Chapter 1252 The dark tide is surging
"Not only did you say this, Senior Sister Gao and Senior Sister Xia also told me in private, and said that if you want to form a team for a mission, you should form a team with them and find a few more reliable people, and you are also listed in it gone."

Tian Hong's words made Jian Jian purse his lips and smile:
"It's also because you focus on the sword and don't pay much attention to these things. The senior sisters are afraid that you will suffer, so they gave a few more words of advice."

Tianhong said helplessly:
"Do I look so easy to deceive?"

To put it simply, you are the type who looks easy to deceive, but in the end you just smiled and changed the subject:
"Are you worried about something wrong with Jane's family, so you came here specifically to find me?"

Tianhong put down his teacup, and then said:
"Before I had a hasty meeting with you in the secret realm, and we had to explore the secret realm and find out the insect nest, so I didn't go into details about some things. I only have time to see you today. Regarding the Jian family, I also paid attention to it after ascension.

As the largest fairy clan in the Eastern Immortal Territory, they have always been the main combat faction. Generally, the children of the clan who have reached the Golden Immortal Realm will join the Eastern Immortal Territory team to fight in the battlefield.

The disciples of the direct line will not enter the battlefield until the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm, but their lethality is also extremely strong. With the guards equipped by the family, they can almost form an army by one person. In the battlefield, the Zerg focus on hunting object.

Therefore, it can be said that the Jian family has spared no effort in cultivating the disciples of the direct line. I remember that you are a chaotic spiritual root, so you should belong to the direct descendants of the Jian family! "

"Yes, it's just that when I was in the Eastern Immortal Territory, I met the children of the Jian family. Some unpleasant things happened, and I was trapped in the Qingshui Rain Forest for a hundred years. Coming from the northern fairyland.

You also know the situation of the Jane family in the lower realm. To be honest, I have no sense of belonging to the Jane family, not to mention that I am not a direct disciple trained by them since childhood.

I'm not that hypocritical when Qing Jun's ancestor comes in person, and I won't lose a piece of meat when I recognize my ancestor and return to the clan, and it's considered an extra backstage, no matter how you look at it, I take advantage of it. "

Simple show your hands.

"I don't know your temperament yet. I'm afraid you didn't even think about taking advantage of this advantage. It's just that the situation has reached this point. You have always disliked being restrained and have no attachment to rights. As for cultivation resources, I believe you must be Earn it yourself."

"It's still you who understand me, but I still say the same thing, how much ability can do how much things, since I recognize my ancestors and return to the clan, I will naturally take on the family responsibilities that should be borne by me. I will practice in the Immortal Sword Sect, and I will also complete the sect. The mission assigned to me by the door is as long as I have no regrets in my heart."

Simply said with a smile.

"That's the best you can think of."

"Tianhong, you came just in time. Elder Yu Nansheng from Body Refining Peak invited me to meet tomorrow, do you know why?"

Simply handed the post just received to Tianhong.

"This Elder Yu Nansheng is from the Nine Heavens Profound Realm. She is the younger sister of the leader of the Ice Field Secret Realm. She is the master of body training. It is probably because of your arena battle with the guard of the Han family that caught her attention."

Tianhong said while returning the post.

"However, brother and sister Yu Zhang's character and prestige are good in the sect, so you can make friends."

"Okay, I see."

Simply accepted the post, and was about to ask about Tianhong's recent plans, Huo Zan came to report again, and handed over a greeting note, which was sent by Luo Xun, who also wanted to visit her.

"You directly replied to the other party's post, and said that it was unfortunate that Elder Yu summoned me and invited him to my cave as a guest another day. When Luo Xun comes again in the future, you just say that I am refining magic weapons in the Artifact Refining Hall , if he is in a hurry, he can go there and find me directly."

Jian Jian didn't want his little attendant to be embarrassed, so he ordered directly.

Huo Yan understood in seconds that this was the person Fairy Jian didn't want to see, but he was in the same family anyway, and didn't want to tear his face, so after he left, he immediately went back to Luo Xun.

It was only after Luo Xun knew that Jian Jian was a member of the Jian clan that he decided to continue to make friends. It's just that he didn't do well in the previous things, but with Han Yu as the foil, he can only be regarded as a good friend, so he is not bad. Confidently sent the invitation, but was politely rejected by the attendant, and the reason was very legitimate.

Luo Xun didn't want to entangle any more, so he could only leave the Jade Slip of Communication, and then left the Qi Refining Peak. He was a little annoyed that he had made a mistake in his judgment before, and it might be difficult to repair it now. He turned around and prepared to look for Senior Sister Gao, hoping that she would give Build a bridge by himself, but unfortunately he is doomed to be disappointed.

After searching around, Gao Zhenyan and Xia Tian were both in seclusion, but Tianhong was not in the cave at all, so he could only return angrily.

"Tianhong, now that you have no shortage of training resources, what are your plans next?"

After Luo Xun's episode, the two continued their interrupted topic.

"I'm planning to go to the Heavenly Sword Squad and form a team with the ancestors to practice in the northern fairyland. This trip to the Ice Field Secret Realm is to find out the Zerg, but it failed to achieve the purpose of the trial."

Tianhong didn't hide anything, and directly talked about his plan.

"I want to go too, but the current situation does not allow it. The Zerg people are probably waiting for me to leave the sect to kill me, and the task of refining warships in the sect is also very tight, otherwise I will pretend to be with you We left together, and I haven't seen you ancestors for a long time."

It's so simple and helpless, even though she recognizes her ancestors now, she still keeps a low profile, just keep going!
"I dare not take you away from the Refining Peak. Master Lu will look for me desperately. Just look at the cave he arranged for you, and you will know that Master Lu attaches great importance to you."

"I have prepared gifts for the ancestors here, you bring them for me, and greet everyone by the way, as long as it is convenient for me to become a sect, I will form a team with them to practice."

After finishing speaking, he simply prepared five teacups with tea leaves and pushed them to Tianhong, which contained Wudao tea leaves.

"You didn't pick much. You gave it to the ancestors. Do you have any left? I also prepared it for them here."

"I have saved enough for my own use. You bring these to the ancestors. In addition, you'd better cover up one or two things when you become a sect. After all, you can take down Shi Meimei. You are the person involved, and they were their target in the first place. You should be careful." For the top."

Simple or kind reminder.

"Don't worry, the seniors of the sect have reminded me that this time I will not accept the mission of the sect, and spend some contribution points and leave directly in the teleportation array in the Hall of All Things."

Tianhong had already planned to change his appearance when he left the sect, and after reuniting with the Tianjian team, he would leave Immortal Sword City and hide in the hunting team. This would be safe and achieve the purpose of the trial.

At this time, the Zerg who had been guarding Immortal Sword City had become a little impatient, because it had been more than a year, and that Jian Jian hadn't stepped out of the sect at all. This made it impossible for them to start.

Moreover, I recently got news that this simple person was actually a member of the Jian clan, which made the task of extermination more difficult for them.

Reluctantly, the masked man went to see the owner and reported the latest news.

"You said that Jane is from the Jane clan?"

"Yes, Master!"

"Hmph, then she should die! Kill her at all costs!"

 Dear friends, add more!The fourth one is here!
(End of this chapter)

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