Chapter 1602 Challenge 4
The simplicity of entering the formation, holding the fairy crystal in his hand, asked Liu Chuan to protect him, and then he closed his eyes and began to replenish the loss. After absorbing two fairy crystals in succession, the immortal power in his body returned to a saturated state.

Only then did Jian Jian open his eyes, put away the discolored fairy crystal, took out a pot of fairy wine from the storage bracelet, took a sip, and Sesame, who couldn't wait for a long time, immediately sent a voice transmission:

"Master, have you recovered?"

"Hmm! What's wrong?"

After simply finishing the Baihua Niang in the small wine glass, he poured himself another glass before asking.

"Master, Zhima just discovered several Zerg puppets."

After hearing Zhima's words, Jian Jian raised his eyebrows and asked directly:

"Is it the male immortal sent by Eli Yueluan?"

"Yes Master."

Sesame immediately replied.

"It seems that Yue Luan has made other arrangements this year."

With simple eyes narrowed, he squeezed the wine glass in his hand and said.

"Sesame feels a little strange."

Sesame cocked her little tail, hesitated and said.

"You said something strange."

"Let Zhima think about what to say."

Zhima twisted her fleshy body, and then said:

"Master, according to Xianjun Qingji, that black hole only appeared in the Xiping Mountains, and did not appear in other regions. Even in the Western Immortal Territory, it has never appeared before, so it is a brand new secret realm.

After the black hole from the entrance of the secret realm stabilized, Zhima stared at it. Except for those two people, no Zerg puppets entered, unless after we entered, the old witch Yueluan arranged for the same clan to enter. "

"I have also considered what you said. After all, in the first knockout round of the Nine Heavens Profound Wonderland, besides the female fairy, I also strangled a few Zergs. At that time, I thought they were puppets that entered behind us."

Simply took another sip of the wine, and then said.

"My thoughts are the same as the master's, but after you advanced to the current place, I saw no less than fifty bugs, from the Daluo Jinxian to the Luotian Shangxian, only those from the Nine Heavens Profound Realm, all of which were strangled by the master. "

Sesame continued.

"What guesses do you have?"

"Zhima thinks this secret realm is a bit weird, and it is likely that an entrance has been opened in the Zerg territory to allow so many bugs to come in.

Even if that Luo Tian Shangxian had worm sacs on his body, they would not dare to release those worms to possess them in the competitions here one after another, under the watchful eyes of everyone. There are no fools who can enter this place. "

What Zhima said clearly and logically.

"I understand what you mean. I'm afraid that there should be more Zergs who entered here at the beginning than we have seen now, but after three rounds of competitions, it is estimated that some of them were eliminated. The remaining ones who entered here are the elites of the Zergs. It is difficult to deal with. "

"Master, what should we do then? Luo Tian Shang Xian Jing is the next level of cultivation that you want to challenge, we can still think of ideas, but what about the low-level ones? It's not good for you to take action directly, or let others challenge you !"

The tip of Zhima's tail curled up again.

"Sesame, there is a saying that there must be a brave man under a great reward. It seems that I have to give up some fairy stones and elixirs."

Jian Jian already had an idea in his heart.

"Master, what do you mean, you use fairy stones or pills to improve your cultivation as rewards to let them kill those Zerg?"

Sesame's little head turned around very quickly.

"Well, that's what it means. I'll take a break at halftime, and first take down the ones in the Daluojin Fairyland, and then consider the bugs in the Luotian Fairyland. The little clever ghost is still lurking on the bugs in the Luotian Fairyland. There is no news yet, I will ask Shining Armor to ask later, and we will make plans later."

The corners of Jian Jian's lips curled up, and he said with a smile.

"Well, that little guy is very courageous, I heard Shining Armor say that."

Zhima is a social expert, as long as Jian Jian is surrounded by wise people, he can catch up with a few words, so it is not surprising that Jian Jian listens.

"Go, let's act now, don't waste time."

After drinking the remaining half cup of immortal wine in one gulp, he got up and put away the tray.

When she came out of the formation, several people saw her, but they were all watching and did not step forward.

After simply looking around for a week, he went directly to the arena where the fairies gathered in Da Luojin Fairyland, and happened to see a round-faced fairy being challenged by a female fairy in a white fairy dress of the same rank.

"Master, that one in the white fairy dress is a bug."

When Zhima narrowed her eyes, she discovered the other party's problem, and immediately reminded her.

Although the round-faced fairy looks delicate and innocent, she has a solid aura around her. It can be seen that she is practicing the orthodox skills of the immortal way. The aura of the white lotus is a little vain, but it is also the cultivation base of the Daluo Jinxian Middle Realm.

"Accept her challenge and strangle her. I will give you an advancement pill so that you can win in the next round of challenges."

Simple and direct sound transmission round-faced fairy.

The round-faced fairy was obviously stunned for a moment, then turned her head and saw Jian Jian in a purple robe, with vigilance in her eyes, after all, the sky does not fall in vain.

With a flick of the simple sleeve robe, a white pill bottle flew out and was caught by the round-faced female fairy.

"You are practicing the orthodox technique of the immortal way, so you don't want to advance to the next level by absorbing the immortal energy of the defeated, as the secret realm said?"

Jian Jian raised her eyebrows, and said with a smile.

The interaction between the two was seen by the immortals surrounded by the ring, but they didn't know what the relationship between the two was, so they were all whispering.

"In this kind of place, either you die or she dies. There is no loss if you do this. As for why I let you strangle her, you will understand after she dies. Besides, I gave you the elixir in advance , you don’t need to be afraid that I will lie to you and make you busy.”

Simply keep lobbying.

The little girl was quite vigilant, taking advantage of this gap, the round-faced fairy had seen the elixir experience, it was a fourth-rank and ninth-rank advanced elixir, which made her eyes shine, and after receiving the elixir bottle, Gritting her teeth, Xiang Jian nodded and jumped onto the ring.

Jian Jian didn't leave, just stood under the ring and watched the competition between the two. The round-faced fairy used double thorns as a weapon, which was short and thin, while the opponent used a white silk, one hard and one soft, and the two quickly exchanged hand.

The round-faced fairy seemed to have the intention of verifying the simple statement, so the attack with double thorns was fatal, and she greeted the opponent's fatal place without holding back at all, which was very clean and neat.

The Zerg in the white fairy dress was able to draw with the round-faced fairy at the beginning. After the trials of the two sides ended and entered the head-to-head link, she was obviously a little powerless, showing a flaw, and the round-faced fairy caught her. .

The Zerg in the white fairy dress was also alert. She wanted to jump off the ring, but she had already sensed her opponent's killing intent.

It's a pity that the round-faced fairy was unwilling, and she didn't want to return the high-level elixir she got, so she directly threw out the double thorns in her hand, and stabbed at the opponent one after another.

 Boys, it's snowing here in Fengling!

(End of this chapter)

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