Chapter 1231
Hu Gao's eyes showed killing intent, the coercion of the Nine Heavens Profound Wonderland instantly attacked Jian Jian, making Gao Zhenyan frowned, and in the next breath, a white figure stood in front of the two of them, waved his hand gently, dispelling the coercion, and then lightly said:
"Hu Gao, put away your murderous intentions. There are witnesses and physical evidence. Shi Meimei has revealed her Zerg real body in full view. If you want to silence or block the news, you have to kill all the juniors who entered the secret realm. Why? Want to pick a soft persimmon first? Then you have to ask the sword in my hand."

Hu Gao's face contorted for a moment when he heard this, but he didn't intend to do anything, because he knew very well that he was not the opponent of Yu Nanke, the Immortal Sword Sect.

Although the two are both in the Nine Heavens Profound Realm, the Sword Immortal has the ability to leapfrog challenges. This Yu Nanke is a well-known lunatic in the Northern Immortal Realm, and he will not hesitate to use his hands unless you can kill the other party. Otherwise, as long as the other party takes a breath, they will definitely fight you to the end.

Simple is to walk out from behind this Yu Nanke, and say to Hu Gao who has not had time to speak harshly:
"Senior, is Shi Meimei alone or does she have other companions? Is she lurking in the noble sect and waiting for an opportunity? Or is she planning to annex the Yuexia Gate and become the nest of the Zerg? All these require a senior to make a decision early, so don't embarrass me, a junior. gone."

Hu Gao's eyes flashed, because he had already felt that those little golden fairies who had left the secret realm all went straight to their leader. Afterwards, the people from Yuexia Gate were tied up and fell out of the secret realm. Before they were awake, he knew something had happened up.

After all, a fairy friend who had a good relationship with him showed him a photo stone, then looked at him, and said with a little vigilance:
"Old Hu, you'd better send a message to the head of the Yuexia Sect as soon as possible. You can't hide this matter. It is estimated that a high-level power will come over in a while. You'd better know it."

After speaking, he turned and teleported away, for fear that Hu Gao would keep him.

But at this time, it happened to be simply moved out of the secret realm, so he set his sights on this little Jinxian who was doing things, trying to preemptively strike. Unexpectedly, he was stopped by Yu Nanke, who taught himself how to do things instead.

"Hmph! I've made a note of you. If you have the ability, you should never leave Xianjianzong!"

After uttering harsh words, he tossed the fairy robe and went back to Yuexiamen's residence.

Yu Nanke then turned around, smiled and said to Jian Jian:
"Little girl, you have a sharp tongue!"

Looking at the male sword fairy in front of him with the face of sinking clouds and wild geese, he simply blinked his eyes, restarted his brain, and then saluted respectfully:
"The younger generation is simple, see you senior, thank you senior for helping me out."

"This matter happened because of Tianhong. You just helped him out of old friends. I didn't expect to pull out such a big conspiracy. It is a credit. On behalf of Immortal Sword Sect, I invite you to join my sect. You Would you like to?"

Yu Nanke said with a smile.

What happened, he has already learned about it from the mouths of everyone in the Immortal Sword Sect. The photo jade, physical evidence, and personal evidence are all in front of him, especially what this little golden fairy did during this period really suits his appetite, so When the other party was bullied by Hu Gao, he rescued the scene immediately, and expressed his kindness, sincerely inviting the other party.

Just as Jian Jian was about to answer, a hearty male voice came from behind him:

"Elder Yu, why do you want to take the lead in everything? If you are good, you want to be recruited into your Immortal Sword Sect! My Cheng family is also good, and Jian Xiaoyou is also very accomplished in formations. Join my Cheng family to concentrate on studying formations and be a guest. It’s also very promising.”

Elder Cheng, who had a jade array pendant hanging on his waist, also came to join in the fun. The main reason was that as soon as Cheng Zizhen came out, the natal array would pass the catastrophe. He was too happy, and listened to the narration of the disciples of the Cheng family who went in together , I think this little fairy Jian is capable, and I want to invite him to join the Cheng family.

It just so happened that Cheng Zizhen brought his own natal disk to finish the calamity. Elder Cheng checked that his body was fine. step.

"Hehe, old Cheng, the tribulation of your junior is over, if you don't follow him, don't join in the fun."

Elder Cheng was in a good mood at the moment, and he didn't care about it, and said with a smile:

"The younger generation came here to practice. I will take care of you through the catastrophe. When will you be able to take care of yourself? However, Fairy Jian has unique insights into formations. If you join my Cheng family, you will surely achieve something if you study hard."

This was said to Jian Jian, and Jian Jian naturally couldn't be regarded as not understanding, so he immediately bowed and saluted:
"I simply met Elder Cheng, and made the elder laugh. It was only after learning some simple formation techniques and adding some immature ideas that Cheng Xianyou was amazed. As soon as I said it, he understood. superior."

Simply and very modestly, after all, I am a second-hand knife, and he is a professional. In this regard, you have to admit his professional ability.

After listening to the simple words, Elder Cheng became more and more satisfied with her. She is capable and neither arrogant nor impetuous, humble and low-key.

He had seen the picture of the Great Formation of Nirvana, it was a great weapon, and those who could study this kind of formation were all talented people, and they should belong to their Cheng clan.

"Old Cheng, put this aside for now, let the juniors recuperate, take it easy, we still have to meet and see how the Yuexia Sect handles the matter, I have sent a summons to the sect, how about you?"

Yu Nanke was sure that Jian Jian would join the Immortal Sword Sect, so he was not in a hurry, so he simply changed the subject.

Elder Cheng also knew that it wasn't a big deal for them to fight here, so he simply let it go and let Zizhen go out to see if he could invite the other party into Cheng's house, so he followed Yu Nanke's words and said:
"When Zizhen crossed the catastrophe, I passed the news to the family. They should send someone. Those six people and the woman should be optimistic."

While the two big brothers were talking, Gao Zhenyan directly dragged Jian Jian to the temporary residence of Immortal Sword Sect.

Both Tianhong and Xia Tian waited for a while, and when they saw the simple and complete beard and tail coming out, they asked:
"Why did you come out at the end?"

"I don't know, maybe because I entered by mistake, and the secret realm couldn't tell, so I was delayed for a while."

Explained with a simple smile, there is no way to tell the truth.

"It's good that you're fine! Rest first, and we'll have a good show later."

Gao Zhenyan blinked his almond eyes and hinted.

Simply let out a sigh of relief, she really has her own business going on, and she must be ready to deal with the inquiries from the bosses.

"Don't be afraid, you are covered by my Immortal Sword Sect."

Xia Tian is still aloof, but what she said supports simplicity.

"Thank you Fairy Xia, I have a clear conscience, and naturally I am not afraid of their inquiries."

Then, in order to ease the atmosphere, she deliberately asked:

"That Chief Yu is honest and stunning!"

 Good evening, folks!Here are the first four chapters, Feng Ling will follow a drama, Chapter 5 will be coded tomorrow morning, and uploaded after coded, no need to stay up late and wait!go to bed early!good night~
(End of this chapter)

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