Chapter 2061
All the power is instantly absorbed by the wheel of destiny, because Jian Jian activates all the nine wheels at this time, and the required immortal power is massive.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Jian Jian and Zong Zu. A golden wheel fainted from Jian Jian's body, and then the second, third, and ninth golden wheels were all activated.

The Zongzu with the golden thorn was instantly blind. It subconsciously raised its insect feet and thrust them into Jian Jian's chest. Only when the woman who controlled the golden wheel died, would it have a chance of survival.

I have to say that Zongzu's intuition is still very accurate, but unfortunately today's simplicity is no longer a fairy who needs to be rescued by the wheel of fortune in the battlefield. She wants to avenge her shame today and end this war completely.

The worm's foot that fell in an instant touched the first golden wheel, and the two sides were in a stalemate for less than three breaths, and the golden wheel directly cut off the attacking worm's foot, and continued to attack the worm's belly.

The hiss of the Zongzu made the surrounding Zerg even more crazy to start attacking. They knew that without the Zongzu, they would completely disappear in the boundless starry sky.

At this time, the six emperor masters did not make any more moves. Their goal of forcing the Zongzu out had been achieved. As for strangling those low-level Zerg, they disdain to make a move, but the immortals of the Seven Realms stationed in the battlefield all looked like chickens. Like blood, they faced the counterattack of the Zerg.

When the two sides fought together, they were in a posture of putting the other party to death. The collision was very fierce, and the battlefield continued to expand. However, because the ancestors of the Zerg were attacked, the momentum and concentration of the Zerg were affected, and the end of mistakes would be wiped out.

After cutting off one of the opponent's insect feet, Jian Jian's confidence increased greatly, and because the wheel of fate absorbed the overwhelming power in her body, all the bulges on her body surface disappeared, and the medicinal power of the Feishen Pill was activated. After nine rounds, she was continuously absorbed, causing her false god's cultivation to begin to decline.

Zongzu finally understood that what Qifang Immortal World did today was to completely destroy him. He didn't want to sit still. After being chopped off, he waved his membrane wings and disappeared in front of Jianjian in an instant, avoiding the remaining attacks.

A wail came from Zongzu's mouth, and the tentacles were touching frequently. Obviously, he wanted to call his descendants to rescue them. Among the Zergs who fought with the immortals, there was a group of humanoid Zergs who used the swarms as shields to leave the battlefield to rescue their elders. ancestors.

"It doesn't matter, I want to use the power of the tribulation thunder to fully exert the medicinal power of the Feishen Pill, and repair the hidden wounds by the way, but now it is in the battlefield and it is not suitable for transcending the tribulation."

Because the attack launched by the human race was very sudden, they who originally guarded Zongzu had to support them, but the target of the human race was their ancestors. Only then did they know that they had been hit by a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain, so they could only rush to Zongzu's side desperately.

Because of the complete fall of the Zongzu, the Zerg race has become a mess, unable to organize an effective counterattack. The female insects of each ethnic group greeted their offspring, escaped from the territory of the Seven Squares Immortal Realm, and found another place to survive.

However, the immortals of the Qifang Immortal Realm don't want to let these bugs go, and are afraid that if they let go this time, these things will come back after accumulating strength, so under the command of the immortal emperors, they will launch a chase and kill them all.

Liu Chuan also said via voice transmission.

It's just that they know that the Zongzu is at the end of their strength, and they have to sleep to preserve their strength as a last resort, but now all this has been broken by the hateful human race. If they lose Zongzu, they will quickly fall apart and be completely strangled.

Jian Jian retired at this time, and under the protection of Mo Ran, she quickly returned to the battlefield. At this time, she was wearing a jade talisman with a hidden cultivation base, which was given to her by the foresighted Dongfang Immortal Emperor. Being found by Lei Jie, although she could only hold on for half an hour, it was enough for her to strangle Zong Zu.

The Northern Immortal Emperor flashed his figure and chased after him first, and the remaining five Immortal Emperors also disappeared one by one.

When the six emperor realm powers arrived, what they saw was this scene. With a flash of simple figure, they stood on Zongzu's back again and swung the sixth golden wheel into the gap between the opponent's head and the carapace.

Simply activated her innate skills, and with the blessing of her powerful cultivation base, she could predict Zongzu's attack trajectory. Taking advantage of this advantage, she cut off one of Zongzu's legs and a pair of membrane wings one after another, making the Zongzu's escaping speed dropped rapidly, and the fifth golden wheel accurately pierced into the opponent's abdomen.

Jian Jian's face turned cold, such an opportunity would never come again, she had to kill Zongzu today, then she performed a space jump, and with the power of a false god, tightly bit Zongzu.

A glimmer of light flashed in Jian Jian's eyes. She had seen this situation in Yueluan's body. Although the body was scattered by herself, she still wanted to get back together as it is now.

When they arrived, they saw that they simply used the power of the eighth golden wheel to behead Zongzu's head.

This time the wheel of fortune appeared with nine wheels at the same time, twisting Zongzu's lower body into powder, without giving the other party a chance to fit together again, and Zongzu's head was instantly affected by the golden wheel, and finally turned into slag.

Gritting his teeth briefly, he flashed to Zongzu's belly again, communicated with the wheel of fate, and injected all the power of the first level of cultivation that he had promoted through the Feishen Dan into the wheel of fate.

The six immortal emperors also frowned after watching this scene, hating this kind of immortality the most.

The Zongzu is gone, and now the transfer of personnel will not have any impact. The six immortal emperors made a decisive move, using the technique of space jump, and sent a large number of immortals assembled from various fairylands into the battlefield, so as to end this Zerg invasion. war.

The simple cultivation base has fallen back to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, and it is still falling. Although Zongzu's head is separated from the body, the opponent is still stubbornly resisting, and many black threads protrude from the separated two parts, mutually Pulling to rejoin the head with the body.

Said simply.

Sesame said worriedly.

Jian Jian has been exhausted, and her cultivation base that has been rising and falling has made her meridians bear everything, and cracks have formed, and the Tai Chi Yin-Yang disk in her dantian has turned into an afterimage, and she is purifying the huge power of Feishen Pill. When Mo Ran received the brief, she was able to stabilize her cultivation to the initial stage of Immortal Emperor.

"Let's follow!"

"Master, you are going to cross the thunder tribulation in the Immortal Emperor Realm, are you sure? You have just experienced a big battle, and you still have hidden injuries. If you want to cross the tribulation, it is very reluctant."

The wailing of the humanoid Zerg came, and they attacked Jianjian crazily, but before they got close to her, they were crushed into powder by the wheel of fate. There is nothing more powerful than this artifact.

"It's not that easy to escape."

"Adjust your breath first, and if it doesn't work, go back to the space. At least you have to repair the hidden wounds before crossing the catastrophe."

"Simple, how do you feel now?"

Jian Qingjun and Shoudian came to her as soon as they simply returned to the battlefield.

It was simple and did not hide anything. After talking about their own situation, the two fairy kings immediately teamed up to build a space channel and directly sent her to the Demon Realm closest to the battlefield.

When Mo Ran appeared in Moyue Mansion carrying Jian Jian on his back, it alarmed the entire Demon City.

 Babies, here are the remaining two updates. Take your time, dear friends. Fengling needs to rest early. She will go to the hospital to see her mother tomorrow. Make sure to keep updating!See you tomorrow!good night~
(End of this chapter)

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