Chapter 1916 Visit Nightmare Street
"You're right. Let's not talk about whether the Ban family has a qualified alchemy heir. We only talk about inheritance. He will definitely leave a copy for the family. Whoever has the highest talent will naturally unlock the seal step by step. Inheriting the mantle of this great alchemist, so I think the Ban family is going for the resources in the Yifu this time."

Simply fanning the round fan in his hand, he expressed his opinion.

"I agree with Elder Jian's analysis! Perhaps the inheritance of Dan Dao is just a cover!"

Bei Minghan said, this is his opinion.

"What the two elders mean is that the things in the Yifu were specially left by the Great Alchemist for the younger generation, so we have little chance?"

The little brother asked in a low voice.

"Now it's just such an analysis. As for whether it is true or not? You will only know when you go in, so you have to be mentally prepared. This time it may not be a battle for inheritance, but a battle for resources. Maybe the ones who go in are all your opponents."

He said with a simple smile, while the cold Bei Minghan just nodded his head, expressing his approval.

"Elder Jian's reminder is that we need to prepare well. We'd better act as a group after we go in. Don't be alone, otherwise we'll be providing resources to others."

Bei Mingzhi said while shaking the folding fan in his hand.

This was a tactful refusal, simple and winking, and immediately responded with a smile, and took the opportunity to say goodbye and leave.

The youngest, Bei Mingran, said with a smile.

Among them, his cultivation base is the highest, and he also has the most right to speak.

Every time at this time, a blue light flashed in the simple eyes, and then she brushed past the other party without being troubled.

"Because it's a top-grade detoxification pill, a [-] high-grade immortal stone or a [-] high-grade magic stone, let's see how the two settle the bill."

"This is their experience, let them prepare by themselves, and we will not interfere."

They went to the most promiscuous Nightmare Street in the city, where there are densely packed shops, selling everything, only you have never seen, there is nothing you can't imagine, and the shops are not as neat as Jingzhou or Mozhou. , but like a spider web, extending in all directions, there is a shop at a corner, making full use of all the space.

But there are not so many scruples at the entrances of those small shops. Of course, there are also some small shops that are unoccupied. It is estimated that the shopkeepers are relatively strong.

The little guy quickly went to the back hall to get the elixir, and he was not afraid of the three of them taking action on the elixir on the shelf, which was protected by prohibitions.

Simply smiled and asked the cute little girl Beimingqi.

When the guy saw the business coming, he immediately sold it.

The two young disciples who followed Jian Jian were very proud. Seeing the obscene eyes of these people, they wished they could goug each other's eyes, but it was not their turn to make a move. Elder Jian solved them with a single look, making them worse I admire my elders.

"Elder Jian, there is a good pill shop here. Although it is small, it has a complete set of pills, which is suitable for people of our cultivation level to take."

"Yes, yes, it happened that two pills were delivered yesterday, which can detoxify all kinds of poisons. Even if you are not poisoned, if you take them in advance, you can still resist evil poisons from entering your body."

Among the 20 people they came out this time, the one with the lowest cultivation base was in the Golden Immortal Realm, and the cultivation bases of the direct disciples of the family were all in the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm. This is also one of the reasons why they were planted with Gu insects. It will be easier for a direct disciple with a high cultivation base to control the entire Beiming family in the future.

"Do you have a high-grade detoxification pill here?"

"It's all ready, just missing a high-level detoxification pill, the one we prepared before was taken by us."

"Elder Han, you have some free time today, let's go out and have a look, and help these little guys collect some news?"

The simple consciousness protruded out silently, and within five breaths, the layout of the entire Nightmare Street was clearly understood, everything was invisible, and the sensitive demons sensed it, and immediately Follow the divine sense to find the source, but Jian Jian has withdrawn the divine sense.

Bei Mingqi didn't hesitate and said directly:

Bei Mingqi said immediately.

"Three guests, but you want to buy medicine pills. Tell me what kind of medicine pills you need. Find out the small ones here."


After all the disciples of Beiming's family left, Jian Jian proposed:

Simply wandering out of the "Nightmare Inn", the two youngest disciples of the Beiming Family saw that Elder Jian was going out, recommended themselves as guides, and followed their elders to go out for a stroll.

It is estimated that the three of them are the first wave of customers in the small shop, and the little guy greeted them immediately:

And on the main road, there is only enough distance for two people to walk side by side. In fact, it was wider, but both sides were occupied by street stalls. Of course, no one dares to set up stalls at the entrance of some powerful big shops. People's business.

Among the crowd passing by on the road, there were human races, demon races, and demon races, and they were all dressed in cool and gorgeous clothes, and they didn't care what others thought.

"What's the price?"

The guy said with a smile.

The younger brother Bei Mingqi on the other side said immediately.

Simply waving his hands, he walked towards the small pill shop Bei Mingqi mentioned.

"Can you see the owner?"

At first, some people thought it was strange, but after half a quarter of an hour, these people could see that this stunning fairy was not a good person, and those who cast naked/naked glances at her stood still, as if lost. Because of this, the storage rings on several people's fingers have been taken away.

"Have your pills been prepared?"

The buddy secretly glanced at Jian Jian who was looking at the pills in front of the shelf, and felt that these two little immortals were not telling the truth. He didn't dare to say anything, after all, some great immortals are even more stingy.

The people in the room chattered for a while, then bid farewell to the two elders and left. Taking advantage of the absence of the Yifu, they planned to inquire more information and prepare some self-defense resources along the way.

At this moment, three more people came into the small shop, wearing uniform brown-red robes, all of them had unfriendly expressions, and their cultivation bases were all in the Daluojin Fairyland. After looking around, they asked the only third guest:

Bei Minghan frowned, finally shook his head and said:

"Then go have a look."

"Then we have to test the elixir before deciding. After all, it's not a small amount. It's not easy for little immortals like us to save immortal stones."

"Wait a moment, I will fetch the elixir, you can check it on the spot."

It's simple and has no purpose. I just walked around and looked around. Instead, I spent more time on the stalls. I didn't enter the shop. I turned to a side road with less traffic.

Bei Mingqi was quite polite, although he was suspicious, he answered the other party's question.

"In that case, please leave first, this elixir shop is closed today!"

The leading man said coldly.

"Why? You are not the owner!"

Bei Mingqi is not happy anymore, he finally found a high-quality and cheap elixir shop, and before he got the detoxification elixir, he will be driven away by someone who is not the owner, what is the reason for this?
 Babies, it’s on the fifth watch, see you tomorrow~ Rest early after reading this!good night~
(End of this chapter)

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