Chapter 1919 Buying and Selling News 2
This is the news worth buying Huaxianshi, the previous ones should be foreshadowing.

Bei Mingqi and Bei Mingran looked at each other, hiding the surprise in their eyes. This is explosive news. It turns out that the residence was opened for that person. I wonder if the Ban family knows?Does Xinrong know?

And simply ask this:
"The Ban family should know the inside story, but Xinrong doesn't!"


This time, only one word appeared on the bronze mirror.

"Since this legacy mansion was opened for Xinrong, are the resources inside attractive?"

"It's not attractive to you, the two kids behind you can compete."

After simply listening to it, she understood that with her current cultivation and net worth, she didn't even need to fight for it unless it was a god-level resource.

Gently turning the round fan in his hand, Jian Jian already had his own thoughts, and then said to Bei Mingqi and Bei Mingran:
"Is there anything you two want to know?"

The two shook their heads in unison, even if they had, they didn't dare to ask here.

However, Beimingqi and Beimingran opened their mouths wide. A piece of fairy stone was worthless, and they earned so many fairy crystals. They were fairy crystals. They had only seen them but never touched them. They really learned a lot today.

Simply shaking the round fan in his hand, he said with a smile, he doesn't mind showing his hole cards.

The other party also responded very simply.

And the Yin-Yang Tai Chi Disk, which is only the size of a disk, slowly rotates in the palm of a simple palm. There is Yang in the Yin, and Yin in the Yang. Above it are respectively the nourished Moyue Zhan and the Moxi Sword.

"She sold this news openly, and the purpose is to tell all parties that her cultivation path cannot be replicated!"

"It's worth it! Avoid practicing blindly by yourself, and cut off your own path to becoming a god!"


"Where do you come from? Why can't Tianji Pavilion figure out your origin?"

The group of three went back as they did when they came.

"I can't take it away! The artifact is fused with the soul. When she falls, the grade of the artifact will fall, and she will bring her master's soul into reincarnation. Her artifact is different from ordinary artifacts, giving her a chance to reincarnate."

Simply said to the two little disciples.

"Please go to the first floor to settle the payment, and I will pay you another 20 immortal crystals. Thank you for coming. You are always welcome in the soul building!"

Jian Jian took another sip of tea, smiled and said:

"Today is really rewarding, let's go back!"


"You can't beat her!"

"I don't plan to sell you the answer to the first question. As for the second one, I can tell you that because I have a divine artifact body protection, Tianji Pavilion has no ability to calculate my origin and fate."

Nodding in simple satisfaction, it's fair.

"If you can't cultivate the medium to balance the two forces, if you want to practice Taoism and demons, you will only destroy yourself."

"Fellow Taoist demons only appeared in ancient times. You are the No. 1 that has appeared in Qianyuan Immortal Realm so far. Can you copy it?"


With a simple sweep of consciousness, there are accumulated fairy crystals inside, and then with a wave of hand, the fairy crystals are transferred into the space, and she returns the storage bracelet as it is.

Obviously a little dissatisfied with the bronze mirror's self-assertion.

Bei Mingqi and Bei Mingran wanted to cover their ears, could they listen to this kind of secret?

"Whatever you want to know, I will sell any news. There are probably many people who are interested in my background now."

"I have news here that I want to sell it, and I believe Soul Tower will be interested."

"This is the second question!"

Bronze Mirror seemed satisfied with the answer to this question, and then another line appeared:

After being very sure that the bronze mirror had recorded his Yin-Yang Tai Chi plate, he sent it back to his dantian.

"Elder Jian, can we also tell Elder Han about your sale?"


"Isn't she afraid that a few powerful emperors will join forces to snatch the artifact?"

simply reminded.

After all, Elder Jian personally bought the news.

"Thank you Elder Jian, we know what to say."

"I'm selling these news today, do the math, how much immortal stone does the soul building have to pay me in addition to paying for the news I bought before?"

After five words appeared on the bronze mirror, it fell into silence, and no more words appeared.

After the Taiji disk returned to its position, Bei Mingqi and Bei Mingran recovered from the shock and shock.

After a brief thought, he said:
"Okay, anyway, he will know sooner or later."

Simply smiled, raised his hand in his palm, formed the phantom of the "Wheel of Fortune", then waved his hand and sent it directly into the bronze mirror.

At this time, in the soul building, a man in black stood in front of the bronze mirror on the top floor, and asked in a deep voice:
"The news that Moyue Mojun sold it is worth so many fairy crystals?"


Simply pursing his lips and smiling, he summoned the Yin-Yang Tai Chi plate from his dantian with a wave of his hand, and the entire eighth floor was locked by a strange aura for a while.

The simple answer was very straightforward, the two looked at each other, and then said in anticipation:

The man seemed to have the idea of ​​snatching it.

"Yes, Elder Jane!"

These are all things that happened after a simple departure, she naturally didn't know, even if she knew, she would only say one thing to the man in black: Come and fight!

"Of course, it's convenient for him to arrange for you to enter the residence."

"This is my body protection artifact, I don't know if you have seen it."

The bronze mirror did contain the phantom, but there was no writing to show it.

A stream of light flashed across the bronze mirror, and then a line of words appeared:

Bei Mingran quickly put away his tea set, and Bei Mingqi followed closely behind his elders, and then the three of them reappeared in the hall on the first floor, and it was still the middle-aged female magic fairy who greeted them. Respectfully presented a storage bracelet.

"What news?"

"Let's go!"

Simply shaking the round fan, he replied with a smile.

The bronze mirror fell into silence again, as if it was summarizing the news it needed to buy. A quarter of an hour later, writing appeared on the mirror again.

"After you bring the news, tell Elder Han that we may use this news to make a deal with Xin Rong, and see if he is willing."

Back to the simple three of them at the Nightmare Inn, before parting, Bei Mingqi and Bei Mingran still bit the bullet and asked respectfully:

"Elder Jian, can we tell Elder Han what we heard in the Soul Tower today?"


After finishing the work, it has been more than half a day. Simply waving the round fan in his hand, he said to the two people behind him:

A stream of light flashed on the bronze mirror, as if weighing the accuracy of the answer.

Simply looking at the small eyes of the two, it was clear that they were worried that they would not be able to afford the fairy stone, so they did not force them, and then said to the bronze mirror:

"The second message sold to us has the same purpose, to tell those who covet her, don't think about her, she has the ability to protect herself, even if she is not afraid of the masters of the gods!"

The black-robed man caught in the shadows stood in front of the bronze mirror for a quarter of an hour, and finally left the top floor in a flash.

"Yes, Elder Jane!"

The two watched Jian Jian enter their guest room, and then hurriedly went to see their third elder.

Today's harvest has simply exceeded their expectations. Knowing the secret of Elder Jian, I feel a little indescribable.

 Babies, first pass three chapters, and there are two more chapters before twelve o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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