Chapter 1977 Complete Disappearance
"In my eyes, the Huangfu clan is nothing but shit-stirring sticks, lacking in ability and high ambitions, if you really put your heart into it and train disciples in the clan well, it's nothing to grow and grow.

But they used the most unsightly method, wanting to be the emperor of the fairy world, wanting to be like ordinary people, holding all the resources in their hands, wanting all the women to prostrate at the feet of their Huangfu clan, and using the furnace to Improving cultivation and cultivating disciples, what kind of disciples can they cultivate with outstanding moral character?

I admit that as long as the family has its own selfishness, but what have they done, if it is for self-protection, what have they done to control the immortals of other families? The ambitions of the sea beasts are even used to cause casualties and harm the innocent.

This kind of family with no bottom line, it is better not to grow stronger, and now the disciples they have cultivated have perfectly inherited their Huangfu family's royal family theory of "those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish", so what are they left for?Continue to corrode new seedlings?

Instead of this, it would be better to just sink the Huangfu family's ship as you said. "

This is the first time that Jian is so domineering and spares no effort to destroy a family.

Liu Chuan believed that she was telling the truth, and was very aware of her concerns, so after thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said:

"You do this not only because you think that the Huangfu clan has no bottom line, but also because if the Zerg race invades this world, their first choice of cooperation partner must be the Huangfu royal family, because Gu insects are also insects, and even both sides may come from the same source, so you are so afraid of this. family."


Simple and generous to admit.

"Yes, master! Don't worry, I am now in the middle of the sixth order, the range of perception has expanded, and the sub-gu that can be controlled has also increased. I will stare at Mozhi's Demon King's Mansion, and the master is waiting for my good news."

"Hmph! Didn't you want to get rid of me a long time ago? Make good use of this opportunity, and you can also contact the other party openly. If you really succeed, you will be completely free!"

Mo Zhi appeared in the black cage in the forbidden area of ​​the Demon King's Mansion, stared at the curled up elder brother with dark eyes, and asked in a deep voice:
"Can you connect with Fairy Jian's Immortal Gu?"

The simple thing is that she raised her hand and rubbed her earlobe, and this matter was over, she narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, and solemnly ordered Zhima:
"Where the demonic human Gu is, you should keep an eye on it. You must find the best time, so I can make a move."

After the predicament of Qianzhou and Danzhou was broken, the two continents have patched up the loopholes and stabilized the sea beast attacks in the sea area. Now they are in a stalemate with the sea beast tide, but no support is needed for the time being.


This time the Human Gu turned its head mechanically, and then continued to say hoarsely:
"They won't believe me!"

A contemptuous look flashed across the face of the devilish young man, but he said seductively in his mouth.


Since all the deployments failed, Mozhi never left the Demon King's Mansion. He pretended to be in the back of the town, but he was actually investigating the reason why his plan failed. After checking and checking, the problem seemed to be the Huangfu family. But Mo Zhi always felt that something was wrong.

Simply said with a smile.

Zhima's small body trembled, she rolled her eyes at Willow, and immediately said flatteringly:
"Master, don't worry, Sesame is your Immortal Gu. If you point east, I will never go west."

"Don't worry, I will teach Zhima well. If he dares to cause trouble and do bad things, I will beat him back to his original form."

Mo Zhi cursed in a low voice, and then a dark light flashed in his eyes, and then ordered in a cold voice:
"I don't care what method you think of, get in touch with that Immortal Gu, and pretend to want to get rid of me and surrender to the other party, you understand!"

Simply received a message from Sesame, and Mozhi seemed to have suspected her. He used magic to control the human Gu to investigate the situation of the Gu insects in the two continents of Mo and Yan, but because the level of the human Gu was lower than that of Sesame, so everything was wrong. Didn't find out, because of this, Mo Zhi became more and more suspicious of simplicity.

Jingzhou was trapped under the Huangfu royal family's combat method of injuring one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred. , the battle with the sea beast tide has not yet ended, and internal friction has begun.

Human Gu closed his eyes, and there were new scars on his almost naked body, which was a kind of red brand mark. These scars made him huddled weakly in the pile of bones. Hearing Mo Zhi's question, it took a lot of effort. Opening his dull eyes, he said in a hoarse voice:

Although Jian Jian did not leave Jian Yuefeng, she knew the news about the tide of sea beasts in great detail. Whether it was the third elder or Bei Mingzhi, they would send her news from time to time.

Liu Chuan ignored Sesame at all, and with a wave of the wicker, was about to sweep Sesame away again. This time, Sesame was prepared, and flicked his tail directly, returning to the simple earlobe, making the willow branch fall into the air.

Under the joint defense of several big families in Demon Island, Yanzhou successfully killed the high-level sea beasts that intended to infiltrate the land, which made the local families in Nightmare Island lose face. Kill the sea beast.

Yanagawa directly applied eye drops to Jian Jian.

"No, he is a high-level Immortal Gu, and he doesn't even bother to contact a low-level Human Gu like me."

Mozhi snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, the Human Gu broke away from the pile of bones and was suspended in the air. On the neck and wrists of the limbs, a blood-red coquettish rune immediately appeared, which made the Gu tremble instantly. Kung fu, the whole body turned red, as if it had been cooked.

Human Gu lowered his eyes, hiding the hatred in his eyes, but did not reply.

Afterwards, Jian Jian turned her attention to her disciples. The little disciples were very upbeat, and they all built their foundations one after another. Under her care, they passed through the foundation-building thunder disaster smoothly. , I am afraid that I will fall behind.

"Tsk tsk, Zhima is not big, but she has too many thoughts. You have to discipline him well, so that you won't get into trouble that you can't handle."

Zhima finally got rid of the sea of ​​flowers, flicked her tail, returned to the jade table, and yelled at the willow tree behind Jianjian:
"Liu Chuan, you are jealous of my master's favor and always bully me! Also, I am an Immortal Gu, so I will not come from the same origin as the Zerg Race. I am much stronger than them!"

Painful groans overflowed from Human Gu's mouth, but Mo Zhi didn't have a trace of pity, but said coldly:
"I'm not discussing with you, this is my order, don't let me down, you know the consequences! Don't have extravagant expectations, otherwise you will die even worse!"

Immediately with a wave of his hand, the Human Gu was smashed into the pile of bones again, and Mo Zhi turned to leave. After half an hour, the Human Gu crawled out from the pile of bones, his hands trembling, not daring to touch the red brand on his body.

And everything that happened here was told by Zhima verbatim, and asked suspiciously:
"Master, what does Mozhi want to do?"

"He wants me to disappear completely!"

 Babies, there are guests at home today, so I coded three chapters, see you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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