Chapter 1973 Cannibalism
Because of Jian Jian and the appearance of Bei Minghan, and the secret blessing of sesame seeds, Qianzhou successfully eliminated all the high-level sea beasts that rushed into Qianzhou. As for the immortals who were still fighting each other, they were finally rescued by various families The high-ranking immortals in the film have shot Qianzhou.

Qianzhou has restored order, and it is not so difficult to deal with the sea beast tide. At least it will not be attacked by the enemy.

But the Huangfu royal family and Mozhi who were playing tricks secretly were not happy anymore. The so-called alliance relationship between the two parties had already existed in name only, especially after the two mother Gu sent by Mozhi were so-called "simple strangulation".

Mozhi never contacted the Huangfu family again. The elders of the Huangfu family knew that they were wronged and hibernated quietly. However, the arrival of the sea beast tide made both parties feel that the time has come. They can weaken the strength of some families first, and then come forward to make money. To gain a good reputation, I chose two small continents, Qianzhou and Danzhou, to start.

It is also important to choose these two continents, because these two continents are small continents. If something goes wrong, they will not be able to find support for a while when the tide of sea beasts is present, so that they can harvest a wave of resources. By the way Weaken the power of the two continents to facilitate the placement of families that suit one's own wishes in the future.

On the other hand, the existence of simplicity is also considered. Qianzhou is close to Mingzhou. If they receive a message asking for help, the Beiming family will definitely arrange for support. Whether Elder Jian will take action is still unknown. They are gambling, which is also a kind of temptation .

As Danzhou is close to Lingzhou, the Xiling family may not be able to help immediately. They can search for a wave of resources. After all, Danzhou is famous for its elixir. , and it won't be too eye-catching.

The calculations of both parties were crackling, and they simply killed each other. Huangfushan received the sound transmission of the natal Gu, and immediately knew that it was going to be bad, so she dodged to find the second elder, but unfortunately it was still a step too late.

Because Jingzhou also had problems, high-level sea beasts bypassed the first line of defense, entered Jingzhou, and began to wreak havoc, and the main target of the siege was the imperial city where the Huangfu clan lived.

These are Mozhi's handwriting, because his puppet was strangled in Danzhou, and he lost a lot of backhands, and the news sent back by the Human Gu was that the mother Gu of the Huangfu clan manipulated the child Gu, and suddenly attacked them.

"Hey, Elder Jian, what do you think?"

In the next breath, the sesame seed landed on the top of Jiu Huan's head, and was instantly submerged in the snow-white fur. Even if he scanned with his spiritual sense, he might not be able to find him.

"How did the Huangfu family react?"

"Yes, Master!"

Jian Jian hides in the clouds, with a smile on his lips, he directly tells Zhima:

"No, I surrounded the entire Danzhou, and after cleaning up those Gu worms, I went directly back to Qianzhou to join the third elder, and swept away all the tails."

"What else can I do? I think Mo Zhi crosses the river and demolishes the bridge!"

After all, Danzhou is under the protection of the Xiling family. If they do this, they will inevitably be said to have crossed the line.

Simple voice transmission asked.

"Taking advantage of the current chaos, activate two child Gu, and after finding the mother Gu, kill it directly, so as not to hurt the host, try to push it onto Mozhi."

"Marshmallow, surround the whole Danzhou!"

The second elder asked with a smile.

Jiu Huan flicked his snow-white nine tails and responded immediately.

"Human Gu sent back the news, it was Mozhi's order. He felt that the knife of the Huangfu family was a bit disobedient, and he planned to show them some color."

"No problem, Bai Jiuhuan promises to complete the task!"

"Yes, Master!"

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he said with a smile.

Simple and direct instructions.

A day later, Jian Jian brought Jiu Huan back to Mo's house, and after reuniting with Bei Minghan, he returned directly to Mingzhou without stopping.

And Jian Jian didn't stay in Mo's house in Qianzhou for a long time. After explaining a few words to Bei Minghan, he disappeared in Qianzhou, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived in Danzhou. The Gu worms all thought that there were immortals and high-level sea beasts joining forces.

"Let the puppets of the two parties kill each other, and give Zigu enough time to spread the news, and don't expose yourself."

Bei Minghan talked about the first half, and briefly said the second half. After hearing this, the corners of the elders present twitched, feeling that the two of them acted too quickly.

"It's a bit difficult. First of all, to find the other party, you have to use the Zigu I planted on the Huangfu clan."

"Elder Jian, didn't you disturb the Xiling family?"

Jian Jian immediately waved his hand, released Jiu Huan from the sleeve robe, and said directly:
"I'll let Zhima go with you to collect the corpses of the high-level sea beasts and the storage ring of the fallen fairy, and make up the knife by the way, is it okay?"

Cotton candy's milky voice sounded, and when Jiu Huan jumped down, it also fell down. A gust of sea breeze blew by, and the white mist instantly enveloped the entire Danzhou in it, covering all prying eyes and Danzhou. internal situation.

"Yes, Master!"

Back at the Elder Hall of Beiming’s house, the two handed over the tasks, Jian Jian also handed in a batch of resources, which were part of Danzhou’s harvest, and she let the two of them handle the spoils of Zhima and Jiu Huan by herself, Jian Jian himself Only the inner alchemy of the high-level sea beast was kept, and the rest were directly given to the elder hall.

The second elder swept his consciousness and saw the corpse of a high-ranking sea beast, but he didn't refuse. He added enough contribution points to the simple identity jade pendant, and then asked about the situation of the two of them going out to investigate.

Zhima responded immediately, and then awakened the child Gu planted in the bodies of the two elite disciples of the Huangfu clan. After confirming the surrounding environment, they began to look for the mother Gu.

Sesame said with the tip of her tail cocked.

The second elder felt his teeth ache when he heard this. Elder Jian was so bold that he immediately surrounded Danzhou. Just as he was about to ask again, the ninth elder entered the elder hall and brought the latest news:
"The same situation happened in Jingzhou as in Qianzhou. High-level sea beasts cooperated with immortals to invade Jingzhou and besiege the imperial city of Huangfu's family."

The simple phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and then said directly:
"The mother Gu you found last time was not sent by Mozhi, is there a way to kill it?"

Hearing this news briefly, he pursed his lips and smiled, because Sesame also transmitted the voice at the same time:

At the beginning, both sides aimed at Qianzhou and Danzhou, but they did not communicate with each other. After the puppet sea beasts and immortals of both sides met, they also went their own ways. Now that their own puppets were attacked and suffered heavy losses, Mozhi immediately ordered a counterattack and arranged another attack. Bo Puppets began to attack Jingzhou, which is the stronghold of the Huangfu clan.

The second elder asked simple.

Simply put:
"Don't worry about it, they are self-inflicted, and the ally relationship with Mozhi is shattered. In addition, I let the Gu worm puppets of Danzhou and Qianzhou kill each other, and now they have officially torn their faces. The Mozhi Demon King obviously doesn't want to be kind. , ordered the puppets under his control to surround Huangfu Imperial City."


This time, Bei Mingying made the sound of inhaling, and she said that Elder Jian was not easy to get along with. After going out for a while, the two parties immediately started biting dogs, consuming each other.

(End of this chapter)

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