Chapter 2043 Bold Guess
After finishing the simple words, Yama of the Nine Palaces had already realized that there was an unknown force under his jurisdiction that had even penetrated into the Hall of Punishment and the Eighteenth Floor of Hell, which made him sullen, and then he frowned and said:
"Before you came to the underworld, this force didn't show up. Why did they take actions when you came, just to get your soul power, not so much fanfare. If it was me, I would do it secretly, not once Just twice, you won’t be vigilant at all times, and this is a territory you are not familiar with, they have a natural advantage, why do they do this?”

Jiudian Yan Luo's words hit the nail on the head, and she also expressed her simple doubts. She had also considered this issue before.

"I've considered this issue before. The other party's intention for doing this seems to be on me, but it is indeed a bit too high-profile, as your lord said. But then I thought about it carefully. I didn't come to the underworld alone."

As he spoke, he turned his gaze to Ta Zhuo. Ta Zhuo was also frowning and contemplating at this moment, as if he was thinking about the Nine Palaces of Hell, but from the eyes of the other party, it was simple to know that his thoughts had long gone.

"You mean the other party's goal is this stupid big man?"

Jiudian Yan Luo discovered something wrong with Ta Zhuo with just one glance.

"I can only think of this, because I accepted the entrustment task of the Dongyan clan to help Tazhuo find the lost soul, and the prophet of the Dongyan clan pointed out that only I can help Tazhuo find the soul. If you want Tazhuo, you must get rid of me, or separate the two of us, so that they can attack one by one."

Simple show your hands.

After listening to the simple analysis, Jiudian Yanluo turned his eyes to Tazhuo who was still in meditation. Anyone with a discerning eye would think that the tall and strong Tazhuo was a beautiful and simple guard when they saw the two. Relationships are just the opposite.

Before Jian Jian used this contrast to let others misunderstand their relationship and put herself on the bright side, she never expected that the people behind the scenes would use their tricks and concentrate their firepower on her.

"Apart from his lack of soul, what's so special about him?"

Yama of the Nine Palaces asked straightforwardly.

"Ta Zhuo said that he is the hope of the Dongyan clan, the most powerful person who is most likely to advance to the Immortal Emperor Realm, and the one who is most likely to ascend."

Speaking briefly here, there was a sudden pause, and a thought flashed by, so fast that she thought it was her own speculation, but once this thought was generated, it could not be extinguished.

Jiudian Yan Luo looked at Jian Jian's eyes looking at Ta Zhuo, and didn't understand what she wanted to express for a moment.

Ta Zhuo was so embarrassed by being stared at, he pretended to cough lightly, Jian Jian looked away, and turned to Jiudian Yama for advice:
"Master Yan Luo, Tazhuo is now a living soul. If there is a ghost cultivator who can integrate into his soul, after returning to the body, will it be regarded as the other party's possession?"

"The hypothesis you mentioned is not valid."

Jiudian Yan Luo said directly.


"He is a living soul. For high-level ghost cultivators, he is a great supplement to enhance the soul power, but if ghost cultivators are allowed to integrate into these spirits, they will not be able to do it, just like water and freedom. Just like Rong Rong, even if you fuse forcibly, it will only control the living soul for a short time, and once you leave here and return to the physical body, you will be rejected by the physical body."

Simply keep asking:
"If, I mean, if this ghost cultivator succeeds, will Tazhuo be taken away?"

"It doesn't count, because the two blend smoothly, he is Tazhuo, and Tazhuo is also him. From the soul to the body, they are the same person, so there is no such thing as a loss."

Simply touching the soul ring on her finger, she always felt that she had missed a crucial link, a key point that connected all these guesses.

Jiudian Yan Luo looked at Jian Jian who was lost in thought, and always felt that the question he was thinking now seemed to bring trouble to the underworld.

Jian Jian suddenly flashed her phoenix eyes, and instinctively took out the Yinyue mirror in the space. The Yinyue mirror appeared in the underworld, trembling with excitement, surrounded by souls that could provide her with energy, especially Lord Yan Luo above.

Jiudian Yanluo's eyelids twitched, and asked simply:
"Fairy Jane, what do you mean?"

"Don't blame my lord, I have something for my lord to look at."

Jian Jian sensed the vigilance of Jiudian Yan Luo, and immediately said with a smile.

Then with a wave of his hand, he called out Yue Luan, who was being stripped of Zerg consciousness, and pointed to the other party's soul and asked:
"My lord, if such a spirit can blend with Ta Zhuo?"


Jiudian Yanluo only glanced at it, and was about to give a negative answer, but he just couldn't say the word "no". He stood up directly from his seat, looked at Yueluan's soul, narrowed his eyes, and then After taking a deep look at Jian Jian, he opened his mouth and said:

"If there is such a spirit, it can indeed blend with this stupid big man without being discovered, but the prerequisite is to have such a spirit. The gods of the 33rd heaven in the God Realm, even if they are distracted into reincarnation, will not will pass through hell."

After hearing this, Jian Jian touched the gold thread on her wrist subconsciously, and an answer was ready to come out, but she shook her head, threw out this immature idea, waved her sleeves to put away the Yinyue mirror, and said directly to Yama of the Nine Palaces:

"My lord, please take the two of us to see Yan Luo, the first hall."

"it is good!"

Nine Halls of Yama did not refuse this time, nor did he delay, he summoned his right-hand man, raised his hand to open a black arched door, and led the two of them into the Hall of Yama.

When the figures of the three reappeared, they arrived at a hall of Yan Luo that was exactly the same. The ghost messenger who was dealing with the files on the table saw the Nine Halls of Yama, and immediately stepped forward to salute:

"I have seen His Highness the Ninth Prince!"

"Where's Big Brother?"

"Master Shoudian is on duty today to guard the Soul Grove."

The ghost messenger replied respectfully.

"Look at my memory, it happens to be Big Brother's turn today."

He waved to the ghost messenger and said:
"Go and do your work! I'll take two distinguished guests to the side hall to wait for elder brother!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Nine Temple Yan Luo raised his hand and transformed into a red flower of the other side, and sent it out casually, and took the two of them to the side hall to wait.

Soul Grove

Yan Luo, the first hall, was meditating under the first-generation soul tree, when a flower from the other side floated over, slowly fell into his palm, and then sank into it.

"Eh? It's a rare visitor!"

Shoudian raised his hand to make some calculations, a smile appeared on his serious face, he laughed loudly and said:
"God help me too!"

Immediately, his figure flashed, and he left the soul forest. After three breaths, the second palace Yan Luo, who had been captured, appeared under the first generation soul tree, guarding the first generation soul tree instead of his elder brother.

When the figure of Yama of the First Hall appeared in the side hall, Yan Luo of the Ninth Hall was also taken aback for a moment, the eldest brother came sooner than expected.

"Big brother!"

"Well, sit down and talk!"

Shoudian lifted his red robe, sat down firmly, and said to Jian Jian:
"Ninth brother said that you are looking for me for something, and you are being targeted by unknown forces, so tell me!"

 Dear children, Fengling cooks lunch for her mother who has a case of influenza A, and serves her old man to take medicine, so I only coded two chapters and uploaded them first.I will cook for my dad in a while, but I will try to code out two more chapters before twelve o'clock. The thinking is relatively smooth, and you can guess the plot behind it.

(End of this chapter)

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