Chapter 186 Walking on Thin Ice
Du Yanran has been walking on thin ice for the past 20 years, she has never felt so aggrieved.

After being captured by the Jindan cultivator from the Yin Yang Gate in the cultivation city, fortunately, she was clever enough to fabricate herself the identity of the daughter of the unfavored head of a hermit family.

Because he was not favored, he was persecuted and ran away, and he was hunted down again, so he fell into the secular world. All his identity badges and storage bags were lost. He was afraid that the family who murdered him would continue to secretly send people to hunt him down, so he hid in the secular world. In the world, he used his identity as a mortal to cover himself up and avoid being tracked.

For this set of rhetoric, the other party didn't believe it at all, but Du Yanran was a master at it, and what he said was [-]% true and [-]% false.

This female cultivator surnamed Du does exist, it is true that she is not favored, it is true that she was persecuted and ran away, and it is true that she was seriously injured. This cannot be faked. The only thing that is false is that she is not this female cultivator surnamed Du. Because this female cultivator surnamed Du died of serious injuries long ago.

This female cultivator died with resentment. Before she died, she sealed all the information in an inconspicuous old sachet. After several twists and turns, Du Yanran, who had just entered the cultivation world in her previous life, picked up the leak. , planned to use this identity to enter the realm of comprehension, but no one cooperated in the follow-up matters. She was afraid of being exposed, so she finally gave up.

Calculated according to the time, the female cultivator surnamed Du has been forced out of the family at this time, so this matter is absolutely true.

And this one from Yin Yang Sect is not a good guy either, he covets Du Yanran's beauty, after knowing that she is the daughter of the patriarch of the hermit family, he also moved his mind a little bit, even if he is not favored, he is also the daughter of the patriarch. It's time to make a move, maybe you can get some bargains in the future.

Du Yanran immediately hit the snake with the stick, made a decisive move, and took the initiative to tell the other party that the reason why she was forced out of the family was because of a treasure map in her hand, which marked the legacy of her mother's family.

Seeing the flash of greed and killing intent in the other party's eyes, Du Yanran felt relieved. As long as the other party asks for it, she can save herself, and even use this to turn over.

Of course, he has the caution of a monk, so besides the detailed information provided by Du Yanran, he also verified the information from other sources, because the hidden family's family land is not public, and only a little bit of news is available only after birth and experience. Hua Lingshi bought news from "Thousand Questions Pavilion".

The information provided by the other party is basically the same as what Du Yanran said, only some small discrepancies, and Du Yanran was prevaricated by saying that "family ugliness should not be publicized". The family has a bad reputation.

So far, the Jindan male cultivator from the Yin Yang Sect is half convinced.

In order to enhance her credibility, Du Yanran drew the treasure map in front of Jindan male cultivator, and told the other party to check it out. This relic can only be opened by her family blood, and the location of the treasure is sealed by her ancestors A ray of spirit of the mighty, if the descendants of the family do not go to get the treasure, the treasure will be destroyed and the people will die.

This means that if the Jindan cultivator wants to get the treasure, she is the key to the human form, and if she dies, nothing will be discussed.

Du Yanran was also very straightforward, directly gave the treasure map to the other party, and made an oath of heaven in person, as long as the other party guaranteed her own safety, she would definitely take the treasure with the other party, and guaranteed that half of the treasure would belong to the other party.

The Golden Core cultivator of the Yin Yang Sect was also unequivocal. He first controlled Du Yanran, and then searched for it according to the map. He had to be sure that he had such a treasure, otherwise it would be useless to keep this female cultivator.

A month later, the real Feng Cheng came back from a serious injury, but he was very excited, and he didn't anger Du Yanran at all because of his injury, because this treasure map was real, and there were many traps, so he didn't even enter the periphery, so Seriously injured by the puppet of the agency, he can only come back and make a long-term plan.

Du Yanran also breathed a sigh of relief seeing that the other party came back injured, because this treasure map is indeed real, and it was an opportunity for him to explore together with Jian Jian in the late Yuan Ying period. Narrowly escaped death, of course, this is for simplicity.

The opponent was only at the golden core stage, and was blocked back without even entering the outermost formation. She hung the opponent with this carrot to protect herself, and the next thing went much smoother.

Feng Cheng wanted to completely control the other party and be used by him, while Du Yanran wanted to heal the injury as soon as possible, so as to get rid of this person as soon as possible. Both of them had their own little thoughts.

In the end, Feng Cheng introduced Du Yanran into the Yin-Yang Sect, became an outer disciple, and practiced the dual-cultivation method "Yin-Yang Jue". Du Yanran's Mizuki Spiritual Root has weak attack power, but it is very suitable for practicing the dual-cultivation method. After taking the Runmai Pill and repairing the meridians, it took a full 20 years to finally form the Golden Pill under the more abundant spiritual energy supply in the cultivation world than the next one.

Du Yanran offered to explore the treasure with Feng Cheng again. The other party felt that she was quite interesting, and the two went to the quicksand to explore the treasure. This time Du Yanran used the prophet to drag Feng Cheng to death in the formation, and used The forbidden technique in the dual-cultivation method absorbed all the cultivation base of the opponent, and rushed into the middle stage of Jindan in one fell swoop.

After solving Feng Cheng, Du Yanran took all of the other party's wealth and spent some time in the cultivation world, but she was used to the rapid promotion brought by double cultivation, and she could no longer practice as a casual cultivator in the strange and even cruel cultivation world .

In the previous life, it was because of Jian Jian, the treasure-sending boy, and Du Yanran, who has dual spiritual roots of fire and wood, and has alchemy skills. Successes have turned into obstacles.

After much deliberation, Du Yanran still returned to the Yin-Yang Gate, but this time she presented the treasure map to a Huashen Lord of the Yin-Yang Gate for protection.

Bao Junshang from the Yin Yang Sect was not so easy to fool. He took the treasure first and then gave Du Yanran the status of a concubine. In the end, the other party just gave her the status of a concubine who could be discarded at any time, so how could she not hate it.

It can only be said that the height is one foot and the height is one foot, and Lord Huashen has already cultivated to become a master, and the other party's treasure is also wanted, but he is not completely at ease with Du Yanran, because Feng Cheng, who she was attached to before, disappeared at the Yin Yang Gate.

Du Yanran knows that in the world of comprehension, only strength is the last word. Everything she knows has not happened yet, and some things are completely different from her previous life. give up.

After learning from the pain, Du Yanran immediately entered the role of a concubine, being gentle and gentle, and using various methods to finally stabilize her position, and then use the resources leaked from the fingers of Lord Huashen to improve her cultivation.

This time I was able to persuade Mr. Bao to come forward because of the change of Devil Yuan, and I knew that my natal magic weapon "Yao Ri Hong Ling" in the previous life would appear, so I wanted to take this opportunity to take this treasure.

It's a pity that the world is unpredictable. When the name "simple" came out of the mouth of the auction manager, I almost lost my mind.

Everything seems to be unexpected, but expected.

(End of this chapter)

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