Chapter 214
The faces of the four attendants were a little bit bad at the moment, but as the attendants of Lord Moyue, they naturally couldn't be looked down upon. After saluting, the four of them also left the hall to prepare for the moon appreciation banquet at night.

Jian Jian turned his head again, looked at the attendant who was standing aside, and said:
"Go on."

Seeing Mr. Mo Qi nodding, the attendant swallowed a mouthful of saliva and continued:

"After you opened the peak guard formation, the cultivators of the Demon Shadow Peak couldn't wait to send out communication symbols to the surroundings, and then the news that you killed a hundred people in one shot spread."

"Some people say that in order to secure your position as the peak lord, you made an example and wiped out all the monks who opposed it. You acted arbitrarily and are going to sue you at the palace lord."

"There is also a picture stone in the news from the monks, so I know that the monks you killed were all monks who were parasitized by the exotic black beetles. They said that you acted decisively and cleared the hidden dangers for the Heavenly Demon Palace."

"There are also monks who say"

"What?" Mosu asked anxiously.

"It is said that Lord Moyue made such a big move when the Ma clan came, just to avenge the enmity that was almost plotted and embarrass the other party. The Ma clan on Moying Peak will definitely not have a good life in the future."

"Hmm! That's right! That's what I'm going to do!"

Simplicity means that I am very comfortable tasting the spiritual tea I brewed, and I don't care about it at all.

"Junior Sister, don't be afraid!"

"What are you afraid of? Say it in front of me if you have the ability. If I don't like listening to it, send a letter of challenge. We will solve it in the ring. If you say it behind your back, I will treat it as their fart. Anyway, I won't do it because of it." Lose your cultivation."

"Hehe! I can't tell that Junior Sister Moyue is also a temperamental person."

Moqi laughed out loud after hearing the simple words.

"I can't talk about it, just discuss the facts."

Simple chatting here is fun, while exchanging information, while analyzing the current situation, the situation elsewhere is not so good.

In the welcoming hall, Marvin recuperated his injuries alone on the futon in the inner room, his face was ugly, and he felt that the wrinkles on his face had increased a few times.

Ma Wen didn't expect that his cultivation base in the emptiness stage would be counterattacked by the opponent just after finding a trace of information. He was caught off guard, and at the same time realized that things were not that simple. Mahayana True Venerable, I hate myself for only realizing it at this time.

Ma Chengjun, who was inside and outside, also turned around impatiently. He was not sure whether his group could achieve the previous goal. This Moyue Lord did not hold back his hands and had no weakness, so it was really difficult to grasp the handle.

At this time, his grandfather was also injured, and he didn't know what was going on, so he didn't dare to act rashly, and waited for his grandfather to recover.

In the main hall of Tianmo Palace, Mo Lie looked at the jade slip in his hand, his brow stretched for a while, then wrinkled for a while, and finally he threw the jade slip on the table and said to the people beside him:

"Let Mo Zang come over."

After a while, Mozang came to the main hall, and after seeing the ceremony, he asked:
"Palace Master, why are you looking for me?"

"Look at this jade slip. Today Moyue went to take over the Moying Peak, and the action was quite fast."

Mozang browsed through the information on the jade slips, and nodded. Only the corners of his mouth curled up on his serious face.

"Palace Master, isn't that the reason you sent Mo Yue to Mo Ying Peak?"

"Yes, I hope that she will take it slowly, but I didn't expect her to be a strong medicine when she came up. Did the black robed guard send back news?"

"Yes, the news is similar to what you got. I just added a message here. There is a monk in the distraction stage hiding on the Demon Shadow Peak who is suspected to be parasitized by exotic black beetles. Moyue said that he was not sure how to deal with it, so he asked Gong Yi to report it to him. me."

Palace Master Mo Lie tapped the table with his hands, his face was slightly pensive, and he said to Mo Zang:

"Arrange someone to deal with this matter immediately. Don't delay. The Demon Moon's troubles today may have alarmed some hidden puppet monks."

"Yes, I'll make arrangements now."

Mo Zang turned around without any delay and flashed out of the hall. He had already arranged the manpower, and he will act at midnight tonight.

At this time, the peak owners of other peaks have already received specific news from different channels when they simply put away the mountain protection array. It is impossible to say that they are not surprised. Their own inner peaks are almost becoming their lairs. However, it is absolutely impossible for the Ma family to snatch back the peak master position from Moyue this time.

There is also a roster handed down from the Demon Shadow Peak, which is about a hundred or so people who were killed by the Demon Moon. These people have all walked in the Heavenly Demon Palace, and the monks they come into contact with may have to be investigated.

The peak masters of each peak are not fake, they are all thousand-year-old demon cultivators, since Moyue has already picked out the threads, they naturally know how to follow the vines, start to check from their own peaks, and always find the pests. They were all picked out.

And almost at the same time, all the peak masters received the flying sword letter from Mo Qijun, with a jade slip attached, and it was Mo Yue who spoke after opening the letter.

"Dear peak masters, Moyue just took over the position of peak master today, and I wanted to invite everyone to be guests, but there are some minor accidents in the peak, I believe everyone has already known, here is a jade slip, Moyue handles the peak well I will go to visit all the peak masters."

The peak masters of the inner peak and the outer peak of the Tianmo Palace all received this news, and lamented that the peak master of the Demon Moon was quick in action and capable of being a man. Information about the hundred and ten disciples who were killed, as well as their latest movements.

Afterwards, the entire Tianmo Palace started to move, and outsiders could not see the clues. Only the core disciples of each mountain peak received orders and began to secretly control people who were closely related to the monks on the list issued.

At midnight, a full moon was in the sky, and the starry sky was dazzling. On the open space in front of the main hall of Moying Peak, there was a table of spiritual food and wine. Mo Su was drinking with Mo Yue, and Mo Qijun picked it up. The simple gift has already gone back to his own mountain to buy the bottom.

Gong Yi has successfully completed the task and handed over a storage bracelet to Lord Moyue.

After a simple sweep of consciousness, I found that there are quite a lot of things inside. The top-grade spirit stones have already made up for the loss of opening the peak protection formation this time. In addition, there are some magic plants and various ores, which are rich and colorful.

"Your Majesty, there are some spies among these people who seem to be sent by other leaders, how should we deal with it?"

Gong Yi continued to report the follow-up situation.

After a brief pause, he said to Gong Yi:
"Close them up first, and return them to other peaks one by one tomorrow. Remember to ask for some benefits and keep a low profile."

Gong nodded in response, and then hid himself in the shadows in front of the hall, waiting for orders at any time.

Mo Yi also had a serious face at this time, not as unruly as in the daytime, he could feel that the opposite Mo Yue was now in a state of preparation for battle, the magic power was in a state of overflowing, and the defenses around his body were all open. To transform himself into a god, he could feel it, but Gong Yi and the others tried to stay as far away from the magic moon as possible.

"Are you going to make a move tonight?"

"I hope we don't need to make a move."

A dazzling beam of light shot straight into the sky from the back mountain, and then the beam of light began to thicken and spread around, as if to enclose the entire mountain peak.

"not good!"

(End of this chapter)

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