Chapter 1511 Sesame Power
Qingcheng looked down at Fairy Ziyan who fell to the ground, a trace of contempt flashed in her eyes.

If there were more immortals in the fairy world who were greedy for life and afraid of death, but pampered and pampered, why worry that their clan would not be able to occupy this fertile place? A greedy look would inevitably flash in her eyes when she thought of this.

And Fairy Ziyan, who fell on the ground, also emitted bursts of immortal power fluctuations. It seemed that there were two parties fighting in this body. Let the little master have an accident.

An entire hour later, when Qingcheng was impatient with waiting and was about to reach out her tentacles, the woman on the ground opened her eyes, a red light flashed in her eyes, then she sat up slowly, and stretched out her hands to the In front of him, he looked at it, then clenched it tightly, and then turned his neck slightly stiffly.

"Little master?"

Qingcheng asked with a frown.

"Call me Ziyan."

The woman finally spoke out, but her tone of voice was a bit weird.

"This female fairy took precautions and set up restrictions in the sea of ​​consciousness, which is why it took so long. Why didn't you discover this before?"

The other party looked at Qingcheng with red eyes, and seemed a little unhappy.

Qingcheng's eyebrows twitched, and she immediately lowered her head and said:
"Little master, calm down. Although we have controlled her actions, we can't control her soul. If she blew her soul with all her eggs in one basket, this skin without the soul will be useless."

"Of course I know this. It's just that you haven't dispelled her vigilance for such a long time. It's your disadvantage for me to spend time breaking through her soul defense."

Zi Yan's words were aggressive.

"Yes, it's because the subordinates are not good at doing things."

"Before sneaking into the fairy world, I need time to fully grasp this skin. Our plan continues. You should make arrangements in advance and don't waste any more time."

"Yes, this subordinate will do it."

Qingcheng could feel that the familiar fluctuations on the female fairy across the street belonged to her little master. In just a few words, the little master had mastered the language of the fairy world, which made her more confident in this action.

Then he left the cave respectfully, and arranged for two humanoid Zerg to guard outside the cave.

Ziyan stood up and walked around the cave, as if she was familiarizing herself with her hands and feet, and after making her movements more coordinated, she learned the cultivation method of the human race, with five hearts facing the sky, sitting cross-legged on a futon, and began to prepare for refining Divine Consciousness Light Group.

At this moment, inside the simple sea of ​​knowledge and outside the Zifu Monument, a red and black beetle was tightly entangled by sesame seeds, and the purple halo emitted from the Zifu Monument surrounded the two.

The simple soul light group came to his sea of ​​consciousness, and after seeing this situation, he said directly to Zhima:
"Thanks for your hard work!"

"Master, you are finally back, what should we do with this bug?"

While Zhima was talking, the steel thorns shining coldly on Xiaorou's body pierced a little more. The black beetle seemed to feel pain, and tried to twist its body, trying to get rid of Zhima, but it was a pity that it was surrounded by a purple halo. Can't rush out either.

"It can't die before leaving the Zerg's territory, otherwise we are in danger of being exposed."

Simply continue the audio channel.

"But because of the breath? I can do it for you."

Sesame yelled.

"Of course I know what you are capable of, but I always feel that the Zerg don't judge the same kind only by breath, so it's better to be cautious."

"After all, this bug is in your sea of ​​consciousness, so it is still dangerous."

Sesame tightened his body a little more, and the black beetle slid its legs painfully, but it couldn't get rid of the white fleshy worm that was entangled around him.

"I have a sense of propriety, because it is a foreign object, Zifu itself has made a defense, there should be no problem in a short time, but just in case, you'd better let this bug lose its ability to move, but it won't Immediate death."


Sesame understood, and then the little fleshy body began to shrink, and then a golden light flashed from his body, and finally injected into the body of the black beetle, the other party started to twitch like an electric shock, and then suddenly stopped twitching, completely losing resistance ability.

Only then did Zhima loosen the entwined body of the black beetle, tried it out, and left the purple light ball smoothly, and came to the simple soul light ball.

"Master, I injected Gu poison into his body, and now he is completely under my control."

Zhima said with some pride, this is a new skill he added after he was promoted.

"Are you sure, he won't attack my spirit again?"

Simply confirm again and again.

"No, as long as he has such thoughts, I will know immediately and use Gu poison to restrain him."

"Sesame, take out everything that the black beetle knows. It was because he had basically completed the possession, coupled with the news heard by the little Yinjia, and our speculation, that Qingcheng was barely fooled." , We have more contact later, it’s not good if we make a mistake.”

"Give me two hours, the master waits patiently here, don't return to your place of fascination."

Sesame said immediately.

"it is good."

Simple and not urging, the soul directly turned into the appearance of a villain, meditating beside the Zifu stele, while waiting for news from Zhima.

Zhima knew that this was an opportunity to show his worth. He was still thinking about the Immortal Crystal Lode, so he used all his strength to dig out all the information about the black beetle within two hours.

"Master, this black beetle is a descendant of a high-level intelligent Zerg race. It is considered a fledgling. It has never evolved into a black beetle before, and your body is the skin they are optimistic about for this black beetle.

That's why they took the trouble to get you here, and teach those Zerg who have completed possessing some common sense here, while stabilizing you, wait for him to evolve into a black beetle, and then replace you.

Because after the evolution of this beetle is completed, it is higher than ordinary beetles, so it is so confident that it can replace you. If it is the little fairy from before, it will really succeed. After all, her sea of ​​consciousness must be worse than that of the master. The spirit is not as powerful as the master. "

Sesame also took a rainbow fart by the way.

"Then they let this high-level intelligent Zerg replace Zi Yan, are they really going to leave the nest?"

"Yes, sending them into the Immortal Realm is not much different from the master's guess. The only difference is that it is risky for them to do so, because the place where they are sent is uncertain. During the transmission process, how many Zerg can survive? Unknown."

"That being the case, why take such a big risk?"

"Hey, master, here comes the important point! Because their Zongzu has not recovered from serious injuries, and it is getting more and more serious, and the battle situation in the battlefield is not ideal, so they thought about secretly killing the excellent descendants of the Zerg. Send it to the Immortal Realm, so as to leave a way out for myself."

(End of this chapter)

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