Chapter 1526 Zerg Paradise
Looking around, the entire mountain is hollow, and you can see shark scales with strong breath everywhere on the ground, as well as shark beads of different sizes, and naturally there are unweathered skeletons of sharks. White fine sand is spread on the ground.

The entire merman cemetery was filled with abundant water energy, but the silence was terrible, and after a simple sweep of spiritual consciousness, she frowned beautifully, and the situation was even worse than she imagined.

"Master, there is actually a female worm hidden here. It seems that we are lucky."

After Zhima entered here, he immediately sensed something was wrong, and immediately sent a sound transmission to his master.

"Indeed, I didn't expect this place to become a blessed land for their Zerg race, and the female insects have grown up."

Jian Jian frowned even tighter.

"There are not only abundant water-type immortal energy here, but also shark beads and shark scales that contain huge power. These are all good things for the Zerg race. As long as they hide well, these things can provide them with reproduction. A steady stream of power.

Moreover, black beetle larvae can also hide in the Shark Bead. If they have the opportunity to be used by the descendants of the Shark Race, they can have a body. This is a cemetery. Great place to make your own. "

Sesame cocked her tail and analyzed clearly.

"You're right this time. As long as the Zergs are careful enough, the mermaids won't find out. After all, the cemetery won't be moved easily, and the resources inside will only accumulate more and more."

After the exchange of one person and one Gu, they are ready to directly attack and kill the Zerg. They will never be soft.

Sasha also saw the simple frown and asked softly:
"Anna, but"

Jian Jian didn't say anything, just shook his head to Sasha, and the other party didn't make another sound. After simply waving his hand, he stepped back consciously, and was then covered by Jian Jian's chaotic mask.

This behavior surprised the Saintess Sasha, and she suddenly had a bad premonition. Sure enough, the next moment, she saw a simple fairy sword appearing in Anna's hand, and with a seemingly random wave, a gray sword appeared. The light falls into the ground of the cemetery.

"His Royal Highness Anna!"

Sasha took a step forward, trying to stop it, but was blocked by the mask again, and just as she was about to make another sound, a sound of insects came to her ears.

Then, in Sasha's black eyes, where Anna's sword energy attacked, a gap opened in the center of the cemetery, and a dark female insect rushed out. With her neighing, the adult black beetle hidden somewhere And the larva, popping up suddenly, launched an attack on Jian Jian.

Such a small bug swarm is really not a big problem for Jian Jian, so she didn't waste any more time, and jumped up directly, and spun into the center of the bug swarm, with a move of "thousand swords all at once", A one-sided strangulation began.

When the female worm was forced out by the sword energy of chaos, she realized that something was wrong. Unfortunately, she didn't have strong guards around her. She realized that she couldn't control this strange merman, so she could only make the sound of insects, and let some insects rush up to do it. Cover and cannon fodder, some of them are directly hidden.

It's a pity that what they met was Jian Jian, the nemesis of the Zerg. The other party's approach might be useful to others, but because of the help of Zhima, she didn't care at all. It was just the difference between killing early and killing later.

The Moshi sword is more powerful, because it can't destroy other people's cemeteries, so the simple control of the power of the Moshi sword is very precise, a sword light kills a bug, and will not harm the merman in the cemetery because of the excess power. Corpses wreak havoc.

There are fewer and fewer black beetles around the mother insect, and the mother insect is becoming more and more anxious, and she actually began to absorb the power of the shark beads in the cemetery wantonly, trying to make a final struggle.

"Master, don't delay, or the female worm will devour all the good things."

Sesame tail curled up and down the sound transmission channel.

"Understood, what's the rush, since we want to get paid, we must not behave well, otherwise you will have the nerve to take other people's fairy crystal veins?"

Jian Jian began to shrink the attack range while transmitting the sound, and then shifted the focus of the attack to the female worm.

"Hee hee, I know the master has a sense of propriety, he doesn't want that bug to ruin good things!"

Sesame said flatteringly.

"Leave the mother worm to me. Keep an eye on the hidden larvae. You'll have to get rid of them all in a while. Don't miss a single one. We get paid according to our work. Don't mess up your own rations."

He simply instructed, and at the same time attacked with a backhand sword, the powerful power of chaos directly broke the black skin of the female insect, causing the opponent to howl.

"With sesame seeds, even a membranous wing of the black beetle can't hide!"

Sesame puffed out her chest and immediately promised.

When the female worm entangled again unwillingly, Jian Jian directly used the move "Ten Thousand Swords Returning to One", splitting the female worm in two, spraying golden blood on the spot, completely cooling down.

With a "bang", the corpse of the insect smashed into the fine sand of the cemetery, and simply waved the insect into a storage ring, even taking away the golden blood.

At this time, the entire cemetery returned to calm, but the gap in the center of the cemetery proved that the fight between humans and insects just now happened for real.

Jian Takong stood in the very center of the cemetery. After communicating with Zhima, he directly used the power of chaos to build a cage, and then waved his hand, calling the shark beads lying quietly on the fine sand into the cage.

These shark beads, which are naturally problematic, actually occupy one-tenth of this cemetery. If she doesn't come, she can guarantee that every shark bead here will hide a black beetle within a thousand years.

The way Zerg hide in Shark Beads is a bit like how they simply wiped out the Dingfeng Beads in the Heifeng Au in the Lower Realm. They are all covered with a layer of camouflage so that greedy people can snatch them. Thoroughly rooted and sprouted in the dantian of the human race.

After sealing the problematic shark bead, put it into a storage ring, and simply stepped to the raised part of the rock when entering the cemetery, and saw Sasha staring at him nicely, obviously not expecting that he The person who asked for help was so straightforward.

He simply stroked his blond hair, and with a smile in his blue eyes, he waved his hand and untied the chaotic mask, and said with a smile:

"Holy Maiden Sasha, Anna has saved her life. She has eliminated the hidden dangers and sealed all the problematic shark beads here. You can handle the rest yourself."

After saying that, he pushed the storage ring that sealed the Shark Bead over.

Shasa didn't refuse. After receiving the storage ring, she glanced at Jian Jian with a slightly complicated expression, and then said:

"Thank you, Your Highness Anna. I have seen everything just now. Since you cleared up the hidden dangers in the cemetery, I will fulfill my promise. You can choose ten shark beads here as a reward."

"No need, shark beads are useless to me, I will take what I need."

(End of this chapter)

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