Bei Mingzhi didn't know yet, just when he told Jian Jian that the news that the family had not thoroughly investigated the Gu worms came, a group of elite disciples led by the elders of the Bei Mingzhi family had already boarded a sea boat , heading towards Qingzhou.

There are 22 people in this line, half of them are elite disciples of the family, and half of them are ordinary disciples. What they have in common is that they were all found to have Gu worms in their bodies by the family.

After discussing with the elders of the family, the patriarch of Beiming decided to pack the person and send him to Beimingzhi. First, let Elder Jian take action to remove the Gu insects without letting the person who cast the Gu be aware of it. According to the news sent back by Mingzhi, they seem to have an adventure, and they plan to go abroad for a period of time.

Anyway, one person is also a leader, and a group of people is also a leader, so I am going to let the newly appointed Elder Jian have a hard time, take the disciples of the clan to practice, and discuss how to resolve the conflict with the fox clan.

But not long after they set off, the patriarch received a reply from Bei Mingzhi, saying that Elder Jian had perfectly resolved the small conflict with the Fox clan, and attached the content of the picture jade.

After seeing the photos, the patriarch had the same thought as Nan Fengjin. He didn't know why it was so simple and generous until he saw the four words "Neidan is different" specially marked by Bei Mingzhi at the end.

"If Zhi'er can learn a thing or two from Elder Jian, why not be famous in Qianyuan Immortal World in the future!"

After the patriarch finished feeling, he immediately sent a message to the elders who led the team to leave, and then informed the Beimingzhi clan to send a group of people to meet them, and also named those disciples who had problems.

When receiving the news from the family, Bei Mingzhi and Jian Jian had already left Qingzhou in their own ship, and Nan Fengjin's ship followed behind them, saying that they would go together for a while, and they couldn't get rid of it anyway. , Bei Mingzhi followed him.

"Elder Jian, this is news from the clan, but we don't know when we can join them."

Bei Mingzhi immediately sent a message to Jian Jian.

After reading it briefly, she said that she understood the meaning of the patriarch. Anyway, in her opinion, a sheep is herding, and a flock of sheep is also herding.

"We will meet them anyway, don't worry, they also have elders who lead the team. We will proceed according to the scheduled itinerary, just keep in touch with them at any time."

"Elder Jian, don't worry, I understand what to do."

"It's been five days since we left Qingzhou. Have you decided whether to go to Demon Continent or Nightmare Continent first?"

Simply ask directly.

These two continents are next to each other, and they are both the territory of Moxiu and Moxian. They are the only way to go back to Mingzhou, so this question is simple.

"Elder Jian, let's go to Demon Continent first! I have never really set foot on these two continents, and I pass by every time."

Bei Mingzhi immediately started planning with great interest.

"Okay, listen to you."

In this kind of matter, simplicity has always been followed by experienced people.

"I'm going to order them to adjust their direction."

After Bei Mingzhi left in a hurry, Guard B entered the cabin, bowed his hands to Jian Jian and said:

"Elder Jian, the content of the picture jade has been spread in Qingzhou. Many people say that you are broad-minded and comfortable. Even the monster clan is not so hostile to you."

"Just listen to these words. I don't have a big heart. I'm just saying that I'm stupid. I feel aggrieved by my magic fox inner pill. We just need to know what's going on."

Simple and casual gestures.

When the demon kings of the Yao Clan knew about this, they really felt that the Fox Clan had made a profit. The temporary dispute allowed them to regain the blood of the Huantian Fox, and it was the Ninth Elder of the Fox Clan who did the wrong thing. This is a penalty, but it has received practical benefits.

Because of this, the impression of simplicity is much better, and the plan to indirectly make the Huangfu family prepare to secretly stir up conflicts between the Beiming family and the Yaozu can only be temporarily shelved.

After all, they lost such a precious inner alchemy, and the intention of asking for peace is obvious, and the Fox clan also accepted it. This matter has been turned over on the bright side. Now they can't even provoke the Fox clan, so how can they provoke the Beiming family? A battle with the entire demon clan.

When the First Elder heard the news, he could only lament that they had missed the best time, and immediately ordered the Huangfu clan to temporarily withdraw the people who were sent to Qingzhou to spread rumors. aware.

If it is discovered by the Beiming family, it will be an enemy of the four major cultivating families in disguise, which is not the result they want.

Because of being cautious, she simply avoided the pit that the Huangfu family was about to dig. At this time, she and Bei Mingzhi were standing on the deck, watching the battle ten miles away.

"Elder, I saw the family emblem of the Xiling family. It's their ship."

Bei Mingzhi said excitedly, shaking his folding fan.

"It was the sea ship of the Demon Race that fought against them."

Simply turning the round fan in her hand, she could see very clearly in her spiritual sense that a group of demon immortals was attacking the Xiling family's ship, and she also saw two acquaintances, Xilingshang and Dongyanshu, but the expressions on their faces at this time Neither are good.

Bei Mingzhi simply ordered the boat to stop, and watched the excitement from a distance, and Nan Fengjin, who was following their boat, also followed, and parked side by side with Beiming's boat on the sea, as if he had no intention of stepping forward to help .

"Elder Jian, the demon's sea boat seems to belong to the Jiao family in Mozhou."

After looking at it for a while, Bei Mingzhi discovered the origin of the demon sea ship.

"Did the two of them have a holiday?"

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he asked directly.

"I've never heard of it, and it doesn't look like it's going to be robbed."

Bei Mingzhi said to himself.

"My lord, if we were to rob, we should have run away long ago, and at the same time we were enemies of the four great cultivating families. Do they think they died fast enough?"

The guard armor spoke.

"I know, I'm just guessing!"

Bei Mingzhi waved his hand.

At this time, the battle between the two sides has reached a critical moment. The light of the knife splits the entire sea area, and the magic fairy of the Jiao family also reveals his real body. Even a tall figure can be seen even a hundred miles away very clear.

The confrontation between the two forces immediately made the sea rough, and the hundred-meter-high waves pressed towards them.

"Elder, they definitely did it on purpose!"

Bei Mingzhi fanned the folding fan in his hand and said immediately.

"You've already spotted them. Could it be that they haven't spotted us? They're just not sure if we'll make a move, so they took advantage of the fight to test us."

Simply waving the round fan in his hand, the waves immediately fell, and the entire sea area was restored to calm in an instant, and the two sides who were fighting in the distance also stopped their hands in a tacit understanding.

"Let's go and have a look!"

With a simple approval, the two ships sailed towards the accident site one after the other.

After Xilingshang and Dong Yanshu saw the two approaching ships and the people on deck clearly, their faces were very exciting.

Babies, the fourth watch is here, good night~see you tomorrow~

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