Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1585 The thief's heart is immortal

Chapter 1585 The thief's heart is immortal
Immortal Lord Qing Ji also figured out what was wrong, glanced at Shoudian, and said directly:

"Shoudian, do you want to ambush her next?"

To be honest, she was not reconciled, just like to put it simply, she also wanted to peel off the beauty of the other party, but it was a pity that the other party slipped away and escaped.

"Don't worry, we have already alarmed her today. It must be a while before the other party will show up. We will continue to monitor. Since she came out once avoiding Junli's people, there will be a second time, and she will come out in person. It must not be a trivial matter, otherwise, if you give an order, the people around her will take care of it, we just keep an eye on her."

Shoudian said directly.

"Okay, I'll listen to you this time, I want to see what kind of trouble she can make!"

Then the two disappeared from the spot.

As for Yueluan, who fled back to the mansion, her beautiful face was full of gloom, she smashed her cave mansion angrily, and gritted her teeth:
"This bastard actually secretly called a master to stare at me!"

Yueluan thought that the person who attacked her was arranged by Junli, that Yingying was also strangled, and that she lost her right-hand man, so she went out in person, but unexpectedly encountered an ambush.

The immortal attendant on the side could only lower his head, not daring to make a sound, otherwise his own life would be lost.

"You go down first!"

Yueluan waved her hand to let Xianshi go down first, she still had to think about how to proceed with the next step.

This time, Yueluan hadn't left the Mingyue Immortal Mansion for a whole year, and the things outside about the Zerg monsters in the Xiping Mountains gradually subsided.

And Guanshi Zeng also fell in that strangulation mission because he fought against Zerg monsters. Since then, Junli's ears have been completely cleared up, and now the Immortal Emperor's Mansion can be regarded as his words.

Immediately, Junli turned his attention to Yueluan. The fact that his reserve of immortal energy was only in the Nine Heavens Xuan Immortal Realm, he had already verified it secretly, but his coercion to the outside world was still in the Immortal King Realm, which made him While he was relieved, he became more and more suspicious of Yueluan.

After all, for 30,000 years, the two have been together day and night, and he only double cultivates with Yueluan. If there is a problem, it must be on Yueluan, but he has not found any flaws in Yueluan until now. If he didn't come out, it was clear that he didn't admit his mistake, so he wouldn't go back to Dongting Immortal Mansion.

"Immortal King, you are in such a stalemate with Yueluan, it's not good for you. If she really has a problem, it's better to put it under your nose."

Someone advised you to leave the way.

Junli thought about it for a while, and felt that what the other party said was correct, but now that his cultivation had a problem, if Yueluan really used strong methods, he would be very passive.

"Let's not get her back for the time being, I'll think about it later, I tell you to keep an eye on her secretly, don't relax, and report any disturbances to me."

After weighing the matter, Jun Li chose to wait and see for the time being.

"Yes, this subordinate understands!"

In the fifth year of simple retreat, a spatial black hole appeared in the Xiping Mountains of the Western Immortal Territory. It was only the size of a fist at the beginning. After a year, it opened to accommodate one person, and it is still changing. middle.

The black hole that appeared in the sky naturally attracted the experienced immortals in the mountains. Through observation, they found that there were pictures flashing in the black hole from time to time, all of which were high-level cultivation resources, fairy weapons, and artifacts.

Those who were brave enough to try to approach the black hole were repelled by a force before they approached the black hole. Those who approached forcibly were directly crushed to pieces. For a while, no one dared to act rashly. Set up camps around and observe from time to time, no one wants to give up this opportunity.

Of course, this news was reported to Immortal King Junli immediately. He arranged for someone to check, and the answer he got was that this black hole might be a transmission channel, and the other side should be a small realm rich in resources.

"Is there any cultivation limit?"

"Yes, I don't know the upper and lower limits of the cultivation base at the moment. After the entire channel is stabilized, we can arrange people to test it."

The guard bowed his head back.

"Keep watching, and report any changes."


Here, Qing Ji also pulled the simple restraint on the door, and the restraint fell after a while, and she simply opened the door.

"Senior, is there something wrong?"

After scanning Qing Ji's spiritual sense, she found that the simple cultivation base is quite solid. It seems that the six years of retreat have been quite effective.

"I see that your cultivation is already very stable, how well do you grasp the power of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm?"

"Let Xianjun worry about it. I have mastered the exercises, but I lack actual combat."

With a simple smile, he invited Xianjun Qing Ji to enter, and offered Baiguo Niang, before he spoke.

"You're lucky this time. A new secret realm has appeared in the Xiping Mountains. You can go in and explore."

"Oh? Is there such a good thing? What kind of secret realm?"

"At present, no one knows the specific situation. I only know that it is the first time that the secret realm has appeared. There are already many people guarding it there. You should join in the fun!"

Qing Ji took a sip of the fairy wine and said with a smile.

"What a coincidence!"

Simply squinting his eyes, he said to himself.

"Girl Jane, do you think it's a trap?"

Qing Ji heard this sentence clearly, so she asked directly.

"Xianjun, I just think that the place where this secret realm was born is very subtle, the Xiping Mountains, this is the place where the insect nest was found."

"I went to see it, the location of the entrance is not where you crossed the robbery last time."

Qing Ji answered in the affirmative.

"Xianjun, what can Yueluan do during my retreat?"

Simply keep asking.

"After she returned to her Mingyue Immortal Mansion, she was very low-key and basically didn't leave the mansion. Once she left the mansion secretly and was ambushed by me and the guard. She didn't fight us at all, and just ran away. It's quiet."

After listening briefly and nodding, she felt that the other party would not give up so easily, and there must be a backup, but they have not found any clues so far.

"Don't worry, Shoudian is still staring at her! I'll take you to see that black hole first."

Immortal Qing Ji rolled up and simply disappeared in the inn, and went to the middle of the Xiping Mountains, where the black hole was.

Simply passing through the clouds, looking at the densely packed immortals below, she frowned. The black hole didn't give her a good feeling, although the things that flashed inside from time to time were very attractive.


"It's dangerous, but it's still within the range I can bear. If I can go in, I'll take a look."

Simply tell the truth.

"My Jian's disciples have a keen sixth sense. Since you have this feeling, you can't be wrong. You have to be careful."

"Junior understands."

When the conversation between the two came to an end, Shou Dian appeared next to them, still wearing a flamboyant robe with red background and silver pattern.

"Why are you here? Aren't you staring at Yueluan?"

Qing Ji asked bluntly.

"I followed her."

Shoudian raised his finger and pointed down.

Sure enough, Yue Luan, who hadn't shown her face for a long time, appeared below. Because of her title of the most beautiful woman in the fairy world, it caused a little commotion.

 Babies, today is also the sixth watch!The next step is to break into the secret realm!For the sake of Fengling's hard work, let's vote for a monthly ticket!Rest early after watching!Good night! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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