Chapter 1844
Jian Jian didn't avoid Bei Mingzhi and his two guards, at least she had to reflect her own value and importance, so she just raised her hand to place a restraint, and said to Yinsha:

"Yinsha, come forward."

"Yes, Xianjun Jian."

Yinsha replied in a deep voice, feeling a little embarrassed, and finally worked with her master to come forward, and she was indeed as her master said, lacking in human sophistication.

Back then when he knew that Huangfuge was a narrow-minded person, even if he agreed to Biqin, he didn't need to directly defeat the opponent, he only needed to maintain a tie, so that he would not tire the sect's reputation, nor would he offend such a villain for no reason and cause himself to be killed. She plotted, and the tired master was worried, and she only figured it out after the incident happened.

This time I rashly found Beiming Mansion. On the one hand, I was really worried that someone would suffer a dark loss. On the other hand, I wanted the Beiming family to owe her a favor. If the Beiming family could really detoxify her, she would be fine. Ask for favors once.

But the result she got was that she was not poisoned, but Gu, and the Beiming family seemed to have no problems, so she turned around and left in embarrassment, and sent a message to her master about what happened to her, master She only replied with two words "waiting".

She could only wait patiently in the rented inn, and then the two junior sisters inquired about the latest news. This time, a fairy king from the Beiming family came to Jingzhou with Mr. Zhi. Ma, has been obediently sent to Beiming's residence by that Konghou manager.

After hearing the news, Yinsha felt relieved. At least Huangfuge didn't have the guts to reach out to Beiming's house for the time being. She was as good as her own, and she didn't have the ability to face the fairy king, so she calmed down and waited for her family. Master.

The first thing Master did when he arrived in Jingzhou was to take himself to visit the elders of the Beiming family.

"The elder Jian who saw through at a glance that you were poisoned by a Gu, not poisoned, is the key."

Sure enough, when my master made a move, he readily agreed to help.

At this time, Yinsha stepped forward and untied the red yarn covering her eyes, revealing her own eyes.

Yinsha's eyes have no expression, the black eyeballs have turned gray, the surroundings of the eyes are bloodless, with a pale luster, it is obvious that the time of being infected by the Gu is not short, the child Gu has completely destroyed the eyes, that is, the fairy After cultivating divine consciousness, it can replace the eyes to a certain extent, otherwise Yinsha would be unable to move an inch in the fairy world.

Bei Mingzhi frowned unbearably when he saw it. The person who played the Gu was really vicious. He didn't kill Yinsha all at once, but tortured her in this way. Not to mention the closest person, no wonder she covered her eyes with red gauze all day long.

Simply look into Yinsha's eyes, and after communicating with Zhima, she said to Yinzhan beside her:

"The damage to Yinsha's eyes is quite serious. Now, just pulling out the subgu will not completely restore her eyes."

After hearing the simple words, Yin Zhan frowned slightly, and said slowly:
"Jian Xianjun, please explain clearly how to do it."

"I want to control the child Gu, and in turn suck back the essence absorbed by the mother Gu, and return it to Yinsha to repair her eyes. Doing so will surely alarm the owner of the mother Gu."

"Don't worry, Xianjun Jian. After Yinsha's eyes recover, I will take her back to Tianyin Palace as soon as possible. If the other party wants to know something, they will find me in Tianyin Palace. I will let her come and go."

Yin Zhan said with murderous intent.

Don't think that if you made an oath of immortality in front of him and took advantage of the loophole, this matter will be over. He can't use the big to bully the small, but if the other party has the courage to come to the door, he will make the other party pay the price.

"That's fine."

Simply nodded, raised his hand and flicked it, everyone saw a small white light spot entering Yinsha's eyes, and then the elder took a sip from the teacup, and said to Yinzhan who was watching his apprentice nervously:
"There will be some pain and it will take some time. We will wait patiently."

The moment the voice fell, Yinsha exclaimed, and fell to the ground directly, raising her hand to touch her eyes, but was stopped by simply raising her hand.

"Hold on, don't touch your eyes."


Yinsha bit her lip and uttered a syllable, answering her simple instruction.

At this time, Sesame, who got into Yinsha's eyes, aggressively circled the two sub-gus hidden behind the eye sockets to her side.

The two black sub-gu couldn't even lift their heads in front of Zhima, they crawled beside Zhima, their bodies trembling violently, Zhima ignored them, controlled the two sub-gu, and began to draw power from the mother Gu in reverse.

The courtyard of Huangfuge in the imperial city

After Huangfuge heard Konghou's report, she kept paying attention to Beiming's family. Unfortunately, Bai Daze entered the simple courtyard and asked Bai Tuan all day long about the current situation of her parents and younger brother. She never left the courtyard, and she couldn't do anything. She has to bear the censure of the Huangfu family, which makes her even more anxious.

Today, the person she arranged to send greetings to Bei Mingzhi was answering. Suddenly, she felt that the mother Gu raised in her dantian began to change, and she immediately sent her subordinates away. As soon as she summoned the mother Gu, she saw the mother Gu. Gu actually began to shrivel at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The mother Gu also sent out a distress signal, Huangfuge sat up straight in shock, immediately mobilized the immortal energy in his body, injected it into the mother Gu's body, and just relieved the shriveling trend, when he was about to stop, the mother Gu did not let go and continued to absorb Huangfuge's immortal energy supplies his own consumption.

Huangfuge's face turned pale, he wanted to cut off the connection with the mother Gu, but he couldn't, he could only watch helplessly as all his immortal energy flowed into the mother Gu's body, and in the end he couldn't even maintain his cultivation in the Profound Immortal Realm, He fell directly into the Great Luo Jin Fairy Queen Realm.

At this time, the mother Gu also stopped absorbing the immortal energy, returned to Huangfuge's dantian, and passed on the news that she had encountered a more powerful kind, which made Huangfuge's body go limp, and immediately got up, stumbling I went to find the second elder Huangfu.

Simple but very smooth here, Zhima is still merciful, and did not kill the mother Gu in one go, but after absorbing enough power to repair Yinsha's eyes, he broke off the control of the mother Gu, and began to repair it through the child Gu. Yinsha's eyes.

After a stick of incense, the blood color around Yinsha's eyes first recovered, and then the gray eyes became black and bright again, and then two black tears flowed down the corners of the eyes.

This is the toxin produced by the sub-gu hiding in the eyes, and the two sub-gus flowed out along with the tears.

She simply raised her hand and sucked two black tears into a crystal bottle, and she took the sesame back, then she changed hands and handed the crystal bottle to Yin Zhan:
"It's these two little things that are nibbling away at Yinsha's eyes."

Yin Zhan's expression changed after he scanned it with his spiritual sense. After thanking him, he put the crystal bottle in his sleeve.

At this time, Yinsha looked at her hands in surprise, then raised her head to look at her master, and the female fairy who surprised her, and said with a smile:

"Master, I can see it."

 Babies, the fifth update is here!See you tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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