Chapter 1574
"Master, now that the matter of Immortal King Junli has affected you, I think it's better not to let it go."

Shadow whispered.

After all, the master's ability to manage Yueluan's reputation so well is also a great help for them, giving them a great advantage in doing things. If they are allowed to develop, they will be afraid that everyone's mouth will make money and their bones will be destroyed .

"You're right, I will make people let out the news, because of the matter of the female merman Anna, the Immortal King Yueluan was heartbroken, which caused the fairy fetus to slip, and her cultivation level fell, and she is in retreat to heal her wounds. It also includes the heartless Immortal King Junli."

Yueluan pinched the golden peony in her hand and said with a smile.

In half a day, there was a fairy servant from the Dongting Immortal Mansion secretly sending out news, saying that Immortal King Yueluan was very sad after hearing the rumors from the outside world. The tire slipped, and his cultivation base also fell to the fairyland. He was retreating to heal his injuries, and he said he would not see anyone.

As soon as this rumor spread, Junli's image plummeted even more. The fairy couple that everyone envied before had such serious consequences because of Junli's single mistake. Just like that, I went into retreat with dejected frustration.

This made Yueluan's former admirer hate Junli even more. He was not satisfied with being the most beautiful woman in the fairy world, and he wanted to be promiscuous outside. This was something they couldn't bear, so they spared no effort to smear him outside. The once glorious Immortal King Junli, the warrior of the Western Immortal Territory, became a negative example.

During this period, the steward Zeng of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion did not do anything, and just let the rumors spread. In his words, since he did it, he had to bear the consequences. He was assisting Junli in handling the affairs of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, and It's not his personal management, besides, it's the Immortal King's private matter, and he has no right to intervene, just to evade the matter completely.

Because of Manager Zeng's deliberate control, by the time Junli got the news, the rumors about him had already spread outside, and he went back to the Dongting Immortal Mansion angrily, and asked the Immortal Servant, Yue Luan had such a big incident, why not Reporting to him, the fairy servant was also very wronged.

"Immortal King, Fairy Yueluan didn't let us report this matter. She was very upset when she heard people outside the mansion talk about Anna of the Merman Clan. She has been waiting for your explanation, but you didn't Back home, the fairy was in a bad mood, and then because the Shark King was angry and launched a tsunami, the fairy wanted to help you, but it was a pity that she couldn't enter the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, and you didn't care about it for a year, the fairy... the fairy was depressed In the heart, it eventually caused the fairy fetus to slip."

Under Jun Li's stare, the fairy attendant's voice became lower and lower, until finally he lost his voice completely.

"She is pregnant with a fairy fetus, don't you know it?"

Jun Li gritted his teeth and asked.

"Because the fairy was worried about the fairy king, she didn't find her abnormality, and she was angry, and she didn't practice hard during that time, so she didn't find her own abnormality, so"

After listening to the fairy servant's explanation, Jun Li didn't fully believe it. After all, as a fairy king, how could he not notice any abnormalities in his body? Having cultivated to their level, having children is already a gift from heaven, so he didn't think Yueluan would be negligent to such an extent.

The Immortal Attendant seemed to have sensed Junli's distrust, and directly held a box two palms wide, and said in a low voice:
"This is an unformed fairy fetus. Fairy Yueluan asked her subordinates to give it to you and tell you that she doesn't want to see you."

When Junli heard this, he became even more angry, and knocked down the box with his hand, only to see a red ball the size of a chicken fell on the ground, which looked like an unformed embryo, and the most important thing was that there were him and Yueluan on it. The aura of her, which cannot be deceived, made Junli stunned, could it be that Yueluan was really pregnant with his flesh and blood?
The surrounding immortal servants were all startled, they hurriedly knelt down on the ground, and didn't make a sound, the scene was strangely quiet for a while, even if he was like this, Yueluan's restriction had never been opened, obviously he really didn't want to see him, With a wave of his sleeves, Jun Li swept out those fairy attendants, and then replaced with his own staff to guard Yue Luan's training room.

"Let me know when Yueluan is out of customs!"

"Yes, Immortal King."

Junli's subordinates bowed in response, but they were very disdainful of his actions.

The next day, the story of Immortal King Junli making trouble outside Yueluan's cave, and even knocking down his unformed fairy remains by himself, just spread like wildfire, and rumors spread in Xiping Immortal City.

This made the female fairies who worshiped Junli before all cast aside their blindness and blindness. The person they like has such a hateful face, and even the remains of their own children will not be spared. Instantly, people began to doubt him. Taste.

The previous rumor that he and Yueluan teamed up to kill Fairy Wu Yi has been rediscovered, and this time the credibility has improved, and the leader has completely become Junli Immortal King. , It is also because she loves Junli, and she did this for her own love.

After all, a Resurrecting Orb is worthy of any great immortal. For a while, the rumors were rampant, which added new talking points to Xiping Immortal City, and Junli became more and more difficult to move forward.

He hated people who spread rumors secretly, so he arranged for people to investigate, and found the fairy servant who explained the situation to him that day. When he ordered people to arrest him, that fairy servant directly blew himself up in the commercial street of Xiping Xiancheng. And died, before he died, he made an oath of immortality, saying that he was just complaining for his master, and what he said was true, because he told the truth and offended Immortal King Junli, so he was chased and killed, so even if he died To expose the ugly face of the other party is not worth doing for my own fairy.

Now Xiping Fairy City is even more fried. Some people prove that what they say is true by death, so the credibility is very high. Although there are some smart people who are skeptical, after all, the whole thing seems to be planned. Some people are fueling the flames, the purpose is to attack Junli.

"No, nothing in the fairy world is a coincidence. Wu Yi's fall was deliberately downplayed back then, but now why it is suddenly exposed, there must be a reason. If Junli hadn't done it, he wouldn't have done it. Being caught by someone, although the current rumors cannot be completely believed, at least [-]% of them are true, otherwise Jun Li would have stood up to justify his name."

An old fairy with white beard and hair said in a low voice.

"Old man Wu, what inside story do you know, let me hear it?"

The immortals who were interested began to lead the old man Wu to talk.

"Tsk, I, old man Wu, don't have any hobbies. I just like mouth-watering wine. My mouth is a little dry right now!"

The old man Wu smiled, his purpose couldn't be more obvious.

"Guys, give this table a pot of fairy wine to make old man Wu drink enough, and tell us some inside information."

The fairy who likes to gossip responded immediately.

 Babies, I was still sleepy yesterday, so I just slept for a day. I feel better today, so I started coding early, trying to code a few more chapters today. It’s still the same. I coded a chapter and passed it on. Thank you for your waiting and support! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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