Chapter 1597 Advancement Rewards
The black-robed man swung his broad-backed broadsword, and a cross-cut forced the white-robed man back, and then he began to deal with Demon Moon Slash.

The Yinxiu man teleported away, avoiding the black-robed man's saber light, seeing Jian Jian actually helping, his eyes flashed, and he appeared on the other side, launching Yin Gong, strings of strings implying destructive power, attacking Black-robed male cultivator.

"You violated the rules of the game!"

The black-robed man's face was as deep as water, and he said in a deep voice, attacking non-stop, turning his wrist, and knocking a magic moon into the air with a single knife, and then teleported to avoid Yinxiu's attack.

The corners of Jian Jian's lips curled up, commanding Moyue Zhan to block the other party, and said with a smile:

"People say that only one person in a team can survive, but they didn't say that the winning team can't help!"

The white-robed man continued to attack. After listening to the simple words, the movement of plucking the strings became faster. After all, the other party is not dead, but he is the one who died. Obviously, the purple-clothed fairy is willing to help, and he must seize the opportunity. Don't want to be one of the eliminated.

Simple, after all four battles in a row, even after taking the Chongyuan Pill, he hadn't fully recovered to his peak state, so he only focused on harassment, and the real main attack was the white-robed Yinxiu man.

Because of Moyue Zhan's attacks from time to time, it made the black-robed man's teeth itch, defending and attacking at the same time, and cursing, of course, the target of scolding is naturally simple.

Jian Jian is still smiling, and always succeeds in making up the knife when the sound repair man is unable to do so.

Two-on-one, in the end, under the cover of Simple Demon Moon Slash, the Yinxiu man succeeded in sneak attacking, a white horse drilled into the white-robed man's eyebrows, smashing the opponent's consciousness, and the black-robed man was unwilling. He fell down and disappeared from the white jade platform.

The white-robed Yinxiu man breathed a sigh of relief, hugged his scorched Guqin, and thanked Jian Jian:
"Thank you Fairy for your help!"

"I don't like the way he looks at me, it makes me feel offended, and I'll do it for you, but it's not free, I have to pay it back!"

Simply said with a smile.

"I am the next Yinren, I have written down the fairy's love, as long as I can live, I will return it."

Yin Ren bowed his hand.

"Good talk!"

Simply nod in satisfaction.

Suddenly, the white jade platform under the two people's feet shook, and the two were pushed up into the air, and they didn't stop until they couldn't see the ring below.

Simply looking at the small square platform where he can only stand alone, wondering what is going to happen in this secret place, he frowned and waited and watched.

At the same time, more and more white jade pillars rose up in the arena. Looking around, they should all win the competition, and there are about two hundred immortals who killed their teammates.

He simply shook his head. You must know that there were as many as 5000 people in the first round of elimination. After three matches, there were only so few people left. The elimination rate in this secret realm is too high.

"Congratulations, everyone, you have stood out from thousands of immortals and passed three rounds of competition, which proves that you are all elite disciples. Now this secret realm will issue promotion rewards once."

The malicious voice sounded again.

The winners all pricked up their ears, waiting to hear what the other party had to say.

Those immortals who narrowly won were almost covered with scars, and simply sat cross-legged on the raised white jade platform, and began to use exercises to heal their injuries.

"Since the upcoming competition will be more severe, this secret realm will provide an opportunity for everyone to advance. Whether you can seize the opportunity is up to you."

At the same time as the words fell, the concentration of the surrounding Xianyuanli began to rise rapidly, and within a short time, it turned into a thick liquid of Xianyuanli, which consciously penetrated into the winner's body.

And the immortals who are healing their wounds with their exercises are like nectar after a long drought. The injured place begins to recover visible to the naked eye, almost turning into a cocoon of immortal power, and begins to enter the advanced state.

Jian Jian frowned. She didn't absorb the celestial power liquid provided by the secret realm, but subconsciously put a defensive cover on herself to block it out. The voice is very unfriendly.

"Master, why don't you absorb these benefits?"

Sesame asked through voice transmission.

"I don't know, I always feel that this secret realm is uneasy and kind."

Jian Jian squinted his eyes, looking at the Xianyuan Liye who was isolated from the defensive cover and was trying to get in.

"They are all advancing, why are you just watching?"

Sesame flicked the tip of his tail and continued to ask.

"How come, I also want to take this opportunity to adjust my state to the best. You forgot, we are not bad at immortal stones! We don't absorb unclean things!"

Simply smile and transmit the sound.

"The master is right, we are not short of immortal stones."

Zhima's small eyes also narrowed, ready to contribute the fairy crystals she had hidden first.

"Keep your small treasury for yourself. I have asked Gushen to prepare it for me."

Regarding Zhima's actions, Jian Jian didn't say anything, but he was still very happy in his heart. Xiao BuDian still cared about her as the master, and was willing to contribute even his own inventory at critical moments, but he was usually domineering.

"Okay, I will listen to the master. If it is inconvenient, I will use sesame seeds first."

Xiao Zhizhi replied with a smile.

Jian Jian has already communicated with the little ginseng in the space at this time, pretending to wipe it on the storage bracelet, holding two pieces of fairy crystals in his hand, then closed his eyes and began to absorb.

The energy contained in the fairy crystal is naturally much thicker than that of the fairy stone, so when the two fairy crystals turn grayish white, the immortal energy that was simply lost in the competition between them has been fully replenished.

This is also due to the elixir that he took before. After the immortal energy and magic energy in the yin-yang taiji plate in his body were fully replenished, he simply opened his eyes, and then his eyes flashed.

Because she discovered that the immortal force liquid surrounding her defensive cover had begun to merge with her defensive cover, and it seemed that she still wanted to penetrate into her body unwillingly.

"It's really tricky!"

Simple heart slander.

Immediately, she flipped her hands over and took out the defensive life-saving talisman presented to her by the Devil Emperor. After activating it, she protected herself tightly, waved her hand again, and placed a formation that gathered immortal energy on the place where she was sitting cross-legged. The fairy crystal was placed in the eye of the formation, and then secretly ordered:
"Chuan, help me protect the law, don't let those overly active immortal powers get close to me."

"Understood, you should hurry up and advance to the rank. According to the nature of this secret realm, the competition in the future will be more cruel. This is forcing you to improve your cultivation as soon as possible!"

Liu Chuan replied.


It's simple and not tedious, just close your eyes, start to run the exercises, and start to hit the barriers of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm.

The surrounding area is very quiet, everyone is hurrying to advance, and there is a doubtful voice in the air:

"Huh? It seems that there are still cautious people! Not bad!"

Afterwards, everything returned to calm again. If someone looked down at this time, they would find more than [-] white, black, and gray cocoons below.

 Good evening, babies!I apologize in advance, I didn’t update yesterday, it was a headache, I slept all day, and then followed a particularly touching article, I had bricks in my eyes, and cried like a dog!Woke up today with swollen eyes!When I took a shower, I found that I had grown a white hair, it was all white!Feeling sad, really old!Hey~
  There will be an update before twelve o'clock, thank you for your waiting and support!The most annoying thing about this APP is that you can’t send fake notes. You must have more than a thousand characters to post. Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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