Chapter 1889
"It was an elder Keqing from the Beiming family who brought his young master out to practice. Just happened to encounter this incident. The former young master Zhi was also planted with Gu insects, so she intervened."

After hearing this, the ancestor of Kuishan nodded, and said in a deep voice:

"Perhaps the other party came after the Gu worm, and it was easy to help them. After all, this is not the Nether Continent, and they are just using their strengths, but this matter really cannot be delayed. You should do it as soon as possible. If Fengyuelou finds them For the trouble, you can return the favor."

"Yes, old man."

After Kui Shan responded, he turned around and left the ancestor's mansion, and then he sent out a series of message talismans, and then the whole Demon Continent became lively, and rumors were flying everywhere.

The accident in Fengyue Building has attracted the attention of many people. Before the matter is completely resolved, Fengyue Building has been temporarily closed, and no one will come to the door.

Immediately afterwards, new news spread among the Moxian family in Mozhou, saying that the former owner of Yueya who died was Miss Yin'er of the Kuishan family, and it was confirmed that he had been planted with Gu worms, and the Kuishan family would remove the Gu worms. However, Kai Shanyin's cultivation base plummeted, and he had to retreat to keep the rest of his cultivation base.

By the time the news spread to the entire Demon Continent, it had become that Fengyuelou used the furnace to control the young masters and young ladies of the Demon Immortal family for their own use. The aristocratic family tried in vain to provoke a war between immortals and demons.

In short, it is very alarmist, making some more rational people suspect that a small Fengyuelou should not have such a big energy!
However, immediately after the Che family, Hou family, and the whole family of the Demon Clan, it was reported that Gu insects were found on the younger generations of the clan, and they all kept the furnace cauldron photographed from the Fengyue Building beside them, and after the Gu insects were pulled out, they Almost lost half of his life, and is relying on his elders to continue his life, otherwise he will fall for sure!
This is really a blast. Anyone who has been to Fengyuelou and bought a stove from Fengyuelou will use the fastest speed to control the stove at home, and then check their own children first, and then take the stove with them. Ding went to Fengyuelou to speak.

Yuexi's eyelids have been twitching ever since he was kicked out of the Jiao Mansion that day. In just three days, the matter escalated to the point of getting out of hand, which was beyond his expectation.

Immediately afterwards, Fengyuelou was besieged. Those who came to return the goods, those who wanted to explain, and some moralists said that Fengyuelou was an evil building and told them to get out of the magic island. There were also those who just came to watch the fun. up.

"Yuexi is in charge, what should we do now?"

The attendant in the building asked cautiously.

After all, people outside can't get in, but they can't get out either. It's not known how long the formation can last. If the surrounding people attack by force, they will only be passively beaten.

"Is there no news from Mo Liao Demon King?"

Yuexi rubbed the center of her brows, and asked in a deep voice.

"No, do you want to send another message?"

The attendant asked cautiously, they all knew that the backer of Fengyuelou was a demon king, but they had never seen this big guy, even though the news had been sent, but the demon king did not reply, they had no choice.

"I'll go out and have a look, and I'll get rid of those who can be dismissed first."

Yue Xi could only wave her hands, and then asked again:
"Where is that Xianjun Jian now?"

"They left the Jiao Mansion and went to a manor outside the city. The manor belongs to the Nanfeng family."

The attendant lowered his eyes and replied.

"Keep an eye on them, and let me know if there is any change."


The attendant bowed down, Yuexi adjusted her robes, and left Fengyuelou. Faced with accusations from all directions, she began to appease everyone, but she firmly refused to admit that this matter was controlled by Fengyuelou.

"I understand everyone's feelings. After all, our Fengyue Building is also a victim. Those furnaces were also acquired by us, not cultivated by our Fengyue Building. We are at most auctioning them."

"Bah! What are you arguing about here? Even the auction house must ensure that the items sold are genuine. If there is a problem with an item, you can still argue that you missed it, and we will admit it.

But now it's not my Kaishan family's furnace that has a problem!My young lady's cultivation base has fallen to the golden fairyland, and she has to be sealed in an ice coffin by the ancestors. What do you say? "

The person who came was a steward of the Kaishan family. With a cold face at this time, he blocked Yuexi's sophistry, and some people around him immediately echoed. Circumstances, do not know how to explain.

"Why don't you talk anymore? I think Fengyue Tower has a demon king behind it, so it can be fooled. Which one of our houses doesn't have a demon king in charge? You'd better come up with a sincere solution while we are talking."

The steward of the Hou family said with a gloomy face, that is to say, his cultivation base is not enough, otherwise, if he really wanted to tear up this Yuexie, his son would have already fallen out of the immortal ranks. If he hadn't been concerned about the demon king behind Fengyuelou, their Hou family would have It's over here.

"What do you guys want me to do in Fengyue Tower?"

Yuexi clasped her hands and asked, now it is no longer enough to send people away with just a few words.

"Return the furnace to you, return all the magic stones that were auctioned to us, and compensate my young master for all the resources to restore his cultivation, and then take your Fengyue Tower and get out of the magic continent, and you must not step into the magic continent again One step, otherwise next time we won't just move our mouths, we'll see if Fengyuelou has the ability to compete with the entire family of the Demon Continent!"

The steward of the Kai Shan family had already been ordered by Kai Shan Ce, and there was nothing wrong with what he said.

Yuexi's pupils shrank. This was obviously forcing them to leave Fengyuelou, and they would have to spend a lot of resources. Even if they survived this catastrophe, they would lose their vitality and would not be able to gain a foothold in Mozhou.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

"I also."

All the families of the victims agreed with the compensation plan proposed by the Kaishan family. As long as they can get a layer of skin from Fengyuelou, they will naturally be happy to see it succeed.

"I'm afraid I can't make the decision!"

Yuexi could only lower her eyes and say.

"Would you like to stall for time and wait for your Demon King to come to support you? Are you sure that the Demon King Mo Liao will come?"

A voice came from the crowd, and what he said made Yuexi's scalp tingle.

The crowd also spontaneously gave way, a bright young man with a red mole between his eyebrows walked through the crowd with a smile, and came to Yuexi.

"Meet the Mozhi Demon King!"

Yuexi bowed her head in salute.

There was a commotion around for a moment, and there was a uniform salute immediately:

"Meet the Mozhi Demon King!"

"It's okay, I just came to see the fun, and I'll bring you a message by the way, the Mo Liao Demon King is in a bad mood, and he's looking for the person who came to Fengyue Tower to make trouble!

I heard that she is a rare and beautiful fairy. Mo Liao has never been sympathetic to beauty, so I don't know what will happen this time?Maybe it will really provoke a war between immortals and demons as rumored! "

 Babies, coded two chapters, uploaded first, there are more before ten o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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