Chapter 1959 Little Clues
Mozhou Mozhimo King's Mansion

Mo Zhi was reading the news from Huangfu's house, the corners of his lips were tightly pursed, although he had already learned that the mother Gu had been destroyed earlier, but after receiving further news, he was still in a bad mood.

The action against Bei Minghan was a temptation specially arranged by him. Fortunately, there was that stupid woman named Qiandai who could take advantage of it.

It's a pity that Bei Minghan didn't want to have anything to do with Qiandai. Even with the bait of Wannian Ice Crystal, he still didn't meet Qiandai alone. As for who accompanied Bei Minghan to meet Qiandai, he didn't need to guess. Simple.

If it is not simple, if it is anyone else, he is confident that the child Gu embedded in the ten thousand-year ice crystal will not be found, the most important thing is the result, the mother Gu died, this is the other party's response, if he does not Afraid, that is fake, but the timing is not right now, he is not qualified to jump out yet.

Mo Zhi crushed the communication talisman, then sighed, and with a flash of figure, went to the dark and gloomy cage deep in the mansion, he wanted to meet his good brother.

At the same time, Kai Shance also received a simple message, asking him to pay more attention to the Mozhi Demon King, don't let down his vigilance, the other party will definitely take action.

According to the news specially sent by Kai Shance before simply leaving, he used his family power to investigate the past of the Mozhi Demon King. After contacting the inconspicuous news in the past, he really discovered something, which made him sigh There was a devilish ruthlessness.

Mozhi is not from a big family in Mozhou, Mozhi's family is just a small family, and the family has a place in Mozhou by domesticating monsters.

Because the demonic beasts domesticated by Mozhi's family are very docile, they can be used as mounts, or they can be used to pull people in cars. There are also some rare magical beasts that are directly taken over by the young masters and ladies of the demonic clan. strength.

Mozhi's family is very sober, and it didn't overinflate because of these things. It just guarded its one-acre three-point field, slowly accumulating resources, and cultivating outstanding disciples in the family.

And Mozhi was born when the family was developing steadily, and the family placed high hopes on him from birth. Of course, Mozhi also has this capital, because he is the root of the dark spirit, and this alone is worthy of the family's emphasis on cultivation.

It took Mozhi less than 1000 years to advance to the Earth Demon Realm, which was due to his own efforts and the supply of a large amount of family resources.

Mozhi's subsequent practice was not all smooth sailing, because of his outstanding cultivation talent, he was favored by the youngest son of the Si family and wanted him to be his entourage, but Mozhi was naturally unwilling. He was also cultivated by the family. Willing to be someone else's servant.

The youngest son of the Si family secretly resented that Mozhi didn't know how to praise him, and he didn't say anything on the surface, but not long after, Mozhi was seriously injured in an experience, and his life was hanging by a thread, and he was carried back to the clan without finishing his sentence. Just passed out.

Although Mozhi's parents knew who did it, they didn't have any evidence to say anything, and they didn't have the strength to trouble the Si family. In the end, they could only grit their teeth and endure the anger, and used all their resources to treat Mozhi.

The Si family ruined Mozhi's foundation, so they naturally wouldn't pay too much attention to useless people who couldn't be used by them, but no one expected that Mozhi survived, but said to the outside world that he had fallen.

After 1 years, Mozhi reappeared in front of the families of the Demon Continent with the cultivation base of the Demon King Realm, but this time it was the Si family who was unlucky. Before everyone could react, the Si family was exterminated and completely disappeared in the Demon Continent on the site.

When some people inquired about it, Mo Zhi generously admitted:

"I did it. This is my retaliation. When they failed to win me over, they destroyed my foundation and made me a useless person. In order to survive, the family could only swallow their anger and apologize to the Si family. At that time, my strength Not as good as people, I admit it.

Now that I'm back, I have the ability to seek justice for myself, shouldn't I?If someone did this to you, wouldn't you take revenge? "

Because Mo Zhi's answer was too straightforward, it made other families feel a little uncomfortable to criticize. After all, no matter who encounters this kind of thing, the first thing to do when they have the strength is to avenge the ruin of people's foundations.

However, the powerful Mozhi Demon King calmed down after meeting the Devil Emperor. He did not vigorously support the development of his own family, nor did he accept the favor of the big family. He only accepted the attachment of eight small families. The family has a skill and is fairly honest.

After the completion of the Demon King's Mansion, Mo Zhi basically traveled abroad, and he also got acquainted with the Demon King Mo Liao at that time, and also passed the word through Mo Liao. In private competition, he can fight for as many resources as he has, as long as he is worthy of his dependent family and himself.

That's what Mo Zhi said, and he did the same thing. Besides, as long as he is in a day, with his strength in the Demon King Realm, he will naturally not be short of resources, and Mo Zhi is also very measured. He only chooses suitable resources and is not greedy. It won't embarrass other families, and its reputation is pretty good.

These are the ones that can be found on the surface, and there are some rumors, one of which is very interesting, it comes from the Mozhi family, and it is said that the real Mozhi has fallen under the framing of the Si family. Zhi is the younger brother of twins, he replaced his elder brother as Mo Zhi.

It's just that there is no way to verify this news. After all, Mo Zhi's parents have already fallen, and the timing of the fall is also very coincidental. Just after the Si family was destroyed, it is said that the Si family counterattacked. They had no ability to seek revenge from Mo Zhi, so they aimed at him The family and parents, dragged his parents to die together.

Although Mo Zhi also killed the person who killed his parents in the end, it was a step too late. For this reason, Mo Zhi blamed himself very much and did not leave the retreat for 500 years.

Kui Shance didn't believe it was a coincidence, with Mo Zhi's ruthlessness and determination, how could anyone slip through the net, it's just because the matter was so long ago that it couldn't be verified.

With a serious face, Kai Shance tapped his fingers on the table, analyzing the reliability of this news.

He believed in this rumor. After all, if the Si family wants to make a move, they will definitely not give Mo Zhi a chance to stand up. This is the habit of big families. In the fairy world, no one can guarantee that there will be no adventures. .

Then the possibility of this younger brother replacing the elder brother is very high, and the most prominent thing in Mozhi's family is animal taming. Since he can tame animals, he can also raise animals. How can we not raise this human gu? Mozhi's family will definitely contribute up.

Thinking of this, Kai Shance immediately passed all the information found here to Jian Jian. As for what happened between the two brothers, he still needs to investigate further.

The simplicity of receiving the news was not surprising, because Zhima had told him that the Human Gu had the same appearance as Mozhi, so he was undoubtedly a twin brother.

(End of this chapter)

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