Chapter 1828
Bai Tuan received the first tribulation thunder, feeling quite relaxed, the white hairs all over his body stood on end, his whole body felt numb, and his bones felt a little sore.

Shaking his head, Bai Tuan received the second thunderstorm. This time, Bai Tuan was smashed and fell, but in the end he survived the thunder disaster. This time, some white hairs turned black. There was also a burnt smell.

Jian Jian looked at Bai Tuan from afar on the boat, and was not worried at all. Those body refining decoctions were not for nothing. After her intermittent conditioning, Bai Tuan's physical strength has reached the top level among spirit beasts , this tribulation thunder can still be carried through.

Bei Mingzhi also waved the folding fan in his hand, watched Bai Tuan crossing the robbery, and said while watching:

"Elder Jian, your spiritual pet looks very good. You don't even have a contract, but you are loyal and clever to you. I don't know how you train it."

"Bai Tuan cast my eye, and his ancestor entrusted him to me."

He said with a simple smile.

In order to learn the Dao, the little guy also worked very hard, sold himself to her, and even suffered a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots from the ancestor Jiushao.

Finally, the fifth tribulation thunder fell, splitting the white ball into the sea. Fortunately, there were shark beads, and there was a vacuum around the white ball, and the black ball, which became a little black, just floated quietly on the sea surface, as if it had disappeared. breath.

She simply knew that Bai Tuan was fighting against the last thunderbolt that entered his body, and she knew that the thunderbolt was destroying Baituan's body without using her spiritual sense to detect it.

And Bai Tuan is also mobilizing the power of the whole body to repair, the two sides destroy and repair in Bai Tuan's body, and so on, until all the power of the thunder and lightning is exhausted, this is also an opportunity to forge the body, and then the fifth tail is also slowly Taking shape, protruding from behind the white ball, wrapped in white light.

"It should be almost there."

Bei Mingzhi said with a smile, he still has this vision.

Sure enough, the moment he finished speaking, Bai Tuan's ears moved, and he slowly got up. At this time, a rainbow rose in the sky, and the rain fell. Bai Tuan opened his mouth, trying to absorb all the rain, to repair body wounds.

Jian Jian just made a move at this time, gathered all the rains together, and returned them all to Baituan, allowing him to absorb and refine them with confidence.

Baituan bathed in the comfortable rain, his body changed from the inside out, his bones became stronger and stronger, his meridians doubled, and he became more resilient and elastic. The black and white parts of his body also grew back. The new fur looks as soft as satin, but it is also extremely tough.

Bai Tuan stretched his waist, and flicked his own tail. The five fox tails were swaying behind him, very agile, and then he jumped back to Jian Jian's side.

Suddenly a large white net appeared from the sky, and it arrived in an instant. The target was Bai Tuan who was going back to the ship, but Bai Tuan didn't expect that someone wanted to catch him. Seeing that he was about to throw himself into a trap, a simple voice came from his ear:

"Bai Tuan, bow your head!"

Bai Tuan immediately followed suit, shrinking his neck, wishing he could shrink his head to his chest, and then a sword light flew past his head, and a hole was broken in the net in front of him, Bai Tuan exerted force with his hind legs, It turned into a ray of white light, drilled out from the breach, ran towards the ship at a faster speed, turned a small somersault in the air, and turned into a well-behaved little fox again, and jumped directly into Jian Jian's arms. also yelled:

"Baituan is scared to death. Someone wants to snatch Baituan. The fairy must teach him a lesson."

After finishing speaking, he bared his little white teeth in the direction where the white net fell.

Beimingzhi's expression was not good at this time, didn't they see such a big sea boat as Beiming's family?Didn't these people see Elder Jian's move to gather Gan Lin for Bai Tuan just now?This is intentional?Or on purpose?

She didn't care about the simplicity, now that Bai Tuan was in her arms, she raised her hand to touch Bai Tuan's newly grown fur, comforted him, and said to Bei Mingzhi:

"Let's sail!"

"Elder Jian, is that all?"

"They knew they were wronged, but they didn't jump out to admit it. Besides, I have already destroyed their fairy net, and the white group is fine. It's not us who suffered the loss. Besides, do you know who did it?"

Simply ask.

"Hmph! He dares to jump out and try."

Bei Mingzhi snorted coldly, and then said to the guard:


Only then did Xu Kuangshi, who was watching the whole process, come forward, bowed his hands to Jian Jian and said:

"I'm Xu Kuangshi of Wanjianzong. Just now, when the fairy made a hand to help his spiritual pet escape, the sword finger attacked. The fairy is also a sword fairy?"

There is some excitement and excitement in the tone.

Simply smiled and said:

"It's not a pure sword fairy, but I just learned some superficial sword skills to protect myself when walking in the fairy world. I have learned more complicated things, and I know everything, but I am not good at any of them."

Bei Mingzhi, who was about to brag on the side, shook his folding fan hand and felt that his elders were a bit too modest. He had already cultivated into the sword domain, and it was still just a superficial swordsmanship. If this was the case, he also wanted to learn some "superficial" swordsmanship .

And there is a reason for simply saying this, the eyes of this Wan Jianzong disciple are too hot, it is the kind of urgency to ask for advice when encountering a master.

She has seen this kind of gaze in the eyes of the disciples of Tianjianzong and Xianjianzong, especially Xu Kuangshi is from the top sword cultivator sect in Qianyuan Immortal Realm, because she is too familiar with it, so she wants to cut off the other party's kind of eyes early on. The idea of ​​a challenge.

Xu Kuangshi obviously didn't believe it. The fairy's casual swing just now broke the fairy net without even drawing the sword. It can't be done by just learning some simple swordsmanship. .

Simply ignoring the overly eager eyes of the other party, he carried Bai Tuan back to the cabin, but Xu Kuangshi couldn't keep up, so he turned his head to look for Bei Mingzhi, and asked him about the simple origin.

The sea boat traveled a long way and turned into black dots, and when it almost disappeared on the sea surface, only a slightly smaller sea boat appeared outside the scope of Bai Tuan's previous robbery.

"Miss, why do you do this? If the other party pursues it, don't you?"

The female guard with a cold face spoke disapprovingly.

"It's just that a fairy net was damaged. I was just angry. It was she who killed the murderer, but it was me who was unlucky. She turned into the elder Ke Qing of the Beiming family and was regarded as a guest of honour.

But I want to marry that Xilingshang, not as good as Nan Fengjin back then, the way he looked at me made my hair stand on end! "

At this time, Dong Yanshu's face was full of unwillingness, and she made a wrong step with every wrong step, which made her fall into the current passive situation.

"Miss, that Fairy Jian is ranked No. 20 in the 'Tianwei Ranking'. You should understand what this means. It is better for us to keep a low profile now. The patriarch has angered you because of this. If you confront him again, I am afraid."

The female guard didn't want to speak too bluntly, so as not to hurt the lady's self-esteem.

(End of this chapter)

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