Chapter 1930 Fulfilling the Promise
After leaving the sky above the sea area of ​​Yanzhou, he simply put away his spaceship, and the disciples of the Beiming family returned to their seaship, this time the destination was Jianzhou.

After the disciples of the Beiming family left the Yifu, they were assigned homework tasks by their own three elders, and the injured disciples had to recover from their injuries. In addition, they hadn't been fresh about what happened in the past two days, so they simply relaxed for three days. , got together to talk about things in the Yifu, and Elder Jian's warship.

Because Xinrong got the inheritance, he also gained the space of the legacy mansion, and also had a ray of distraction from his ancestors to teach alchemy. After returning to the ship, he basically nested in a separate cabin to make alchemy.

Of course, before that, Xinrong was very trustworthy and handed over [-]% of the promised resources to Jian Jian, who held the storage ring with a round fan and sent it to Bei Minghan:

"Elder Han, you keep these resources and register them when you return to the family."

Bei Minghan nodded, and said with a serious face:

"After returning to the family, I will truthfully tell the patriarch about the merits of Elder Jian, and you will not lose any of the rewards you deserve."

Immediately after accepting the storage ring, he said to Xin Rong:
"From today onwards, you are the alchemist enshrined by my Beiming family, and also a disciple of the Beiming family. When you return to the Mingzhou family, you will automatically apply for an identity jade card."

"Thank you, Third Elder!"

Xin Rong cupped his hands, and then presented the engraved jade slip to Jian Jian again:
"Elder Jian, this is the alchemy inheritance that I promised to exchange with you."

This spaceship was obtained by her strangling the humanoid Zerg ambushing in the starry sky. The teleportation patterns on the ship's body, but she painted it bit by bit, took a lot of time, and finally got damaged in the black hole of the starry sky. Even so, the spaceship escorted her into the secret realm of the ice field and went to the northern fairyland.

I know how obsessed alchemists are with alchemy. The refining of alchemy above the fourth level requires not only talent and understanding, but also your cultivation to keep up. Otherwise, you will not be able to complete the complicated hand formulas. "

"Elder Jian, it seems that your attainments in alchemy are also extraordinary. I wonder if there is a chance for me to see it?"

"Elder Han praises it, but I think it's just that my alchemy is seriously damaged. When I return to Nether Continent, the first thing I have to do is to retreat and repair my alchemy."

"This is really not true. This warship is my spoils of war. Later, it was seriously damaged to protect me. After returning, it was repaired a lot, and it has the appearance it is today."

Bei Minghan heard that Jian Jian didn't want to say much about the warship, so he changed the subject and asked about the plan for the trip to Jianzhou.

Xin Rong immediately said that once he heard Elder Jian's words, he knew that the other party was an expert, otherwise he wouldn't be able to see the difference in Danfang at a glance.

Simplicity does not reject Bei Minghan's kindness.

"Elder Jian's warship is very good, but you made it yourself?"

After getting the nine-turn alchemy technique that he had been thinking about, Xin Rong didn't want to delay for a moment. After bowing to the two elders, he went back to his cabin. Inheritance in the sea.

Ziyu Yinlong Cauldron has a weapon spirit, and it is a very powerful weapon spirit, because it is too powerful, so I look down on the elixir she refined, and despise the low level of the product, which lowers his status.

"I also know a little about refining equipment. It should be no problem to repair the alchemy. If I am not capable enough, I will ask the elders who are good at refining equipment for advice, and then I will trouble Elder Han to introduce it."

"Thank you, Elder Jian, for your reminder. Xin Rong has remembered it, and he will not forget to improve his cultivation level even in alchemy."

Bei Minghan said.

Simple and helpless.

Bei Minghan understood that he was looking down on the combat power of Beiming's disciples, and planned to attack these 20 people first.

He simply nodded, smiled and said to Xin Rong:
"There are a lot of types of alchemy in your inheritance. Some alchemy are based on sea beast alchemy as the main material, and fairy plants or magic plants are auxiliary materials. It should be the alchemy that your ancestors debugged themselves."

Jian Jian just smiled shallowly, then raised his hand, a ball of light directly sank into the sea of ​​consciousness between Xin Rong's brows, making Xin Rong, who was defenseless, stunned for a moment.

The Qianyuan Immortal Realm has a vast sea area, and sea beasts are also a rich resource, so it is reflected in the alchemy recipes. Simply comparing with some alchemy recipes in memory, I found two alchemy recipes with the same effect, probably because no substitutes could be found. The fairy grass, or this kind of fairy grass is extinct, so I choose the inner alchemy of the sea beast to replace it, and a new alchemy formula is formed.

Simply tell the truth.

Xin Rong didn't tell the two about the secret of his family's ancestor's life experience. It's good for him to know about it himself, and he doesn't need to spread it. Now that the Ban family has endured the attacks of some people with ulterior motives for him, he is naturally happy to be at ease.

Simply said with a smile.

Xinrong replied embarrassedly, obviously what he said simply was not wrong, and it probably hit his careful thought.

Jian Jian glanced at the alchemy inheritance in the jade slip just now, and found that the refining materials of many of the elixirs are not limited to immortal plants or magic plants, but also the inner alchemy of sea beasts and some special materials on them. Among them, there are many scales and internal organs of sea animals.

Simply put.

Simply said with a smile.

These thoughts just flashed by, and then Bei Minghan borrowed the refining tool and changed the topic to the warship.

"Okay, listen to Elder Jane."

Jian Jian took the jade slip, swept it with her consciousness, and the contents inside were imprinted into her sea of ​​consciousness, and the jade slip in her hand was also turned into powder, this is to prevent the jade slip from being rubbed.

The corners of Bei Minghan's lips curved a little this time. He felt that the more he got in touch with Elder Jian, the more he found out that the other party was an all-rounder, and the more he wanted to know more.

"This is my ninth-rank alchemy technique. With your current cultivation, you can only see the refining techniques of the fourth-level elixir, and you have to wait for your cultivation to grow before you can gradually unlock it.

"It seems that this alchemy tripod is very important to Elder Jian."

Bei Minghan nodded after listening, and then said:
"There are also elders in the clan who are good at refining weapons. You can ask them to help you when the time comes."

"Elder Jian's insightful eyes, that's true. The next twenty or so pill recipes are all mature pill recipes that the ancestors added to the inheritance."

"Naturally, it's what I'm used to, and it can help me improve the quality of the pill."

"Go to Wan Jianzong to visit Immortal Wan Heng, and take the little guys to challenge the disciples of Wan Jianzong to improve their combat power."

This is a good thing, of course he will not refuse.

In fact, he also wanted to challenge Elder Jian to have a look, but if he did so, Wan Jianzong would misunderstand that there was a quarrel between the two elders, so he decided to wait until he returned to the Beiming family's territory, and he would definitely ask Elder Jian for help. Ask for advice.

The twenty sheep on the sea boat didn't know that Elder Jian, who was "beautiful and kind-hearted", had already started to train them.

Beiming’s trip went smoothly, but Ban’s didn’t. They were ambushed by several groups of people along the way. Although they all managed to escape in the end, the casualties had not stopped. When they returned to Danzhou to count, they would directly reduce their staff Ten percent, including the two family disciples who monitored Xinrong.

 Boys, add another chapter, see you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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