Chapter 1975 Prepare with both hands
Zhima really admired her master so much that even the Immortal Emperor dared to fool her, so she raised her tail and asked:
"Master, are you not afraid that the Immortal Emperor will ask that woman for verification?"

"I'm afraid! So I'm not 'suggesting' him to close his cultivation and memory, and go to the mortal world to experience the seven emotions and six desires? Ordinary people have a limited lifespan, but there is also a small 100 years. By then, we will all return to the seven directions fairyland. Knowing that I deceived him, we will not be able to find us!"

Simple and very bachelor said.

"Master, you are so thoughtful!"

Sesame served rainbow farts with black lines all over his head, his master was so courageous, and he was not afraid that others would find something wrong and come to him.

"However, we don't have to worry now, because you have filled the only loophole. Even if Immortal Emperor Wanjian really goes to find Huangfushan to confront him, I won't be afraid anymore!"

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he said with a smile.

Her own sesame seeds are still very powerful, and it is worthwhile for her to spend a lot of fairy crystals to support the little guy.

"Master, it's good to know! But Huangfushan's situation is not good. There are problems with the two female Gu refined by her natal Gu. Now I have killed them all. She has lost her natal Gu, and her cultivation level has already reached the limit. I fell into the Daluojin Wonderland."

Sesame immediately added.

You contact several big families such as Quan, Che, and Jiao, and send some people to secretly go to Yanzhou to see if Mozhi has any actions against Yanzhou. If there is no action, consider us to support Yanzhou. Then let his plan fail. "

Because of the human gu's betrayal, Mozhi didn't know that the Mozu had begun to pay attention to him secretly, and the successive failures of his plans were not entirely due to the greedy Huangfu clan, but also simple handwriting.

"Yes, Master!"

"What else can I do! Be furious! The natal Gu in Huangfushan's body is their family's trump card. It died halfway before making any contribution to the family. I hate Mozhi as an ally."


Said simply and casually.

"Although Fairy Jian is the elder of the Beiming family, she is also a powerful demon. Since she came back with the news, she naturally discovered something. Danzhou and Qianzhou do not belong to the territory of the demons. It is inconvenient for us to intervene, but Yanzhou Can not escape the control of the demons.

Ancestor Kui Shan added.

Kai Shance immediately clapped his hands.

"Yes, Patriarch! Ce understands, let's make arrangements now!"

"The tricks are not old, as long as they are useful, the trial environment given to them now is the most basic and common five-element trial environment, and they have not yet been given the trial environment of the Zerg race!"

After thinking about it briefly, she sent a message to Kai Shance again. There is Beiming family on the side of the four major families, so she doesn't have to worry about it.

"Monarch Kuishan, do you have evidence?"

"Heh! Let them dog bite the dog, so as not to stretch their claws so long."

After Kai Shance left the ancestor's place of Qingxiu, he contacted the patriarchs of these families and shared the news that was simply passed on. Now the big families are blown up. I didn't expect that there was such an ambition in the demon clan. Home.

"Thank you for the reminder, Monarch Kuishan, we know what to do."

Zhima's small eyes have been narrowed into a slit, and she said gloatingly.

On the one hand, it was to retaliate against the continuous petty actions of the Huangfu clan, which prevented him from playing its due role in the deployment of the two continents. At the same time, it was also to hold back the Huangfu clan in Jingzhou and stop disrupting his actions on Nanzhou.

"No, if there was one, I would have gone to find the Demon Emperor long ago. Telling you is also to keep your eyes open, and don't be fooled by the other party's aloofness. Besides, this trip to Nightmare Island is also an opportunity to prove it. "

Yanagawa said directly:

"It doesn't matter, as long as you don't die! What's the attitude of the Huangfu family?"

Ancestor Kai Shan saw the content of the jade slip, and a dark light flashed in his eyes. After handing the jade slip back, he said directly:

"You don't change your tricks, you use the trial dream to bully these little guys from the lower realm."

Simply shaking the round fan in his hand, he replied without guilt at all.

Several patriarchs hurried back to the family territory and reported the news received today to their respective ancestors. The attitudes of the several ancestors were surprisingly the same. They prepared with both hands. The back door of the continent, waiting for everything to happen.

Liu Chuan said with emotion.

There should be no major problems in Mozhou. After all, the big families of the Mozu are all sitting in Mozhou. Nightmare Continent may be a part of Mozhi's plan. After all, it is very chaotic there, and all forces are mixed together. If He handled it properly, and it is feasible to use the tide of sea beasts to take Yanzhou into his pocket.

"It's not easy being your disciple!"

And things are really as simple as guessed, Mozhi really wanted to use the tide of sea beasts to take Yanzhou into his pocket, but because of Qianzhou and Danzhou's successive defeats, it was all because the Huangfu clan was holding back, Mozhi had to mobilize Gu insect puppets Siege Jingzhou.

Simple and direct instructions to Zhimadao.

The ten young disciples were stunned on the spot, then sat cross-legged on the ground in a daze, closed their eyes and started their own trials, simply put on a protective shield, and didn't care about it any more.

Kui Shance said directly, and then added:
"Everyone is a big family of the demon clan, and they have their own news channels. You can check this demon king carefully. Everything that has been done will leave traces. Some things cannot stand investigation or scrutiny. .”

Several patriarchs looked at each other and didn't answer, but they had already thought about it in their hearts.

Thinking of this, he simply hooked his lips into a smile, and immediately sent a message to Kai Shance, telling about the situation of Danzhou and Qianzhou, as well as his own actions, and then focused on reminding Kai Shance that it is best to unite with other families to stabilize Yanzhou , don't let it be reduced to the sphere of influence of the devil.

Patriarch Che still couldn't believe it.

"Don't worry, I will take care of you in the clan, so you don't need to be distracted."

Kai Shance was originally in the family town, and after receiving a simple summons, he immediately went to see his ancestors. The news was very important, and it also involved Yanzhou, which was related to the interests of the demons. He wanted to listen to the opinions of his ancestors.

Kai Shance said meaningfully.

The whole patriarch arched his hands.

"It just so happens that those ten little disciples are about to build their foundations. I need to take care of them a bit more. If you receive news of the human gu, please let me know anytime."

Several other families immediately agreed, and after a while, everyone left one after another and left the mansion of the Kaishan family.

Jian Jian was teaching his disciples at Jian Yuefeng at this time, and he had already explained the key points of foundation building to ten young disciples, and then his phoenix eyes turned, and a blue light flashed across them, instantly dragging ten of them into the trial dream at the same time, preparing to shallow Fuck these little flowers.

"Speaking of disciples, I miss my four obedient disciples very much. I don't know if they have ascended yet?"

"It should have already ascended, but I don't know which domain it has ascended to."

Liu Chuan also likes the four little disciples, all of them are smart and sensible, although they are basically in a free-range state, they have not fallen behind in cultivation.

The main reason is that the master is too busy, but the resources for cultivation are sufficient, and each of the four disciples is well-raised.

(End of this chapter)

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