Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 2073 It's really frightening

At this time, Bai Jue, who was sitting upright and shaking the white feather fan, suddenly paused, coughed lightly and said:

"The Immortal Emperor has something to ask?"

The end is polite and polite, but the politeness is a bit too much.

She briefly glanced at Bai Jue's eyes, and then a blue light flashed in her eyes. In the next breath, she raised her hand, and a ball of flame popped out, falling on Bai Jue.

Bai Jue, who was handsome and elegant just a moment ago, immediately jumped up from his seat at the next breath. After somersaulting and landing, he had already transformed into a nine-tailed white fox. Fire too!

"Fairy! Fairy! Put away your real fire, Jiu Huan's tail is going to burn bald!"

It looks so simple that I really want to cover my face, but if I am serious, I will be exposed in just a cup of tea.

Brother Parrot still laughed at Jiu Huan fiercely:

"Hahaha! I said that when you see the fairy, you will definitely be exposed! If you still don't believe me, bet with me! This time you lose again!!"

Simply holding his forehead, retracting the real fire, it didn't burn Jiu Huan to a single hair, it was just to frighten him and let him show his original shape.

Immediately, her face sank, and she asked directly:

"Bai Tuan, how did you get together with Brother Parrot? And how did you leave the Fairy Realm? Before you two left, did you inform the seniors in the clan?"

The simple and imposing three-time question made Jiu Huan have no time to worry about being called by a nickname again.

Jiu Huan flicked his tail and said with a little embarrassment:

"The main reason is that I miss Fairy, and I also missed Fairy's Immortal Emperor Ceremony, and I was detained in the Fox Clan Fusion Skeleton. Not long ago, I just advanced to the seventh rank, and was allowed to rest for a while, so I wanted to see you you."

"and then?"

asked simply and calmly.

"Then, the patriarch of the Feng Clan happened to bring Parrot to the Fox Clan to exchange resources, and we met together."

"He was bragging at the time, saying that she was the new Western Immortal Emperor's favorite nine-tailed magic fox, and his title was also given by you. I was not convinced, so I quarreled with him."

The parrot with simple shoulders answered immediately.

"Then I'm not wrong! My name was given by Immortal Emperor Jian!"

Jiu Huan responded without showing weakness.

Seeing that the two were turning into black-eyed chickens again, Jian Jian could only interrupt:
"Don't change the subject, since it's all arguing like this, why are you still acting together?"

"I have a letter of worship left by the fairy, and I will definitely be able to enter the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, but my cultivation base is too low, and the Phoenix Clan will not allow me to leave, and I cannot guarantee that I will be able to reach the Western Immortal Realm smoothly.

Although he said that he is the one you like the most, he didn't ask for a post, but his cultivation base is higher than mine, and he claims to be a magic fox, who can deceive even the heavens, so he can just cover our actions, so we hit it off , and sneaked out of the Fairy Realm. "

Brother Parrot proudly talked about the plan of the two, and the relationship between the two parties is a cooperative relationship.

"Ancestor Jiushao has a invitation from the fairy, but I can't get it, so I can only settle for the next best thing and cooperate with this little parrot."

Jiu Huan also pouted helplessly.

"You guys are really lucky, and you haven't been exposed all the way!"

Simple and helpless.

"Fairy, I'm a real seventh-order. This is not mixed with water, and there are fairy stones to open the way. I disguised it well, and on the way here, I also received news that you are going to hold an auction in the Western Immortal Emperor's Mansion. There are many high-ranking immortals coming to the Western Immortal Realm.

At first I didn't know about it, I thought it was a news from the clan that people were looking for us, but after we found out, we disguised ourselves as high-level demons who came to the auction, and naturally no one doubted us anymore. "

Jiu Huan wagged his own nine tails triumphantly, talking about the caution of the two of them.

"Just wait and see if Jiu Shao and Feng Wu will peel your skin!"

Simply nodded their heads, and immediately sent a message to Jiu Shao and Feng Wu, telling them that Jiu Huan and Brother Ying had arrived in the Western Immortal Territory safely, and they were currently in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, and he would take good care of them. Just, let them have time to pick it up.

Only now did the two feel scared, Parrot moved a bit, flew down from Jian Jian's shoulders, landed between Jiu Huan's ears, and asked quietly:

"Baituan, have you left a message for the family?"

"Didn't you keep it?"

"I thought you stayed. I was in a hurry to leave the Fairy Realm. I was afraid that they would come after us immediately after receiving the message. I didn't have time to ask you."

The parrot stroked the fur on the top of its head with its wings, and said embarrassedly.

"You guys are really talented. You didn't even leave a message when you ran away from home. The Yaoxian Domain must be going upside down right now. Before Jiu Shao and Feng Wu come, you are not allowed to go anywhere, just stay in the fairyland." Imperial Palace!"

After simply passing the news, he heard the two's small talk clearly, and felt that if Jiu Shao were here, he would definitely jump up and beat the two.

"Yes, fairy!"

"Yes, fairy!"

The two knew that they must have really caused trouble this time, drooped their heads, and were extremely depressed. They simply wanted to laugh and tried their best to hold back. This time, the two must be educated.

After all, one is a fire phoenix with pure blood, and the other is the only magic sky fox in the seven directions fairyland.

Just as a simple guess, the Yaoxian domain has been turned over by the Fox Clan and the Feng Clan, both of which disappeared at the same time, and they were in the territory of the Fox Clan. Feng Wu's violent temper almost burned Jiu Shao's tail.

Jiu Shao was also wronged, the baby lump of their clan disappeared, if it wasn't taken away, then the two ran off by themselves, it's a little unclear who kidnapped who, Jiu Shao was so angry that he wanted to Pulled out Feng Wu's tail feathers, but he couldn't beat it.

The two could only confront each other while rummaging through the territory of the Fairy Realm. They didn't expect the two bold ones to turn into Bai Jue and leave the Fairy Realm openly.

They didn't realize that something was wrong until a year later when Bai Jue advanced to the third level of the Immortal Rank and exited the customs, but the fake Bai Jue had long since disappeared.

If Bai Jue still understands his stupid younger brother, he pondered for a while, then cupped his hands and said to the two big brothers:
"If my guess is correct, brother Parrot should have gone to the Western Immortal Territory to meet Immortal Emperor Jian."

Not long after he left the customs, he learned that Jian Jian had advanced to the Immortal Emperor Realm and had replaced the Western Immortal Emperor as the new Immortal Emperor. With Brother Parrot's lively temperament, he must be going to congratulate him, that's why he came here explain.

"Are you sure he can see Immortal Emperor Jane?"

Feng Wu wondered, it wasn't that she didn't believe it, a second-order little phoenix might not necessarily meet the Immortal Emperor.

"Yes, he has a famous post specially left for him by Immortal Emperor Jian in his hand, he will definitely see it."

"Tsk, so to speak, it was Jiu Huan who was kidnapped by your parrot brother! He is quite intelligent, after all, his cultivation base is low, and our Jiu Huan is at the seventh level, what a good bodyguard!"

Jiu Shao's fox eyes narrowed, and he said in a strange way.

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