Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1938 The Immortal Emperor Invites

Chapter 1938 The Immortal Emperor Invites
Simply wave the round fan lightly, and the Wanjianzong disciples in front of them were fixed in place. Immediately, they were like the disciples in the Jingzhou resident, excruciatingly painful, their bodies trembled slightly, and the blood on their faces disappeared instantly. A small black dot rushed out and entered Zhima's mouth.

After pulling out the Gu worms, these disciples of Wan Jianzong are still in a daze, not understanding what's wrong with them?Immortal Wan Heng didn't explain either, and waved his hands to ask the young disciples in the News Pavilion to help these people out.

Immediately, the second wave of people entered, and the task of removing Gu worms continued.

The arena here is also very lively against Zhanfeng. The disciples of the Beiming Family have learned how to behave this time. They did not challenge immediately after they came up. Instead, they found a challenge arena that corresponds to their cultivation. First, they watched at least three battles before going on stage to challenge. , and the chosen opponent also thinks he is sure to win.

Most of Wan Jianzong's challenge peaks were disciples from the sect, and they noticed the appearance of the Beiming family's disciples immediately, so when they challenged on stage, there were more sect disciples onlookers.

They challenged the disciples of their own sect every day, but they also found it boring. Finally, a new opponent came, and they also wanted to see the skills of the Beiming family.

The results of the simple training of the Beiming family's disciples during this period of time were shown in the ring battle. Although they were abused terribly at the beginning, they gradually got used to the fighting rhythm, and later they were forced to leapfrog the challenge Sea beasts, so when they competed with the disciples of Immortal Sword Sect, they won the first competition with ease.

When they got out of the ring, they were all pleasantly surprised. After all, Sword Immortal's fighting power is recognized as strong. They actually won the first round, and their confidence immediately gained.

But Wan Jianzong's disciples were not happy anymore. It was too embarrassing to be beaten up, and they were looked down upon by Senior Sister Ziruo. In the arena, there must be no shortage of opponents.

Bei Mingzhi will report to the two elders of his family every day about the battle between the family disciples. Although he sometimes encounters challenges with wheels, he is very self-aware, and he can fight whenever he can. He cannot and will not force himself to fight hard. After all This is to increase combat power, not to fight for life and death.

"There's no need to apologize. If Wan Xie wants to, I'm willing to compete with him in the ring."

Wan Xie replied immediately.

One of them is the great-grandson of the elder of the sect, and he is very much loved by his ancestors. If he really becomes a puppet, it will definitely affect the judgment of his ancestors.

The simple thing is that together with Immortal Wan Heng, they screened all the elite disciples in the sect, and found a few fish that slipped through the net. Wan Heng is glad that he was cautious, otherwise he would have lost a few elites. The matter of the disciples.

"Forget it, you may not know if you ask, I will go with you."

"Simple to see Immortal Emperor Wanjian!"

"Ah? Oh!. Yes!"

Xu Kuangshi touched the non-existent sweat on his forehead, quickened his pace, and quickly disappeared here.

Immortal Emperor Wanjian sat at the head, not angry. After all, it is very polite to simply say that. How could he not know what happened under his nose?It's just that this person didn't hold back and brought it up in person.

After Xu Kuangshi coughed lightly, he said.

Fifteen days later, Jian Jian took the time to rest for a day, but Xu Kuangshi found Keju Peak, and then politely invited:


"Well, her natal sword is pretty good!"

After simply sitting down, he was not polite, and directly complained:

Xu Kuangshi was a little confused, which ancestor is this, why is he so reckless.

"Okay, I agree for him."

Immortal Emperor Wanjian rubbed the storage ring on his finger and said with a smile.

"Hmph! You are not curious about the strength of that female sword fairy. The difference is that I tried it out, and you all dare to think about it!"

At this time, Jian Jian also met the ancestor of Wan Jianzong, the immortal emperor who was once plotted by the Huangfu royal family in the legend.

Immortal Emperor Wanjian has a handsome face and restrained aura around him, he can't tell that he is an immortal emperor at all, he raised his hand to let Jian Jian sit down and talk.

"Wan Jianzong opened Jian's eyes and made friends with the sword. I have already received a sword before I saw you. Is this the tradition of Wan Jianzong?"

The woman continued to ask.

This time I went to the high-level and powerful Qingxiu place of Wan Jianzong. It was simple and not at all timid. I followed Xu Kuangshi slowly, and I was still in the mood to appreciate the surrounding scenery. The immortal power here is very strong, obviously Immortal stone veins are buried here, and there are formations to gather immortal energy.

Being simple is not used to the other party, she will fight whenever she wants, and she will not hide.

After both of them disappeared, a pleasant female voice sounded:
"Wan Xie (xie), let you owe your hand to the iron plate! They didn't hesitate to ignore you, and went directly to the ancestor to sue you. I'll see how you explain it later."

Only then did Jian Jian turn around, raised his slender hand, held the Mo Xi sword floating in front of him, and said with some displeasure:
"Is this Wan Jianzong's way of hospitality?"

Everyone doesn't care about this stuff anymore.

"Then tell me the result of your test?"

"It's their debt. I asked Wan Xie (xie) to apologize to you."

There is some gloating in it.

"Elder Jian, my ancestor would like to invite you to drink tea."

"Xu Xiaoyou, can you tell me why your ancestor wants to see me? I am timid."

After briefly responding for a while, she remembered who the ancestor Xu Kuangshi was talking about. She raised her eyebrows and asked directly:

When Xu Kuangshi, who was walking in front, didn't react, a sword light rushed towards Jian Jian, with no killing intent, mostly probing elements, Mo Xijian rushed out of his dantian without even a simple gesture, and slammed at Jian Guang With one strike, the probing sword light was directly scattered.

"Hey, the ancestor didn't say anything, I just wanted to chat with you and drink tea."

He simply raised his hand to send a message to Bei Minghan, and left Keju Peak with Xu Kuangshi.

After waiting for a while, no one stood up, and simply snorted coldly, his voice was two minutes cold, and said to Xu Kuangshi:
"Continue to lead the way, I will ask your ancestors myself."


Simply accept it as soon as you see it, bowed and saluted, and then asked respectfully:
"I don't know why the Immortal Emperor saw me?"

"I know what you said to Xu Kuangshi. You suggested that I close my memory and go to mundane practice. It will help me to eliminate the knots in my heart and achieve the ruthless swordsmanship I practice. Can you tell me in detail."

Wan Jian said in a gentle tone.

After a brief recollection, I remembered the first time I met Xu Kuangshi. She was on the way to Jingzhou on the sea boat of Beimingzhi. She accidentally talked about the festival between Wan Jianzong and the Huangfu royal family. Hearing that, I followed them all the way, trying to find an answer, the answer that Immortal Emperor Wanjian could not become a god.

(End of this chapter)

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