After simply sending Jiu Huan and Brother Ying away, she felt that the Immortal Emperor's Mansion was not so lively all of a sudden, she said to Mo Ran beside her:

"Mo Ran, do you think the Immortal Emperor's Mansion is a little deserted?"

"That's because Jiu Huan and Brother Ying just left. If you want to make the Immortal Emperor's Mansion lively, many people will come to see you."

Mo Ran thought for a while and said.

"No, it's better to be clean! These people are too purposeful, and the calculations in their eyes are too obvious. I don't like it."

Simply wave your hands directly.

After the ten-day auction ended, the entire Western Immortal Territory had a general understanding of the profound family background of the new Immortal Emperor, and some families began to take action, picking out their own outstanding juniors and pushing them to Jian Jian.

At first, it was simple and I didn't understand it, but then I realized that it was sent to me as an attendant on the surface, but in fact it was a male pet, which made her very disdainful:

"Have I never seen a man? Send them all back, so as not to be an eyesore, and you will have to wash your eyes later!"

In this regard, it is natural that she has the final say, and since then these talents have stopped, and after simple rectification, the impetuousness of the entire Western Immortal Territory has gradually disappeared, and the influence left by the former Western Immortal Emperor It also gradually dissipated, and the development of Xianyu tended to be stable.

Soon after, the Immortal Emperor of the North ushered in the Tribulation of Ascension. At that time, Jian Jian was competing with the Nine-Turn Alchemy Technique.

When she arrived in the Northern Immortal Territory, Immortal Emperor Dongfang was the first to arrive, followed by several others. Seeing the different Jieyun in the sky, everyone began to communicate in low voices.

"I didn't expect that among the few of us old guys, he was the first to ascend."

"It's not a surprise. He is a sword fairy. He only cultivates one sword, which is the most pure. Now that the disaster of the Zerg race is over, he has a successor. With no distractions, he will naturally find the opportunity to break through the fastest."

"You're right, I don't know who will be our next turn?"

Apart from being simple, the remaining five people communicated very friendly.

After half a stick of incense, the tribulation thunder brewing was completed, and the first tribulation thunder began to fall. The Northern Immortal Emperor only caught it with his body, without opening any defenses. It can be seen that the sword fairy is stubborn.

Immediately after the second, third, and until the fourth, the Northern Immortal Emperor almost took it with his body. It was not until the fifth that he held his natal sword, faced the sky thunder, and knocked out the tribulation thunder. cut off.

The severed Jielei still struck him, and he didn't seem to notice it. During the process of falling, he still swung his sword to fight against Jielei.

The tribulation thunder seemed to be enraged, and the falling speed became faster and faster, and its power became more and more powerful, until it completely submerged the Northern Immortal Emperor. The rumbling sound of the tribulation thunder could be heard by everyone in the northern fairyland. They all sweated for their own Immortal Emperor.

The moment the tenth tribulation thunder fell, there was a kind of silence over the entire Northern Immortal Territory, and everyone was waiting.

But the six immortal emperors clearly felt that the momentum of the Northern Immortal Emperor was breaking through the last shackles. A huge sword shadow appeared in the sky over the entire Northern Immortal Territory. The sky was filled with colorful rays of light, and there were dancing goddesses. Next, the figure of the Northern Immortal Emperor gradually became clear.

Shrouded in beams of light, with a smile on his face, he folded his hands to bid farewell to his old friends, and a uniform voice came from below:
"Respectfully send the Northern Immortal Emperor ascending to the God Realm! Live the same life as the heavens and the earth!"

The sound resounded through the sky, and it was the blessing of the immortals in the entire northern fairyland to him.

Under the gaze of everyone, the Northern Immortal Emperor followed the beam of light and finally disappeared into the sky.

And the Immortal King Guixu of the Northern Immortal Territory successfully advanced to the First Immortal Emperor Realm and became the new Northern Immortal Emperor.

In the next 1000 years, the emperors of the other five domains ascended and left the seven directions respectively. Immortal King Shuyun became the new Eastern Immortal Emperor, Immortal King Shuisheng became the new Southern Immortal Emperor, and Immortal Heixiao became the new Immortal Emperor of the South. Wang inherited the throne of the Immortal Emperor in the Central Immortal Territory and became the only female Immortal Emperor.

After the demon emperor of the demon realm rose to the top, Huan Yi of the raccoon beast clan was promoted to the rank of demon emperor and became the new leader of the demon clan.

But the devil emperor's ascension was a bit sudden. After his ascension, the new successor hadn't appeared yet. The whole Demon Realm was a little restless.

Seeing that something was wrong, Mo Zhi immediately went to the Western Immortal Emperor's Mansion to see Jian Jian.

"Please Immortal Emperor Jian to stabilize the situation in the Demon Realm. If you wish, you can also serve as the Demon Emperor!"

"Tell me, who is the successor chosen by the Devil Emperor?"

If she is simple, she will not be fooled. Let her work two jobs by herself and bear double responsibilities. I don't even have time to study alchemy, so why make things difficult for myself.

Mo Zhi glanced at Jian Jian, this person's reaction was exactly the same as what the Devil Emperor guessed, he could only cup his hands and say:

"It's Demon King Moqian!"

"The demon king who used to be stationed in the battlefield?"


"He hasn't advanced yet?"

"A breakthrough is approaching!"

"One year or ten years?"

Simple and very specific.

"No more than ten years."

Mo Zhi replied truthfully.

"I know! Anyway, I have advanced to the Emperor Realm in Demon Realm, so I should still be qualified to manage the affairs of Demon Realm."

It's easy to say yes.

Only then did Mo Zhi heave a sigh of relief, and was about to ask when he would return to the Demon Realm, but simply rolled Mo Zhi directly, and returned to the Demon Realm in less than half a cup of tea.

Jian Jian directly appeared in the sky above the Demon Emperor's Mansion. With a flicker of his figure, he transformed into the Demon Race Real Body Fighter Shura. With his huge figure and tyrannical aura, he instantly centered on the Demon City and spread to the entire Demon Realm, accompanied by Her domineering voice:
"The devil emperor is ascending, and I, Moyue, are here. If anyone dares to provoke internal strife and disrupt the order of the demon realm, don't blame me, Moyue, for being cruel and ruthless. You have all seen my methods. Don't force me, the war god of the demon race, to lay down the butcher knife on my fellow clansmen!" Body! You can understand!"

The entire Demon Realm was trembling. The disparity in level and strength made all the demons in the Demon Realm terrified. No matter where they were, they all knelt down on one knee and responded respectfully:
"Follow the teachings of the Devil Emperor!"

A sound echoed one after another, all the way from the edge of the Demon Realm back to the Demon Emperor's Mansion in the center of the Demon City.

Only then did Jian Jian nodded in satisfaction, and the next moment he regained his human body and returned to the Devil Emperor's Mansion.

Mo Zhi wiped his face, and was also shown by this wave of operations. This is the confidence given by his strength!

Simply showing his face, it took half an hour before and after, and the restless Moyu was completely calmed down.

"Mo Zhi, everything is business as usual, if you need me to come forward, please send me a message."

Simply put.

"Moyue, Devil Emperor, are you leaving now?"

Mo Zhi still hopes that Jian Jian can stay in the Demon Realm for a longer period of time in his heart. Some things can be deterred by force, but if the force does not show up for a long time, these people feel that there is no restraint, and they will intensify their temptations, and even make the whole Demon Realm more chaotic. , there is no shortage of opportunists anywhere.

"I'm in the Demon Moon Palace, you can welcome the new Demon Emperor into the Demon Emperor's Palace at any time, I'm too lazy to move around."

With a simple smile, he gave Mo Zhi a reassurance.

"It couldn't be better. On behalf of the former Demon Emperor, I would like to thank Miss Moyue."

Mo Zhi immediately cupped his hands and saluted.

Babies, let’s pass two chapters first, and everyone will watch first.Fengling took cough medicine, but her stomach felt uncomfortable. She was hungry but couldn't eat, and she died of depression.

Try to code two more chapters before twelve o'clock!Please wait~

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