Zhenyan who was hiding behind the rebound formation.

Gao Zhenyan wasn't surprised at all, he just moved his wrist and smiled excitedly at the golden fairy:

"It's better to fight face to face!"

When the words fell, before the other party made a move, he took the lead:
"A Thousand Layers of Waves!"

Seeing the green sword light, it turned into layers of sea waves, each wave was higher than each other, and each wave was stronger than each wave, continuously attacking and opposing, the opponent could only passively meet with the horizontal sword.

Everyone in the formation has an opponent, while Cheng Zizhen is hidden outside the formation, manipulating the killing formation to deal with one person, and at the same time, he has to keep an eye on the six directions, control the attack waves of everyone within a certain range, and use these energy Transformed into the driving force of the array.

Otherwise, the eight pairs of golden immortals will fight, the movement is not small, there are not no high-level fairy beasts in this secret realm, don't be left behind by the oriole.

The simplicity is based on Xia Tian's words, and the analysis shows that the female golden fairy who did not step into the formation in the end should have realized the seriousness of the problem and had the intention of retreating, so she directly asked Cheng Zizhen to marry her and the female fairy. Jinxian sent them as a pair.

Su Li was in a panic at this moment, mechanically coping with the attack from the formation, her mind was running at high speed, thinking about the possibility of escape, but no matter how she thought about it, it was a dead end.

If she escaped from this formation, she would not be able to leave the secret realm immediately. As long as the secret realm was closed and they would be sent out, these people would call out her deeds, and she would still not be able to escape under the eyes of so many great powers in the fairy world.

It was this distraction effort, the simple soul whip whipped fiercely on the opponent's back, in conjunction with the series of attacks issued by the formation, Su Li let out a muffled groan and fell to the ground, and then she endured the shock of the soul. Painful, he flung out the short thorn in his hand, attacking towards simplicity.

Simply throwing out a whip flower, the short thorns flew away. Before the short thorns returned to the owner's hands, two whips filled with immortal energy struck Su Li's body without falling. She cried out in pain.

"Fairy Jian, show mercy, we were also used by Shi Meimei, please let us go."

Su Li knew that if she continued to fight, she would be defeated, and she didn't have the courage to be an enemy of the entire fairy world. After being whipped three times, she took the initiative to beg for mercy.

Jian Jian will not let down her vigilance just because of the opponent's words, so when the opponent stopped attacking, she stepped in front of the opponent, and what she released was the coercion of the Great Luojin Wonderland. First seal the opponent's dantian.

When Su Li was suppressed by the powerful coercion, she was terrified. It was no accident that Shi Meimei fell into her hands. Just because she concealed her cultivation, they were not opponents at all. Her companions only I can ask for more blessings.

After controlling Su Li, he simply threw out a wicker stick to bind the other party, and then asked Cheng Zizhen to send Su Li out of the battle formation and into the trapped formation to be imprisoned.

Then she asked Cheng Zizhen to fully control the formation, and she took over Cheng Zizhen's opponent, and thus began a one-on-one battle.

With this simple start, everyone knows that one person has been left alive, and the rest will naturally be on the kill list, and they all attack with all their might.

During the fight, Brother Ye felt that his opponent was not as careful and tentative as he was at the beginning. It seemed that he had figured out his attack method and started a violent attack, and he was recruiting murderous intentions. He left this formation alive.

He failed to break through the encirclement several times, and was tightly controlled by Tianhong in his Thunder Sword Domain, and then a hint of cruelty flashed in his eyes, since he was dead in the secret realm, leaving the secret realm because their secrets were exposed If one dies, it is better to drag these people to be buried with him.

Immediately, Brother Ye was like an inflated balloon, and began to drain the celestial energy in his dantian, sending it to the meridians around his body, ready to explode.

Both Cheng Zizhen and Tianhong discovered the other party's purpose and responded immediately.

"Someone wants to blow themselves up, everyone quickly retreat three steps and hide in the white mist, I will send you out!"

After receiving the sound transmission from Cheng Zizhen, everyone reacted very quickly, almost retreating at the same time, being transferred out of the big formation by the formation, and came to Cheng Zizhen's side.

"Hahaha! I want you to give me a back!"

With a loud bang, there was a crack in the array disk in Cheng Zizhen's hand, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his lips, and he backed up a little unsteadily, but was supported by the petite Gao Zhenyan.

(End of this chapter)

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