Chapter 2041
"Tazhuo, are you alright?"

The moment the simple figure appeared, Ta Zhuo stopped ravaging the guard, grinned and said:

"Fairy don't worry, Ta Zhuo is fine!"

Then he turned around quickly, punched the guard heavily in the stomach, and growled:

"Give me back my baby!"

The soul body of the guard is already very weak, and tends to dissipate at any time, simply shook his head helplessly, took a step forward, took over the guard held by Ta Zhuo in his hand, and raised his hand to cover the opponent's head. After three breaths, the guard's body Soul annihilation.

He simply raised his hand and knocked down a trace of the opponent's soul power, then turned his hand and hit the stone wall in the cave where the guard was. After a while, a black hole the size of a basketball appeared on the stone wall, and simply signaled Ta Zhuo to take it by himself.

Ta Zhuo swept his consciousness to confirm that his things were inside, and immediately reached in, took out the soul ring, the soul armor and the attacking horcrux, and also took out a soul ring and other weapons stored inside. out.

After arming himself, he handed the rest of Ta Zhuo to Jian Jian, but Jian Jian was not polite, took the things directly, and prepared to take Ta Zhuo away.

"Seniors, please stay, can you let me out?"

Jian Jian didn't respond, just glanced at Ta Zhuo, and said:

"You decide."

After Tazhuo thought for a while, he stood in front of the dungeon that was about to collapse with his arms folded, and the old god said:
"I saved you, what do you get in return?"

"What do seniors want? As long as we have it, we will definitely give it!"

"After I was caught here, all my wealth was taken away by the old ghost of Heishan, and I lost everything. If seniors don't dislike me, I can inquire about news, run errands and so on."

"Me too, I don't want to take advantage of the old ghost of Heishan, and be his reserve force, please let us go, senior, I am willing to be a cow and a horse."

The imprisoned ghost cultivators immediately began to sell themselves. After all, they were 12 very willing to escape this prison.

"Say so much, it's still nothing!"

Ta Zhuo pouted, he was not easy to deceive.

"I'm willing to swear!"

"Me too!"

"I also."

All the ghost cultivators saw that this man would not scatter the eagle if he didn't see the rabbit, and immediately said the words of the oath.

"Then hurry up! What are you doing in a daze!"

Ta Zhuo said impatiently, the fairy is still waiting for him, these old ghosts know how to waste time.

At this time, more and more stones fell from the roof of the cave. Obviously, the battle outside had spread to the ground, which showed its intensity.

"I swear"

"I swear that if I break my oath, I will fall into the [-]th hell, and I will never be reborn!"

Immediately swore an oath cleverly, and if he didn't swear again, this dungeon would be his burial place.

According to the order of the oaths, the cages were opened one by one. As soon as these old ghosts came out, they disappeared into the dungeon in a flash.

"Running really fast!"

Simply sneered, there was no obstruction at all, these old ghosts took advantage of the loophole, and the oath they made did not specify the time limit for fulfilling the oath. If Ta Zhuo couldn't find them to fulfill their promise, they would not be considered as breaking the oath, but unfortunately they forgot , and there is a simple side too!

At this time, Ta Zhuo seemed to realize that he had done a stupid thing, and was a little annoyed. He ignored the rest of the ghost cultivators, came to Jian Jian, scratched his head, and then said:

"Fairy, they are not authentic, they actually lied to Tazhuo."

"It's okay, it's just some cannon fodder. They are ordered to go out, but they are not ordered to leave."

Simply said with a smile.

There is no discrepancy between the facts and the simple statement. These ghost cultivators can't even leave the territory of the old ghost in Heishan. Either they were affected by the attack of the ghost emperor in the war, or they were used as reserve power to absorb all the soul power and completely disappeared in the air.

The man who spoke first fled back into the dungeon in embarrassment, his figure was almost transparent, he raised his hand to ask Ta Zhuo for help, Ta Zhuo directly raised his foot and kicked the already weak ghost cultivator away completely , the other ghost cultivators in the dungeon immediately silenced, not daring to provoke this boss anymore.

Simplicity did not stop Tazhuo from doing what he did. After all, it was the ghost who started it. If he did it, he would have to bear the consequences. If they kept their promises, stayed in the dungeon obediently, and obeyed their orders, they would not die so quickly. scattered.

The two waited for another quarter of an hour until half of the dungeon collapsed and the shaking of the earth stopped completely. Then Jian Jian took Ta Zhuo and left the dungeon along the route explored by the little silver armors.

"After the fight just now, I believe that the soul power of these two old ghosts is now exhausted. After we go out, you and I will be responsible for dealing with each other. Don't forget to get the other party's soul ring, understand?"

Simply and directly said to Ta Zhuo.


Ta Zhuo nodded and said, the soul ring was their trophy, he knew it well.

Hei Shan and Bai Si had separated at this time, and the two ten thousand-year-old ghosts looked at each other angrily, after all, neither of them could completely take each other down.

The appearance of Jian Jian and Ta Zhuo made the eyes of the two old ghosts brighten at the same time, especially the old ghost of Heishan. He reacted faster than Bai Si, and immediately attracted Jian Jian to himself. This is his reserve energy. He jumped out on his own initiative, just to give him a helping hand.

Tazhuo seemed to be flying towards one of the black-faced old ghosts, so he chose the Baisi ghost emperor.

The moment Bai Si Guihuang saw the old ghost of Heishan's movement, he understood the opponent's intentions. Fortunately, there was another fool who rushed towards him. He didn't care about it, and made the same choice as Heishan, raising his hand to inhale, speeding up the speed of the opponent's rush.

Ta Zhuo and Jian Jian arrived at the two old ghosts almost at the same time, and when the other party was about to absorb their soul power to supplement the loss, Jian Jian's whip for beating the soul had turned into many whip shadows, covering the old Heishan ghost, and no one The whip fell to the ground, and Ta Zhuo's illusory fist shadows, combined with the poison of the attack bracelet, quickly hit Bai Si Guihuang.

The accident happened very quickly, and there was almost no chance for the other party to breathe, but after all, the two old ghosts who had been around for thousands of years, turned into suction almost at the same time, and immediately pulled away the objects they regarded as soul power support.

At this time, the two old ghosts stopped attacking each other tacitly, but changed their attack targets to Jian Jian and Ta Zhuo.

On the originally dark face of Heishan Ghost Emperor, a ferocious look flashed across, stroked the place where he was beaten by the whip, and said viciously:

"Who are you? How did you get into Lao Tzu's territory?"

Jian Jian held the Soul Beating Whip with a gloomy and cold light in his hand, smiled at the Black Mountain Ghost Emperor, squinted his phoenix eyes, and said in a strange way:
"Tsk tsk, you old ghost asked knowingly, didn't you take me here? You even sent a ghost matchmaker to want me to be your concubine! Bah! You don't even take pictures of yourself. Dare to miss me, I am determined to be Yama's person!"

Heishan couldn't stand being ridiculed by such sarcasm. He immediately let out a strange cry and rushed forward, ready to take down this eloquent female ghost cultivator.

 Babies, this is a chapter that I owed yesterday, and the rest will be uploaded around 07:30 in the afternoon after the code is completed! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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