Chapter 1242 Suppressing Arrogance
Xia Tian and Gao Zhenyan in the audience were discussing in low voices, and they didn't shy away from Han Yun beside them at all.

"Junior Sister Xia, why doesn't Jianjian use a sword? Her sword is a magic weapon."

Gao Zhenyan asked.

"Han Gang is a physical trainer. Simply use what the opponent is good at to defeat him, so that the opponent will have nothing to say."

Xia Tian answered concisely.

Han Yun was a little dumbfounded, and said to himself:
"Fairy Jian Jian is still training her body?"

"You are really interesting. You want to challenge others, and you don't even know what skills they have. You have a big heart!"

Gao Zhenyan glanced at Han Yun who was staring at the arena, and said sarcastically.

"Senior Sister Gao, he doesn't understand. Han Yu understands, but he didn't tell him. It's just to embarrass him. After that, it's not the grievances between Han Yu and Jian Jian, but the holiday between the Han family and Jian Jian."

In fact, Han Yun regretted a little when Han first entered the ring. Now that he heard the two singing together, he knew that he was being used by Han Yu as a gun, but it was too late.

Han Gang on the ring clearly felt that it was becoming more and more difficult for him to deal with it. Only he could feel that the strength of each attack he suffered was getting stronger every time. Keep moving to avoid some frontal attacks.

Simply feel that the other party is playing tricks, dodging her own attacks, reducing her strength to withstand heavy blows, in order to protect herself, but she will not give the other party a chance.

Her shadow-following steps became smoother under the blessing of Xianyuanli, and she really followed her like a shadow, so that Han Gang couldn't get rid of her no matter what, and at the same time, he had to bear her heavy blows.

The combination of fists and kicks in the formation, the sound of piercing the air and the tyrannical power of the Golden Wonderland carried on it made the protective shield on the entire ring shake a little.

Gao Zhenyan kindly pulled Han Yun back, the other party couldn't keep up with the competition in the ring, no matter his eyesight or spiritual sense, and he couldn't see why, his face finally showed anxiety.

"Don't worry, it's almost over!"

Xia Tian explained quietly.

In the next breath, everyone saw that Han Gang raised his arms up, his wrists interlaced, and was blocking a simple falling punch. The ring under his feet was shattered inch by inch, and his whole body was half sunken.

Simple and then changed his move, directly raised his leg, and kicked Han Yu out of the ring. The speed of that kick was too fast and the strength was too great. landed on his dantian.

Han Gang was shocked, and wanted to fight back desperately, but a simple and light word reached his ears, making him give up the fight.

"Don't worry, Senior Brother Han, I won't take Han Yun's life. After all, he was only bewitched by others, but you can take advantage of this competition and get injured, so you don't have to be his guard anymore."

Seeing that what he said was effective, he simply moved his fist up three inches from the opponent's dantian, avoiding the vital point, but still seriously injured Han Gang.

This time there was no element of acting, Han Gang flew out of the ring, vomited blood, turned around a few times, and stabilized his figure.

The referee immediately announced the easy win, and the scene became very quiet for a while. Han Yun was a little dumbfounded, but he didn't expect Han Gang to lose.

At this time, Jian Jian calmly walked down the ring and walked towards Han Yun. Every step seemed to step on the opponent's heart, causing Han Yun to retreat unconsciously.

He wanted to run away, but he knew that as long as he ran away today, Fairy Jian would naturally not chase him, but he would become the laughing stock of the entire Immortal Sword Sect, and he didn't want to be ridiculed like a bereaved dog.

Jian Jian stood in front of Han Yun, raised his hand and gently brushed the hair hanging on his shoulders, and said with a smile:

"Young master Han, I won't take your life. It was just a discussion between me and senior brother Han. What you said about letting me keep my natal sword and gamble with my life is just a joke, but what do you want? Practice hard, don't put your life in the hands of others."

While speaking, Han Yun was completely enveloped by the murderous intent around him. The sticky murderous intent made Han Yun's legs weak, his face pale, and his fingers trembling slightly. In order to prevent himself from losing his composure, he held tightly Hold the fist.

In the eyes of outsiders, Han Yun is still stubborn. Only the two senior sisters who are close to him feel a little bit, but they don't stop them. They have done everything, and naturally they have to bear the consequences.

"Young Master Han, if you're fine, take Senior Brother Han back! After all, he fought on your behalf and was seriously injured, so he needs to retreat."

He said with a simple smile and understanding.

The murderous aura was completely suppressed in an instant, and Han Yun's lips were already turning white. He bit his lips, bowed his hands to Jian Jian, walked up to Han Gang who had stood up with trembling legs, and said with a mournful face:

"Let's go back!"

Han Gang nodded to Jian Jian, and finally took Han Yun out of the sword competition stage. After watching the excitement, everyone dispersed in twos and threes, talking about the wonderful competition just now. The feeling of fighting is still exciting to watch.

"Junior Sister Jian, are you still interested in watching other competitions?"

"Yes, didn't I come out today to learn more!"

"Hehe, you are the one who taught us a lot today. I never thought that your body training is not inferior to swordsmanship."

Gao Zhenyan praised directly, and Xia Tian nodded aside.

Huo Zan behind him is really star-eyed at the moment. He did not expect that Fairy Jian is not inferior in terms of combat power. Compared with the general combat power of the craftsmen, it is several grades stronger, although he has never seen Fairy Jian appear. Sword, but since it can break Jinxian's natal sword, it must be extraordinary.

Simplicity can be regarded as becoming famous in one battle, and the news of the sword competition spread all over Neifeng in a short while, especially Han Yun who was taught a lesson, and everyone applauded.

Han Yun returned to the peak where he was, and after asking Han Gang to heal his injuries, he went to his ancestor to admit his mistake.

Elder Han received the news one step earlier. Seeing Han Yun with a bad face, although he felt distressed, he only asked lightly:

"Why are you so embarrassed?"

"Old Ancestor, I was wrong. I shouldn't have listened to other people's instigation, so I went to provoke a golden fairy, and Han Huwei was seriously injured. Because of my arrogance, I put my life in the hands of others."

"I know about this matter. I will handle it with nephew Jian. You should reflect on yourself! If you have nothing to do, don't leave the peak."

Old Ancestor Han's words had imprisoned him in a disguised form, and Han Yun didn't dare to refute, so he obediently agreed and went to retreat to reflect.

He really felt the difference in strength. The murderous aura of a golden fairy almost disturbed his mind. If the other party wanted to, he could plant a demon in him at any time.

But the other party didn't do this, and he was only looking at his ancestor's face, otherwise he would have died a hundred times long ago, and this incident completely suppressed his arrogance.

(End of this chapter)

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