Chapter 192 The End of the Hunt
Haiyue Zhenjun had long been guarding against the other party's dying struggle. The moment the black beetle turned to him, the blue ribbon formed an insect net in front of him, sticking the black beetle to the ribbon, and the next moment it was twisted by the ribbon smash.

After the two looked at each other and nodded, Yukong immediately rushed to the next target.

Jian Sheng's Wind Sword became even sharper after his cultivation reached the late Nascent Soul Stage. At this time, he stopped two monks in the late Nascent Soul Stage. Join forces to fight back.

There was no change in Jian Sheng's ordinary face, every sword he swung hit the opponent's attack gap very well, and the sword was full of energy for a while, and the two sides fought inseparably.

When Jianning and Haiyue arrived, they saw such a scene. The two immediately joined the battle. For a moment, cyan and red sword lights intertwined, and blue light bands fluttered. In less than a quarter of an hour, the two were under special attention. The Nascent Soul cultivator was beheaded on the spot.

The black beetle that escaped from the sea of ​​consciousness of the two people further confirmed the accuracy of the news.The several Huashen Lords hidden in the air winked at each other, and turned their gazes to Lord Jian Jin of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Lord Mo Yi of Tianmo Palace asked directly:
"Jianjin, why is Tianjianzong's news so accurate this time, but what big guy was caught?"

Jian Jin still looked like an old god, glanced at Mo Yijun, and said:

"Hey! I'm also at a loss. You know that I have just left the customs and was dragged to perform the mission of the sect. What is the specific situation? I got a rough idea halfway. The cultivation world has changed a lot in the past few decades. I’m going back this time, so I have to make up for it.”

"I've talked a lot, it's all nonsense, do you really not know or pretend you don't know?"

Mo Yi's Chinese face was full of disbelief, and he directly spoke out against each other.Jian Jin caressed the array pattern on his white robe, spreading his hands, looking helpless:

"Look, I'm telling the truth and you don't believe me, or if this operation is over, I will hang around for a few days with my Heavenly Sword Sect."

"Hmph! Don't scare me, I know that Lord Jianjun has not been in the sect for some time!"

Jian Jin turned his head and glanced at Mo Yi, knowing that the other party was testing the reality of Tian Jianzong, so he said indifferently:

"You are well-informed. Lord Jianjun and several other cultivators have gone to explore a newly discovered space. This time you can't see it even if you want to! However, Lord Jianli of my sect has already left the customs. What do you have?" You can ask him."

Mo Yi's heart skipped a beat when he heard Jian Jin's words. Jian Li is a sword cultivator who became famous earlier. He is well-known in the entire cultivation world. I just lost in the opponent's hands, not to mention that now that the opponent has advanced to the stage of refinement, I am afraid that the sword domain has been completed, and I am no longer an opponent.

If he saw Lord Jian Jun, the other party might still deal with it a little bit. If it was Jian Li, the other party would probably take him directly to the ring.

"Hehe! Then congratulations to Lord Jianli for being promoted!"

Mo Yi returned with a smile on his face, but the previous topic was never brought up again.

The cultivators of other sects around were silent, no one asked any more questions, obviously they would not say anything, as long as the information was accurate and there was no accidental injury, first eliminate the enemies in front of them, and then communicate with others.

Mr. Bao from the Yin Yang Sect was originally a low-level cultivator among the group of cultivators who transformed spirits, so he didn't say much, just do his own thing well, and the rest of the sect will naturally deal with it.

A black ray of light broke through the barrier of Huanle City and fled towards Devil Yuan.

"Okay, I'm going to exercise my muscles and bones, and you take care of the juniors below."

As Mo Yi said, he had already disappeared into the black magic fog, chasing after the fleeing cultivator.

Jian Jin doesn't stop him, he can't stop others from making meritorious deeds and being in the limelight, they are still optimistic about the bottom, don't let the fish slip through the net, otherwise where will they save the face of the gods?
The remaining six Huashen Lords each chose a position, stood in the sky, repaired the broken barrier, and closely monitored the entire Huanle City.

When the sky turned white and the red sun rose in the east, the entire Huanle City also returned to calm. After a night of fighting, almost all the parasitic monks were killed.

Mr. Mo Yi, who returned in the middle of the night, also wiped out the monk who had escaped, and he was quite satisfied with getting all the other party's net worth.

After the leaders of each sect confirmed the casualties, they led their respective teams back to their missions, and the barrier above Huanle City was also untied.

Lu Mingyi left Huanle City in a low-key way with his own Jianzong team. After joining Cao Chenfeng and Qi Wei who stayed behind halfway, he returned to the sect.

Qi Wei listened to the on-site commentary of the battle situation by the brothers of the Zongmen, and when she heard the highlights, she took out her wish stick and swung it a few times. The expression that it was a pity that she was not at the scene made Jian Jinjun almost laugh.

Half an hour after the attackers left, the monks who were hiding in the city poked their heads out one after another, and immediately passed on the news.

At this time, Hua Qingshan, who was wearing a black robe and masked and returned to the Hua family land, looked at the desolate family land, and the hatred in his heart deepened. He blamed himself for not restraining Hua Chunli well, making her fall in love with Kong Qiankun, and ran to plot The descendant of the Mahayana True Venerable.

Some members of the family are also contributing to this, wanting to be the apprentice of the real master, but unfortunately they used the wrong method, 30 years ago, they cut off their tails to survive, and kept these people who caused troubles behind the scenes, and all of them were killed by the Heavenly Sword Sect. Extermination can be regarded as their final contribution to the family.

A flying sword sent a letter to Hua Chunshan, saw the news about Huanle City inside, Hua Chunshan tore the space and left the clan.

A quarter of an hour later, another person was ushered in from the Hua family, Zhang Xuefeng, a newcomer to the Law Enforcement Hall of the Heavenly Sword Sect. Zhang Xuefeng's cultivation at this time was already at the late stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Since he participated in the selection of the Law Enforcement Hall last time and separated from the simple five members of the team, he first retreated in the secret hall of the Law Enforcement Hall for ten years and succeeded in building a foundation.

After leaving the "secret hall", Zhang Xuefeng participated in the secret training of the Law Enforcement Hall one after another, and also carried out some tasks during the 20 years. In addition to active experience and the supply of resources from the Law Enforcement Hall, his cultivation has steadily improved.

After leaving the customs, he also visited Shan Zhenren. He knew that when the other party had an accident in the Chilang Secret Realm, he led people to fight to the end, and made great contributions to the sect. Zongmen has not returned yet.

A few days ago, Zhang Xuefeng also communicated with the real person Cao Chenfeng by text message, knowing that the other party had just returned from the mission of the sect, and he was going to visit him.

Today is the routine inspection of the Hua family land that I am responsible for monitoring. Since the accidents of the Hua family and the Kong family, monks from both families have escaped, so the Tianjianzong has always arranged people to monitor here, but it has not been so much in recent years. Qin, the task level has also dropped to the red level.

Zhang Xuefeng became vigilant when he came to the top of the mountain, because there was the aftermath of spatial fluctuations, which were detected by the array disk worn on his waist, and the traces of someone standing on the highest position of the mountain may not be found by other monks, but Zhang Xuefeng was born as a hunter in the mundane world, so he is very sensitive to traces.

Finding that a high-level monk had been here, he immediately sent the message back to the sect, and took out the rations of the Law Enforcing Hall from his storage bag, a high-level surveillance array, and entered it into the entire Hua family land. Right in the center, after starting, leave immediately.

 good afternoon!In the past two days, I have worked hard to complete my number of code words, and then I followed the variety show "Brother Overcoming Thorns". I feel that the program team has invited my entire youth!Every brother is the white moonlight in my heart. The years have given them experience and precipitation, making them more mature, stable and masculine!Ah~~~ Groundhog screams! !

  Thank you again for your support of Wenwen!I will continue to work hard, the monthly pass and the recommended pass can now be stored in the storage ring on this gentleman.

(End of this chapter)

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