Chapter 182 Sincere Invitation

The analysis results of the few people were not concealed, and they were all sent back to the sect. The cultivation world may usher in new turmoil. The simple thing is that there is no psychological burden. Some things need to be exposed.

And the captured minions were also taken away by Mosu's black robe team. The Luding captured was from family members who contacted family members and sects who contacted sects. After it was verified that it was not parasitized, it was released directly.

After dealing with these trivial matters, before leaving, Jian Jian sincerely invited Cao Chenfeng to participate in the underground auction in Huan Le City tomorrow with him.

Lord Mo Su laughed without saying a word, and did not stop him. He acted as a melon-eating crowd, while Miao Yunrong at the side really let go of his guard this time. Lord Jian was harming other male cultivators, and her alarm was lifted part.

"Your Majesty, this."

Cao Chenfeng was also very helpless, why did he feel that the other party was deliberately teasing him, but he still spoke softly and did not use force to deter him, making it difficult for him to turn his face.

"Cao Xiaoyou, don't rush to refuse. You have been captured here. I believe there is nothing else but your own natal spirit sword. You don't have a spirit stone to accompany you. How can you return to the Heavenly Sword Sect? Even your sect needs some support. If you don’t have enough time, why don’t you take it as a thank you for my help and accompany me to the auction.”

The words were very sincere, but Cao Chenfeng, who was used to being cold-faced, couldn't stand the ambiguous eyes flying around, so he could only nod his head in agreement with difficulty.

Simple and very satisfied, he recruited the shop assistant and asked him to arrange a room for Cao Xiaoyou to rest next door to him. Then he went back to his room with satisfaction, and after dropping the defensive circle, he relaxed his facial expression.

This time it was an unexpected harvest, and the disaster of the black beetle was put on the table again, and it was worthwhile to lose my spiritual consciousness.

Jian Jian dodged into the space, and this time Marshmallow rushed over, surrounding Jian Jian, preventing her from moving forward.

"Marshmallow, what's wrong?"

"The master doesn't take me in battle, I'm so bored here, I want to be with the master."

"This master has changed his identity. It's easy to reveal his secrets when he takes you out. The last time I let you hang on my earlobe, it has already attracted Mo Su's attention."

"Then the marshmallow can go out after changing its appearance?"

"Hmm! What do you want to be like?" Simply teased.

This time, the marshmallow retracted and surrounded the simple cloud, contracted and then contracted, and then held back for a long time, still looking like a cloud.

It was so simple and rare, I rubbed the marshmallow ball in my hand, then let her out, let her think of a way to change her appearance, and call herself when she gets better.

I went to the first floor of the bamboo house and lit a Ningshen Incense, which was not the same as the Ningshen Incense I gave Feng Nianyue. It was specially designed to stabilize the soul and repair the damaged sea of ​​consciousness. It is rare The aura of the spirit has basically disappeared in this world.

When the fragrance of the soul-condensing incense wafted around Jian Jian, she was already sitting cross-legged on the futon that gathered souls and souls, and began to perform the exercises of the "Tian Mo Jue" in the stage of transforming into gods, consolidating her cultivation.

The Yuanying Xiao Jianjian in the body releases the yin and yang Taiji plate, and transforms the massive aura that Jian Jian inhales into magic energy. Cultivation method, the five-color spiritual energy in the space swarmed in, and gradually stabilized the simple cultivation base in the early stage of transformation.

The transition between the two sets of exercises was very smooth. After a big week, Jian Jian quit the practice, his spiritual consciousness covered the space, and saw the cotton candy practicing changing his body in front of the reflection in the water by the small river, Jian Jian was really fascinated by her The cute look made me laugh.

In the fruit forest farther away, Moran and Jade are entrenched on a lucky fruit tree, one is disguised as a branch, and the other is entrenched on the leaves.

Everything in the space is the same as before. I simply took out the sword mold I forged last time. The black sword body about [-] cm long has been formed, with a metallic luster shining on it. Now I need to find the sword spirit mentioned by Qi Moxi. Materials, added to it for secondary tempering, so this time I must go to the underground auction to have a look.

With the continuous improvement of my cultivation base, the space is gradually unsealed, and more and more high-level spiritual plants appear, and more and more high-level magic weapons are unsealed, but simple things that use as little space as possible.

Because some things are almost extinct in the cultivation world, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she did not pick some precious spiritual plants and let them grow in the spiritual field.

Participating in the auction this time, I want to have one or two things that I can afford, so I came to the space to choose.

After looking around, he simply decided to pick a thousand-year-old Chi Xuezhi. This is a fifth-level elixir. Life, the time limit is based on the growth period of Chixuezhi, the thousand-year-old Chiyuezhi can last at least a hundred years, it is a rare life-saving medicine.

In addition, he simply took a meteorite ore from Mo Mei's ring. As the name suggests, it is a stone produced by falling stars. It can be used to refine weapons and enhance the strength and toughness of magic weapons.

After choosing the items, he sealed the two items in a jade box and put them in his own ring, and then teased the cotton candy who insisted on transforming by the river, and left the space after satisfying his bad taste.

On the evening of the second day, Jianjian and his group came to the commercial street in a low-key way. The entrance to the underground auction is located in one of the shops. Mo Su handed over a jade token, and the group was invited into the short-distance teleportation in the back alley alone. When the formation was activated, it was sent to the auction site.

Mo Su took Ma Rong, Miao Yunrong took Uncle Miao, Jian Jian took Cao Chenfeng, and a group of six people were invited into a separate room. The side facing the auction house is like a crystal mirror, and one can see the situation inside, while the outside consciousness is all isolated.

There are six sets of tables and chairs in the room, and each small table has a crystal ball, which is used to communicate with the auction house and mark its own auction price, and a plate of third-order spiritual fruits is placed beside it.

A handsome-faced foundation-building male monk walked in at the door, and after saluting the six people, he said respectfully:
"Seniors, the auction is about to start. This is the list for this auction. You can check it out in advance. Don't miss out on your favorite treasure."

"If you like it, can you buy it in advance?" Miao Yunrong asked impatiently.

"This is not impossible, but the price is ten times the marked price. After all, if it is auctioned, the price may be higher."

"What a profiteer!" Miao Yunrong said.

"Okay, if you have something you like, dig out the spirit stone yourself."

Mosu's exit prevented her from speaking freely, and Uncle Miao took the auctioned jade slip, checked it and passed it to his little palace master.

"It's the first time for you to come to our Huanle City auction. My master said that everyone has contributed to Huanle City. As long as a few seniors like it, you can buy it at the price in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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