Chapter 1846 Quiet Dormancy
The Second Elder Huangfu was shocked when he saw Huangfu Ge with a terrified expression and his cultivation had fallen, and asked directly:

"Ge'er, what's going on?"

When Huangfuge saw the elders of her lineage, her panicked heart fell to the ground. She cupped her hands, and then with a pale face, she explained the reason for her fall in cultivation, and then looked at the second elder for help.

There was also a trace of solemnity on the serious face of the second elder, and he frowned and said:

"Your natal Gu told you so?"


"Can you find someone who can make a move?"

Huangfuge shook his head before explaining:

"The other party's Gu worm is higher than my golden Gu, and it controls my natal Gu with only one child Gu. The golden Gu that was almost killed was sucked dry. I can only save him with my own cultivation. His cultivation has not been preserved."

"Do you know which child Gu has a problem?"

The second elder continued to ask.

"The approximate range can only be determined after the gold wakes up."

Huangfuge gritted her teeth and said, after all, she released a lot of sub-gu, but she didn't dare to activate too many at one time, not to mention that it would be easy to expose, and now that her cultivation level has fallen, she is also afraid of losing control.

"Don't do anything for the time being, wait until your natal Gu wakes up before making any plans."

The second elder ordered.

"Yes, Ge'er understands, but it's my cultivation level."

Speaking of this, her eye circles are a little red, this is all due to her hard work, and now she has to pay to save the golden Gu, and she doesn't know when she will be able to repair it again.

"On behalf of the clan, I will give you some resources. You temporarily retreat, and tell the outside world that you have gained something. If you want to retreat and break through, everything will be discussed after the Huangfu clan's selection of concubines is over."

The second elder made a final decision.

"Yes, thank you elder for your care."

"The Silver Wildebeest Thing"

Huangfuge hesitated for a moment, but still asked.

"You didn't deal with it safely this time. You didn't stand on the interests of the Huangfu clan and stepped on the bottom line of the elders. However, the Beiming clan may have an immortal king this time, and we don't want to offend them openly. Let it go, but there will be no next time!"

The second elder narrowed his eyes slightly and warned.

"Yes, Geer understands!"

Huangfuge lowered his eyes and said.

"Ge'er, I know what you're thinking. That silver horned horse is your trophy. In fact, the clan should help you to contract that silver horned horse. But you won the first place in the last experience, and you can add a six-horned horse." The silver wildebeest of the first rank has broken the balance of your generation.

Of course, it also aroused their jealousy, and the other departments acquiesced to the proposal of the third elder. They don't want all the benefits to be obtained by our department, you have to understand this. "

The second elder patiently explained.

"Ge'er understands, but she's just a little unconvinced! One day, the Huangfu clan will be the head of our department."

Huangfuge's eyes flashed with a light called "ambition".

"Okay, it's a good thing that you have this kind of ambition. Only when you have a goal will you work harder. Go ahead!"

The second elder nodded in satisfaction, and after handing over the resource of a storage ring to Huangfuge, he let her go back to his courtyard.

Although Huangfuge was not angry, she still followed the second elder's order and declared her retreat after returning home, and then seized the time to start restoring her cultivation, and by the way, cultivate her natal gold Gu, hoping that she could wake up as soon as possible.

Bei Mingzhi had already received the news when she was retreating here, so she went to see Jian Jian the next day.

Jianjian was playing chess with Dabaize, while Baituan was lying on Jianjian's lap with his eyes closed. In fact, he had been pulled into the trial environment, and he was fighting against the fifth-order elementary formation!
"Meet Elder Jane!"

"What's the hurry?"

"Elder, I just received the news that Huangfuge got something by chance, so he is in retreat."

Bei Mingzhi narrowed his eyes and said.

"Naturally, her Gu worms are seriously depleted, and it may have turned against her. She won't jump out to make troubles recently. You are safe for the time being, and everything will be as usual."

Simply drop the sunspot in his hand, and said to Bei Mingzhi.


Bei Mingzhi smiled and narrowed his eyes, feeling that the sword hanging above his head was temporarily removed.

"Elder, after seven days, the concubine selection of the Huangfu clan will enter the final stage, shall we go and see?"

Bei Mingzhi couldn't stay idle, and immediately suggested.

"You want to see the beauties who passed the screening?"

asked simply with a smile.

"Hehe! Since the elder knows, there is no need to say it."

Bei Mingzhi admitted very bachelorly.

"Okay, since you are interested, let's go and have a look."

Jian Jian also wanted to go out for a walk, so he agreed to Bei Mingzhi's proposal.

"This last link is held in the imperial city, and you can only enter if you have an invitation card. I'll go and see if the invitation card has been delivered."

Bei Mingzhi turned around excitedly and left.

"Jian Xianjun still needs to see some beauty. If you want to see it, just look in the mirror yourself."

Dabaize said with a smile.

"There are many kinds of beauty, and this does not prevent me from admiring other types of beauties."

Simply said without caring.

After Dabaize heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he also dropped a white piece on the chessboard, blocking the way for the simple black piece to break through.

Jian Jian was thinking about where to place the next chess piece in order to stand out from the encirclement, Bei Mingzhi went and returned, holding a jade sticker in his hand, and handed it directly to Jian Jian.

"Elder Jian, Immortal Wan Heng of Wan Jianzong is here to visit you."

"Huh? I have never met this Immortal Wan Heng, so why come to visit me? But because of Xu Kuangshi?"

Simply looked up and asked.

"I don't know, the post has just been delivered, so I sent it to you myself."

"Then go see you."

Simply handing the white ball on his knee to Dabaize, and went to the parlor with Bei Mingzhi.

As soon as they were seated, Immortal Wan Heng came in with the two of them. He simply glanced over and found that they were all acquaintances. One of them was Xu Kuangshi, the other was his senior sister, and the one in the purple robe Female Sword Fairy.

"Under Wanheng, I have met Jian Xianjun, and I am grateful to you for taking care of Xu Kuangshi, so I brought them here for a visit."

A loud voice came from the head of the black-robed sword fairy.

Wan Heng has sharp brows and star eyes, with sharp edges and corners, and his appearance belongs to the upright one. It is two extremes with Dabaize, but it is also pleasing to the eye.

Simple and did not hide his appearance, he said with a smile:

"Immortal Wanheng is being too polite. It's not a matter of taking care of him. He just let Mr. Xu take the ship of Beiming's family."

After simply asking the three of them to sit down, he turned the round fan in his hand and asked directly:

"Immortal Wan Heng came here, what's the matter?"

Wan Heng didn't expect it to be so simple and direct. After coughing lightly, he said:

"Recently, something happened to Wan Jianzong's residence in Jingzhou. We couldn't find out the reason until we got a reminder from our friend Yin Zhan, so we took the liberty to come to visit."

"Oh? I don't know how Immortal Yinzhan told you?"

He simply raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Yin Zhan only said that you might be able to see the reason. Let me visit you and see if I can invite you to Wan Jianzong's residence. As for the reason, he never told me."

Wan Heng sold Yin Zhan directly.

(End of this chapter)

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