Chapter 1290 Everything is ready
"what happened?"

Jian Tianyi frowned.

"I don't know what that sword was contaminated in the battlefield. Maybe it was because of the heavy killing. There was something wrong with the sword spirit, which affected the master, and the master in turn affected his own natal sword. The core of the evil knife should be Sensing the matching sword body, he confuses the Immortal Shoudian in an instant and summons the sword.

I can't seal the core of the knife, but my sword can cut off the sword of Xianjun, so I can only fight hard! "

Said simply and weakly.

"I will let the four of them keep this matter a secret. You should keep a low profile now, and let's talk about it after you heal your injuries."

Jian Tianyi withdrew his celestial energy to feel the pulse, and said to Jian Jian.

"Yes, uncle!"

Now even if she wants to go out for a jump, she has more than enough energy.

And Tian Zhe and Tian Zhong had already placed a jade barrel in her room that she could sit in, filled with viscous but crystal clear green crystal mud.

"This is the top-grade repairing liquid I prepared. You soak it in. When the medicinal mud inside turns into clear water, you can come out again."


Immediately, the five of them left the room, guarding outside, Liu Chuan consciously detached from her wrist, and surrounded the whole room airtightly, then Jian Jian opened the restriction and summoned Gushen out of the space.

Gushen was still holding the little sesame in his hand, and was dragged out just like that, and the two of them were very anxious when they saw their master's distressed appearance.

"Master, what's wrong with you? Why are you injured so badly? Are you going to die?"

Xiao Gushenjing had already begun to wipe away tears.

Xiaozhizhi returned to the simple earlobe with a flick of her tail:
"Master, are you alright!"

"You can't die yet, Gushen, you can't hope for your master's recovery! Go and see if the medicine in the jade bucket is right, I want to heal my wounds."

Gushen just wiped his eyes, and went to check the medicine in the jade barrel with his short legs.

Xiaozhizhi was simply sent back to the space. His little crispy skin couldn't withstand the sword attack of the fairy, so he only watched the beginning and didn't know the passage.

Jian Jian really didn't have the strength to tell him what happened, so he could only let Xiao Zhizhi crawl around, making sure she was okay.

"Master, the potion in the jade barrel is fine. It is for repairing internal bone injuries. You can use it with confidence."

Simply nodding, she just checked out habitually, not distrusting the guards of Jane's family.

"Okay, I'll let Xiao Zhizhi accompany me. You go back to the space now and give my broken 'Thousand Faces' to Ziyu Yinlongding to help him refine it again. You can give him any materials you need."

Simply raising her hand to touch her cheek, the little silver armors receded in an instant, revealing the traces that were temporarily patched up just now, and then they were peeled off, revealing her beautiful face, and the whole room was three points brighter.

"Master, you are so beautiful!"

Xiao Gushen praised unconsciously, and became nympho for a while.

Jian Jian pursed his lips and smiled, and handed the "Thousand Faces" to Xiao Gushen. At this time, the silver beetle's tentacles moved slightly, transmitting sound to Jian Jian.

After two breaths, he simply took out a pile of small silver armor remains from the pendant on his chest, and carefully handed them over to Gushen:
"You can refine the small silver armor into thousands of faces to enhance your defense."

"Yes, Gushen understands."

Afterwards, the ginseng was sent into the space, and Jian Jian also took off his clothes, soaked it in a jade barrel, and began to repair the injury. It took three days and three nights to barely reattach the broken bone.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, practicing the exercises, she felt that the bones of her whole body became harder, and because of the effect of "Mu Fengchun", her meridians hardly left any hidden wounds, which made her secretly grateful.

After that, she simply turned around and returned to the space, and directly closed a small level in the Immortal Crystal Vein, trying to recover in the shortest time possible. She still has to participate in the Artifact Refining Competition. In the knockout round, she only needs to hand in one of the Immortal Artifacts she made herself. To pass the test, the follow-up official competition needs to be refined on the spot.

Everything in the space remained the same, Zi Yu Yin Long Ding not only re-refined "Thousand Faces", but also briefly refined a fairy robe and a complete set of white magnolia defense fairy weapons.

The color of the fairy robe was provided by Xiao Gushen. He said that the master likes sky blue, and wants to be low-key and luxurious without being ostentatious. The master's favorite flower is the white magnolia flower, and he also gave the defensive fairy that was damaged last time to Zi Yu The Silver Dragon Cauldron, and then Xiao Gushen were swept out of the refining room.

The angry little Gushen stomped his little feet outside the refining room and muttered:
"Throw it away when you're done using it, and I'll file a complaint when the master comes out of retreat! Hmph!"

The little guy only dared to say a harsh word, he was afraid that the cauldron would directly refine him, so he turned around and ran away after speaking.

This side simply disappeared in front of everyone's eyes completely, and went to retreat to heal his wounds, so that those who were waiting in the dark could not find a chance to attack, so they could only continue to lie dormant.

But those who knew were silent and did not reveal a word. When the first three competitions were coming to an end, Cheng Zizhen came to find him.

"Fairy Gao, why didn't Fairy Jian participate in the competition? She once told me that she has dabbled in all four arts. This time, she was going to test her level. I didn't see her in the formation competition I participated in. What happened? ?"

In fact, he also went to see the competition of alchemy and talisman making, but he didn't see a simple figure. He guessed that something happened, so he came to visit.

"Thank you Zizhen for your concern. Junior Sister Jian is fine, but she has an epiphany and went to retreat. We don't know when she will leave, but she should be able to catch up with the refining competition. This is something she has been thinking about for a long time, so she probably won't miss it. "

Gao Zhenyan said with a smile.

Xia Tian next to him didn't speak, just nodded.

"So that's the case, I was worrying too much."

Only then did Cheng Zizhen feel relieved, and then inquired about another matter:
"I heard that there is a small trade fair for high-ranking immortals this time. I heard that Xianjianzong has prepared a good treasure. I wonder if it is true?"

Gao Zhenyan and Xia Tian looked at each other, didn't say anything, just nodded, and said vaguely:

"Go back and tell your parents and elders that things are limited, so it's best to start early."

"Oh! Looks like a good thing!"

Cheng Zizhen immediately became interested.

"Zizhen, it's inconvenient for us to disclose too many. In short, you have prepared early, and you will never regret it."

"okay, I get it."

Cheng Zizhen's purple eyes turned, he immediately responded, and hurried back to the inn.

"The sect has already released the news?"

Xia Tian asked.

"Well, people from the Central Immortal City should be united to organize this trade fair. The time coincides with the refining competition."

Gao Zhenyan said.

"No wonder, there are a lot of immortals wandering around recently."

Xia Tian narrowed her eyes and said.

"The elder ordered us to deal with it carefully, and don't let those things take advantage of it! Today is Cheng Zizhen's arrival. If it is someone else, I will not see him."

"Hmph! Hard mouth!"

Xia Tian glanced at Gao Zhenyan and said directly.

"Junior Sister Xia, can we be good friends now? Don't tell me if you see through, don't you know?"

Gao Zhenyan said coquettishly.

(End of this chapter)

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