Chapter 1902
Looking at the tall mansion in front of him, simple and beautiful, it seems that this demon has good taste, just about to pull the restraint, the door slowly opened in front of the two of them, and a stern-faced steward walked out of the door , stepped forward and bowed in salute.

"Monarch Demon Moon, my Demon King has been waiting for you for a long time, the two of you please!"

He simply nodded, turned his head and made a gesture of invitation to Bei Minghan, and the two entered Mozhi's mansion side by side.

The whole Demon King's Mansion looks very lively, green magic plants are everywhere, and when you simply glanced at the place, you can see several kinds of very aggressive magic plants. After bypassing a small garden, you came to the main part of the mansion. The reception hall in the center.

Mo Zhi sat firmly at the top, waiting for the arrival of the guests. Seeing Jian Jian who was walking slowly, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and when he saw the silver-haired fairy in a white robe behind him, he frowned slightly After a while, he quickly unfolded, and said with a smile on his face:

"Miss Moyue, long time no see, she looks even better than before."

"The devil won the prize."

He said with a simple smile, and then recommended:

"This is Bei Minghan, the third elder of the Beiming Family. He happens to be free today, so he will accompany me to the appointment. I hope the Demon King doesn't mind."

"Where, everyone who comes is a guest, and I welcome it."

Mozhi shook his head again and again.

'Mo Liao was directly beheaded by you! Mo Zhi narrated inwardly.

"It has something to do with him, and it's not all for him. After all, as a bystander, I know very well that this matter happened because of him."

Mo Zhi said with a smile.

"Although I don't know why the Demon King invited me here, but I think Zuo is only for the affairs of the Demon King Moliao. I don't know if I am right?"

Simply said suddenly.

"It's not easy for the devil king!"

Simply turn the round fan in your hand and respond with a smile.

"It turned out that it was not Xingshi who asked the crime, which caused me to worry all night, but I was narrow-minded."

"That Mo Liao became the backstage of Fengyue Tower, did you know about this?"

Mozhi answered very carefully.

Such a person is only one step away from being promoted to the rank of Demon King, how could he be willing to be a furnace, no matter whether it is a family or an individual, he would not make such a stupid decision.

"I didn't know it beforehand, but I knew it afterwards, that is, after the opening of the Guixu Holy Mountain last time. At that time, I advised him that there are many ways to obtain cultivation resources, and there is no need to choose this one.

And Bei Minghan on the side served as the background board for the whole time, and did not participate in the conversation, except when he was introduced at the beginning, he saluted Mozhi, and kept his aloof attitude after taking his seat.

"Since the Demon King has ordered, Demon Moon will definitely obey."

And when we reach our level, we no longer only look at the accumulation of cultivation base, but also look at the application of the law, but he doesn't seem to agree with it, and I haven't brought up this matter after all, after all, it's his choice, I don't care. Good interference. "

"I really don't know."

The young devil shook his head and sighed.

Simple question.

"Since this is the case, according to what the Demon King said, Mo Liao began to be a little abnormal, that is, since he became the backstage of Fengyuelou?"

Mozhi was also very happy, the red mole on the center of her eyebrows brightened by two points.

"I don't know where to start, Moyue, you can ask me directly."

"Huh? I really don't know, but in my opinion, this is wishful thinking.

Mo Zhi took a sip of tea and said directly.

The simple attitude is very good, first confess the crime, and then start to ask questions.

"Mo Liao seems to have the idea of ​​advancing to the rank of Demon Emperor through the furnace."

After the two sat down, Jian Jian took the lead and said:

He is already at the beginning of the Demon King Realm. Even if he wants to attack the Demon King Realm, he has to break through the Demon King's middle and later realms, and use the Furnace Cauldron to achieve his goal. What kind of cultivation does the Furnace Cauldron need?At least the cultivation base of the Demon Lord's Empress Realm is required.

"Thank you Mozhi Demon King for telling the truth. Now I can help you look at the furnaces that have been sent. I don't know if the Demon King has double cultivated with them?"

Simply shaking the round fan in his hand, he said with a cold smile.

It is difficult for Mo Zhi to answer these words. After all, it was Mo Liao who made the first move. At that time, he only said that he was teaching this female fairy a lesson. No one thought that she was a fellow practitioner of Dao Demon, and at that time she showed the real body of the Demon Race. , if this is the case, there is no guarantee that Mo Liao will not move his thoughts in this regard.

"That's right! That's why I killed him. After all, how could I be willing to be that idiot's furnace."

"The magic moon is refreshing."

"Okay, then please forgive me for being rude."

Simply keep asking.

"No, because after I became estranged from him, I seldom went to his mansion, so I paid less attention to him, and he never said anything in front of me."

Simply keep asking.

Mozhi wanted to roll his eyes, if he didn't know that Moyue's ranking in Tianwei Ranking was just ahead of him, he would really believe the other party's words.

Mozhi helplessly spread his hands.

He said with a simple smile.

Simply patted the chest with the round fan to express my gratitude, and also praised the other party for not helping the relatives from the side.

I am not a murderer. If there is no problem with these people, I will let them stay in the mansion. If there is a problem, I can find it as soon as possible. Don't implicate the Demon King's Mansion. Please understand. "

Simple just used these words to deceive Mo Zhi, but the other party came directly without knowing it, and obviously didn't want to be involved.

"No, I'm not good at these things. I have to keep Yuanyang in the exercises I practice. They can only come to my devil's mansion as attendants, and I don't want to save Mo Liao's face."

If it's just to please Mo Liao, it's better to use the power of the family to cultivate a demon king of their own, at least connected by blood, and even more bound, wouldn't it be more worthwhile. "

"Has the Demon King ever heard Mo Liao mention a few words about Gu worms?"

Mozhi simply shook his head.

Mozhi replied directly.

"Yes, because of this, I was a little estranged from him. When I appeared in Fengyue Tower that day, I also thought that if Mo Liao went too far, I could stop him anyway, who knows?"

What Mozhi said was very realistic, and it could be regarded as explaining his purpose.

Mo Zhi shook his head, and waved to the attendant at the door to lead people into the hall.

"It's not a close friend, it's just that they are both demon kings, and they occasionally exchange ideas."

"Moyue, you are worrying too much. In fact, I invite you here today. First, I want to tell you about the abnormalities of Mo Liao before this. In addition, I also want to ask you to see if the furnace he sent to my mansion is still there. something wrong.

"Excuse me, Demon King, are you and Mo Liao close friends?"

There are fifteen men and women in total, all handsome men and beautiful women, but there is a little panic on the face at this time. The cultivation base of these people varies from the Golden Demon Realm to the Demon Fairy Realm. At this time, it seems that they are waiting for the verdict, and stand nervously between the two big men before.

Jian Jian's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and then he raised his hand and grabbed one of them, pulling a man and a woman in front of him. After another inhale, the two of them covered their chests and began to roll, their cultivation base also began to drop rapidly, and finally died of old age on the spot, becoming A skin bag, and then two black Gu worms were simply put into the sleeve robe.

The remaining 13 people didn't dare to show their air, they took two steps back unconsciously, and looked at the beautiful and flirtatious female devil in front of them in fear.

"I didn't live up to my trust, only these two people have problems."

(End of this chapter)

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