Chapter 1267 Silver Armor Evolution
Miao Qianjin and the others surrounded Jian Jian, while Jian Tianzhong and the others got past Jian Tianzhe. After seeing Jian Tianzhe, he took out two bottles of pills from his storage bracelet and handed them directly to Jian Tianzhe:

"Brother Tianzhe, this is a elixir to replenish the power of immortality and nourish the tendons. Take it first, so as not to delay the healing."

After Tian Zhe thanked him, he took the pill bottle and sat down on the floor, swallowed the pill, and began to meditate to absorb the power of the medicine, while Tian Zhong and Tian Tao stayed to protect him.

Miao Qianjin then said:
"Junior Sister Jian, I didn't expect your swordsmanship to be so powerful."

"It's absurd, at least it didn't hurt you to lose the immortal stone."

Simply said with a smile.

"How come, this time because you won less bets, we made a small profit!"

Ding Xuan said proudly.

"I just made a breakthrough, and I have some insights. I want to go back and close a small test. How about we get together some other day?"

Said simply and patiently.

"Of course, we won't bother Junior Sister Jian. We are both in the sect, so we can always see each other."

Xie Yingzong said kindly.

The other two also nodded in agreement, escaped simply and smoothly, and returned to their own cave in Qilian Peak.

This time it was Jian Tianhuan who followed her. After delivering Jian Jian, he thought about it before saying:

"Because you made a breakthrough in the battle this time, you need to settle down for a while. After you adjust, next time you will change to Tiantao to compete with you in the ring."

With a simple face, he frowned and asked:

"Brother, didn't you say that my next challenge target is Tianzhong?"

"Your combat power has already reached the Golden Immortal Realm, and there is no point in challenging him anymore."

Jian Tianhuan said directly.

Simply want to roll your eyes, at least give yourself an overdose, which will let you challenge yourself to a higher level.

"You don't have to worry, we will continue after your breakthrough is stable this time. I am very optimistic about you personally. If Uncle Tianyi knows about it, he will be happy too."

On Tian Huan's serious face, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and then he put it down immediately, as if he was not used to this expression, then he turned and left, and he had to practice Tian Zhe when he went back, and he lost in a competition.

Others couldn't see it, but he could see it clearly. Even though it was simply a breakthrough in the battle, he still withdrew his strength and didn't attack with all his strength. If he didn't hold back some, Tianzhe would probably be seriously injured.

He was sent to protect Jian Jian, but even he was defeated by others, how could he protect him?
Jian Tianzhe, who had taken the elixir, recovered his celestial strength, and healed all the wounds on the tiger's mouth, returned to the cave where Qiqi Refining Peak was arranged, a little dejected, and saw Tianhuan sitting on the head as soon as he returned.

"Brother Tianhuan!"

Tianzhe felt a little guilty.

"Well, how's the injury?"

Tian Huan first asked about the other party's injury.

"After taking the elixir given by Jianjian, it is already [-]% healed. The elixir given to me by Jianjian is the third-grade and nine-rank pill, and the effect is very good."

"That's good. After you recover from your injury, go to the arena of Immortal Sword Sect to participate in the competition. You have to fight for a thousand games, including a hundred times of challenges. The winning rate of the thousand games must be [-]%, so that you can continue to stay with Jian Jian. Guard, do you have any objections?"

"No, I will definitely meet the requirements."

Jian Tianzhe bowed his hands respectfully.

"Don't think I'm demanding. In the future, we will be Simple's right-hand man. We must always be by her side. Now we can't even match the most basic combat power. How can we protect Simple when we enter the battlefield? How can we help her kill Zergs? ?”

"Brother, don't worry, Tianzhe understands, and will definitely do his best."

Tianzhe complied solemnly.

"Tianzhong, your mission is the same. You don't need to go to the arena now. I know that if you work hard, you will lose!"

"Tianzhong understands, and tomorrow he will go to Bijian Peak to challenge."

Tianzhong also watched the competition with his younger brothers just now. If he went up by himself, it would only be a draw at most. He is also very crisis-conscious. Even if the Tianhuan clan brother does not arrange, he will accompany Tianzhe to fight .

After simply returning to the cave, he retreated directly for a year, and only after he completely controlled the power of swordsmanship did he finish his work and leave.

Now when she uses her sword, she does not blindly pursue destructive power and speed, but pursues precision on this basis, so as to achieve one-stroke control while reducing the loss of immortal energy, and to achieve a higher level of spiritual consciousness. With the blessing, whether it is a single attack or a group attack, it can destroy the most enemies with the least amount of power.

It was easy to receive the work, and he didn't open the restriction immediately, but went to see his little silver armors first.

After opening the restriction of the fairy beast room, after simply entering, I found that the black and white male and female twin worms before have now all turned into a transparent color, covering the entire floor, cave wall and cave roof of the fairy beast room.

If it wasn't for the fact that she had a contract with these little guys, she wouldn't have been able to find out. This was a surprise to her, and she immediately summoned the mother worm.

The female insect drilled out of the Zerg carapace that was placed on the ground, vibrated its wings as thin as cicada wings, and flew to the palm of Simple, the pair of tentacles on the top of the head touched slightly, and with the next breath, the silver armors in the entire cave quickly moved. Flock to the fairy robe on Jian Jian's body.

In five breaths, he put a transparent armor on the simple white fairy robe, and simply raised his hand to gently brush his neckline. The result was like touching transparent tempered glass, but this layer of glass was It was so soft that it fit her robe perfectly.

"Yinjia, this is a successful evolution."

"Yes, master, now our protection is stronger, and according to the requirements of the environment, the body has been transformed into a colorless one, which is more concealed, and it will be easier to listen to news in the future."

The silver beetle has also turned into a transparent color, and its body is a bit bigger, as high as a thumb.

"That's good. You should return to the pendant on my chest. I will summon you if necessary."

"Master, let them be outside. If they were there last time, you wouldn't be injured internally."

Xiao Zhizhi, who had been silent all this time, moved her body, poked her head out from her earlobe, and said to Jian Jian, and at the same time told the silver beetle that during their evolution, the master was attacked.

The silver beetle was finally anxious, and the tentacles touched twice frequently:

"Master, there are actually people attacking you in the sect?"

"It was just an accident."

"It means that you are alert enough, the cotton candy is strong enough, and there are two elders from the Nine Heavens Profound Wonderland by your side, otherwise, it's really hard to say what will happen to you."

Xiao Zhima made up the knife immediately.

"Master, let us attach it to your fairy robe in the form of armor every day, which will also provide an extra layer of protection."

The little silver armors are all trying their best to show, Jian Jian will naturally not refuse, besides, their changes will not affect Jian Jian at all, this matter is settled like this, only the silver beetle female enters the previous pendant, and controls the overall situation , and is responsible for delivering messages to the master.

Jian Jian left the fairy beast room, took care of himself, and opened the restriction. As a result, he saw that more than [-] communication symbols were pasted on the restriction.

 Good evening, folks!This chapter has just been coded today, and it will be uploaded now.Then ask my friends for a leave, the two chapters in the early morning will be delivered before [-]:[-] noon tomorrow, friends, don't stay up late and wait for updates.

  Next, the female lead will participate in the Four Arts Competition in the Central Immortal Territory. There will be a transition in the middle, and I haven't figured out how to write the transition. Fengling will brew it tonight. Please continue to support it!Allow Fengling to occasionally get stuck in the text.I love you~ Comparing my heart to you~~
(End of this chapter)

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