Chapter 1523 Exploring the Reason
When Nancy caught up with her, she still had a glimmer of hope. Although Anna was from the royal family, this place was not a blue sea after all. As long as the other party explained the reason, at least Lucy still had a glimmer of hope.

What surprised her was that the other party actually offered to see it for herself. If so, she would naturally wish for it.

Nan Feng knew her younger sister's temperament. She was a rare and powerful fighter among the mermaid clan. The reason for sending the companion back to the family first.

So after His Royal Highness Anna agreed, he didn't stop her. Instead, he performed his duties, guarded Anna, and swam towards the place where the saintess of the clan was.

He simply called Nancy to his side, intending to ask about the specific situation. After all, the other three arrived at the clan earlier than himself, and also received medical treatment from the clan ahead of time.

She separated from Nancy and arrived at the mermen's clan. Because of Nan Feng's escort, she spent ten days without encountering any danger, so the possibility of problems in the middle is the greatest. .

"After you separated from me, how long did it take you to reach the clan?"

"Going forward at full speed, it took three days."

Nancy replied immediately.

After listening briefly, he nodded. The shark is the king of the water, and he is moving forward at full speed. There should be no problem at this time.

"After you returned to the clan, did you send Lucy directly to the saint's place?"

"Yes, Lucy was by my side all the time, and never left for a moment."

"How is the saint treated?"

"The saintess of the clan went out to gather medicine, and she was not there when we arrived."

Hearing this, the simple and beautiful blue eyes blinked and looked at Nancy, the meaning couldn't be clearer. She had told them that the sea pearl could only temporarily stabilize the speed of Lucy's transformation, and they still needed to heal as soon as possible. Yes, now that the saint is not here, how can we be sure that the problem lies in Haizhu?
"His Royal Highness Anna, the saint is not here, but her disciples are. She checked on Lucy's situation and said that because of the sea pearl you gave her, her condition is temporarily stable. Just wait for the saint to come back and choose one of the same family to stay after it dies. The Shark Beads can be re-inserted into the body."

"and then?"

"Just when Haizhu's energy was about to run out, the saint returned. She went to the cemetery of the shark clan and picked a shark pearl. When she was about to reintegrate into Lucy, something went wrong."

"what is the problem?"

"The sea pearl you gifted repels the entry of that shark pearl."

"That's not easy, you just take out the sea bead and implant the shark bead."

Simply said with a smile.

"That's what we did. We took out the sea beads and then fused them with new shark beads, but Lucy's body still rejected the shark beads, and even degenerated faster. We had to take out the shark beads and let the sea beads continue to maintain Lucy's vitality. "

Nancy spoke the truth.

"Then why don't you try another shark bead?"

Simply keep asking.

"Your Highness, our shark bead is also divided by blood. That shark bead was left by Lucy's ancestors, and I couldn't find a suitable second one."

"That's strange. How can you say that there is a problem with my sea pearl, or perhaps with the shark bead."

Simply continue to question.

"That's even more impossible. All mermen who die naturally will enter the merman's cemetery in advance, and only dying mermen can enter, and the mermen who died in the cemetery will have their merman's pearls preserved intact. Come down, be regarded as the wealth left to future generations.

Although our shark tribe is the overlord of the South China Sea, it is not uncoveted. Our shark beads are treasures to human cultivators, and to sea beasts in the sea. After all, shark beads are the essence of our lifelong cultivation.

For such an important thing in the clan, only the saints of the past can enter and take it out, so it must not be a problem with the shark beads. "

Nancy went on to explain.

After all, only the sea pearls given by her, an outsider, are the most problematic.

After simply understanding the reason why the other party doubted themselves, they stopped asking questions, and the group came to a canyon dedicated to the saint.

After the notification, a group of people walked through the canyon and entered it. After entering, they simply found that there was something strange here.

In the center of the canyon, there is a three-story coral house, which is a ten-meter-high coral house, hollowed out from the inside, with doors and windows. The windows are polished transparent shells. The so-called doors are Made from a type of bamboo that grows in water.

Surrounding this red coral house, there are all kinds of plants that are rare in the sea, and there are huge shells inlaid around the canyon. At this time, they are one by one, and they seem to be in a state of alert.

"Nan Feng? Why are you here?"

A slightly surprised voice came, and then a red-tailed merman appeared from behind the coral house and greeted the group of people, but the other party only saw Nan Feng in their eyes.

"I came here to escort His Royal Highness Anna."

Nan Feng replied politely.

At this time, the merman Hongluan also saw Jian Jian, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, then he frowned and said to Nancy:
"Captain Nancy, this is the residence of the saint. How can outsiders enter without the permission of the saint?"

This outsider is naturally aimed at simplicity.

"You say there is something wrong with my sea pearl, so I naturally want to come and see for myself. As a royal family, I don't want to be wronged for no reason."

He simply stroked his long golden hair, and his blue eyes looked at this small red-tailed trash fish with some coldness.

Hong Luan's heart trembled when she saw that cold gaze, feeling the strong aura of the other party and the suppression of herself, she could only bite her lip and lowered her head.

Nancy and Nan Feng also felt Anna's displeasure. After all, if they heard Hong Luan say that, they would not be happy in their hearts, but after all, they belonged to the same clan, and in the end it was Nancy who stood up:
"Her Highness Anna, please calm down, Hong Luan has no intention of disrespect."

Simple didn't care about these at all, and asked directly:
"Where is Lucy?"

"His Royal Highness Anna, Lucy is on the third floor, you can come directly."

At this time, another clear female voice sounded, it was another powerful existence here, and it was also felt after simply entering here.

Let that Hongluan test himself first, to confirm that he is not a soft persimmon, and only now come forward.

Simply noncommittal, with a swing of the fish tail, he swam directly into the red coral house. After reaching the tallest room, he saw Lucy lying in an open shell, with an anxious Lucy beside her.

There is another existence in the room that cannot be ignored, that is, the saint, and she is also the only person in this room who has two legs instead of a fishtail.

Although Lucy was worried about her sister, she was also surprised that Jian Jian could come here in person, and she was more grateful. She immediately swung her fish tail and bowed in front of Jian Jian.

She always felt that there was nothing wrong with the sea pearl sent by His Royal Highness, after all, this sea pearl still maintained the vitality of her sister.

 Good evening, babies!It's a mess during the day today!I was called to do nucleic acid tests early in the morning, and the family home where Feng Ling works has now become a high-risk area, and the time to unblock is nowhere in sight, hey~
  Trying to code words at night, upload one chapter first, and there will be more before twelve o'clock, upload after coding, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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