Chapter 1897
At this time, the two Bei Mingzhi had already fought each other, and a layer of enchantment was automatically raised on the entire waterfall, enclosing the two people who were fighting in it. Jian Jian, Nan Fengjin and the guards were all watching the battle outside the enchantment, After a while, many spectators gathered around, and some even set up a bet on the spot, and the odds were quite high.

The person involved, Bei Mingzhi, felt a little fresh at the beginning. As the opponent almost had the same fighting style, the same moves, and the same facial expression as himself, his face became more and more dignified, and the feeling of restraint was too obvious. up.

It was like looking in a mirror, when he moved, the opponent moved too, he waved the folding fan in his hand, and made a move of "Snowstorm", and the opponent responded with the same move of "Snowstorm". One shot, and after a quarter of an hour of fighting, the opponent's reaction was almost in sync with his.

Two quarters of an hour later, the opponent's reaction speed was actually faster than his. It was a bit difficult for him to deal with the same lethal move. It was obviously the same move, but he just felt like he was being suppressed. .

Among the onlookers around, anyone with eyesight could tell that this deity was a little reluctant to deal with it, and he probably lost.

The entire enchantment was filled with flying snow, a field of ice and snow, and the magicians and immortals who stood relatively close shivered subconsciously, as if they had been frozen.

Looking at it with a simple smile, he felt that the sheep had been raised well by himself. At least along the way, under his own training, Bei Mingzhi's fighting status has improved a lot.

"This guy, Bei Mingzhi, is a bit short-mouthed, but in terms of aptitude and cultivation speed, he is considered the best in our generation."

It was rare for Nan Fengjin to say something kind to the other party.

"Although he was trained by Elder Jian for a period of time, he will lose this competition."

"Kicked to the iron plate!"

"It's okay, it's taken care of."

"Let's go!"

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he continued:
"Because autumn is the harvest season, only when I find you at this time can I get back all the profits."

Jian Jian felt that it was a pity. For Bi Shu's safety, she lent the Yinyue Mirror to Bi Shu, otherwise she might be able to compete with this magic eye.

It happened quite suddenly, and everyone hadn't reacted yet, and the magic eye was also a little surprised by the other party's actions, and looked at Bei Mingzhi calmly.

"The first point of learning to be a human being is to keep a low profile. In the realm of Mozhou, do you think that no one knows what you do? It's just because the interests of others have not been touched. When you have accumulated enough, it is time to settle accounts with you. Our human race likes to settle accounts after autumn, do you know why?"

Almost at the same time she withdrew the Moxi sword, the magic eye closed, and then the waterfall fell instantly, blocking everyone's sight, and Jian Jian returned to the side of Bei Mingzhi and his party.

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, Bei Mingzhi's right calf was frozen because of his lack of momentum. Although he shattered the thick ice in time, an ice thorn was aimed at his forehead.

Nan Fengjin also looked at that huge eye, with a flash in her eyes, followed Jian Jian, turned around and left the waterfall.

Simply said to Bei Mingzhi.

The people around were very surprised. They didn't expect that there would be people doing this. They obviously didn't want the shadow to return to the magic eye. There is no shortage of smart people in the fairy world. Combined with the rumors they heard before, it seems that they have already made some guesses.

The figure had just formed in the Demon Eye, and after the silent sword pierced slowly, it began to fade and dissipate little by little until finally disappearing. The Demon Eye conveyed the meaning of not daring to Jian Jian, restraining all the arrogance.

The Devil Emperor smiled unkindly, and his figure disappeared again.

After they left, the water mirror gradually dissipated, but the magic eye seemed a little displeased, focusing on the group of people who left, and a new figure gradually formed in the magic eye.

Bei Mingzhi could only grit his teeth and say.

Immediately took them to continue the next itinerary, went to the South City of Mozhou City, this is the busiest commercial street, where the Fengyue Building used to be opened, Jian Jian came here today to see if he could find a star map, Your own live map is still waiting.

The magic glasses felt that his eyeballs seemed to be hurting more, and even the flow of the waterfall became larger, which indicated that he would not open it again in the short term.

Bei Mingzhi knew that it was his elders who blocked the gaze of that eye.

Simply slapping the round fan of the red lotus flower lightly, and said with a smile.

Bei Mingzhi immediately felt uncomfortable, as if locked by something, the next moment a water mirror blocked Bei Mingzhi's face, and the image of the magic eye was in the water mirror.

The simple footsteps walking in the front paused without turning his head, and he just waved his hand, and the Moxi sword pierced the center of the magic eye, breaking through the opponent's protection, and was nailing into it bit by bit.

After Jian Jian and his party left, the figure of the Devil Emperor appeared above the Magic Glasses Waterfall, with two hollow golden balls in his hand, and said to the Magic Glasses:

Immediately, the whole magic eye was covered with a layer of water mist, indicating that he cried bitterly and was taught.

"You want to cultivate a human form, but not through this method. Do you know why the human race is blessed? Because there are no two identical people in the entire fairy world. You can imitate your appearance, moves, and skills, but you cannot copy your temperament. , character and thought.”

"Yes, elder!"

Bei Mingzhi's eyes flashed, but he remembered the instructions of his elder Jian, and he left the range of the waterfall enchantment in a flash. When the same figure stepped into the magic eye, he activated a seal sealed in the jade slip. The move, a cold light flashed, smashing that figure instantly.

"Elder, but what's wrong?"

Bei Mingzhi asked in a low voice.

Because the sword of Moxi was still piercing slowly, the entire magic eye couldn't be closed, even if passively trying to blink, it could only turn the entire eyeball into red, indicating that it was in pain.

"Experience is to try all kinds of failures, which is normal."

"What Moyue said is right, be careful if someone settles accounts against you, I won't protect you then."

"I surrender!"

Although the magic glasses were a little unconvinced, but the slit on his eyeballs hadn't completely closed, he could only respond sullenly.

The other self on the opposite side put away the folding fan with a little satisfaction, bowed his hands, turned around and returned to the magic eye very gracefully, and the enchantment slowly fell, indicating that this competition ended with the deity's defeat.

After simply confirming that there was no longer any figure in the other party's eyes, he waved his hand and took back his silent sword.

In the next breath, she appeared in front of the magic eye, still holding the fan of the red lotus flower in her hand, and said with a faint smile:

Then came another divine twist, singing the bad news.

After Jian Jian left, the crowd of onlookers became lively again. Some people had already recognized Jian Jian and his party, and they did not deliberately cover up when they approached them.

"Why don't you say that Lord Jian Moyue didn't let the shadow of that young master return to the magic glasses?"

"I'm afraid there is something to say!"

Someone said thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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