Chapter 223
"Oh! What a pity!"

At this time, a simple and leisurely voice sounded, pulling back everyone's shock after getting the news.

Tang Jian reacted the most, and asked:

"What a pity?"

"It's a pity that I can't get the wedding gift you gave me. You may give it to me if you let it go first."

The peak owners of the other peaks were thoughtful, but no one spoke, only Mo Qi asked Mo Yi:

"Is the news accurate?"

"Accurate, it came from the contact point in Morong City. Fortunately, they were in the South City. The North City was almost overturned by the self-destruct power of the cultivator who transformed himself into a god. Most of the casualties were members of the Ma family."

"Well! The Ma family has been entrenched in the North City. There is a magic vein under the city over there. In order to occupy it for their own use, they have almost squeezed out the previous shops and scattered people in the North City. The loss this time is enough for them. busy."

Mo Lian, who had long been displeased with the Ma clan, said.

Just at this interval, each peak master received the message talisman from their peak. After all, each has its own source of information, so everyone pieced it together and got a general understanding of the matter.

Ma Wen, the new patriarch of the Ma clan, took Ma Chengjun with him. After returning to Morong City, he gathered all the elders of the family together to hold a family meeting to determine the future development of the Ma clan. The couple ceremony of the peak's new peak lord Demon Moon.

The elders of the Ma clan said without shame:

"Hmph! A female cultivator who has just transformed into a god, how can she be the peak master? It's because the Heavenly Demon Palace wants to take back our rights. This time, the Demon Moon has entered the Ma family's family, so she must look good to her."

As he spoke, he also said to Ma Chengjun, who was standing behind Ma Wen, bowing:

"I heard that this Demon Moon seems to be still a virgin, so her cultivation can help you to break through the transformation."

Hearing this, Ma Chengjun was also very proud. After all, he proposed to his grandfather to form a Taoist couple with the other party.

The reason he persuaded the patriarch was that now the Tianmo Palace clearly wants to weaken the power of the Ma family, we cannot fight against a sect, it is not good for our family, and the Tianmo Palace still needs the offerings of the Ma family.

We might as well retreat to advance, pretend to leave the Demon Shadow Peak, and then I will become a Taoist couple with Demon Moon.

In this way, Moying Peak still has a place in the Ma family. As for Moyue, after absorbing all her cultivation base, she has more right to speak when her cultivation level has improved. Moyue can become a puppet of the Ma family, letting the other party There are many ways to follow your own orders.

His Ma family has a kind of medicine, which can be implanted into the other party's body through double cultivation, and can make the other party obey him, so that their Ma family has nothing to lose, and when they have strength in the future, they can make the magic moon disappear. Clan head, naturally some female cultivators pounced on him.

When Ma Chengjun was thinking complacently, he didn't know what touched him. The blue light flashed in his eyes, and the magic energy surged all over his body, and he began to explode. Ma Wen was the closest, and it felt wrong. He immediately shot to stabilize the opponent with magical powers. But Ma Chengjun actually attacked him with the life-saving talisman he gave him.

Everything happened in an instant. Marvin couldn't stop it, and was affected by the explosion of the magic baby. He wanted to draw out his grandson's soul, but the other party even exploded his own consciousness. The shock was too serious, and he was also affected in the end. Only the devil baby escaped.

But the other elders present were not so lucky, those who escaped in time were all injured, not to mention those who did not escape in time, fell on the spot.They didn't even know why Ma Chengjun did this.

Tianmo Peak Hall

Looking at the flying sword in his hand, Mo Lie didn't know what to say, so he said why Mo Yue agreed so readily, it turned out that Mo Yue had already done it, and he didn't know himself.

"Mozang, what do you think?"

"The deal is done. This is an internal matter of his Ma family. They almost destroyed a city. We can investigate according to the normal procedures. In the end, his Ma family will give us an explanation."

Palace Master Demon Lie pinched the center of his brows, and could only sigh with emotion:

"No one is relieved."

Mozang didn't take it seriously, and told the truth:
"For the benefit of the sect, you compensated Moyue to the other party, and you still don't allow them to fight back? Moreover, I can assure you that even Immortal Da Luo will not be able to find any clues about her tampering!"

The Lord Mo Lie's eyes flashed brightly, and asked:

"how do you know?"

"Because Moyue has already done it since the first time she met Ma Chengjun!"

"What did this Ma Chengjun do to violate Moyue's taboo?"

"The first time we met, he checked Moyue's physique with his spiritual eyes!"

"No wonder! It seems that this Ma family has a problem from the root. You can figure out the rest! The matter is almost settled, and I will arrange for Mo Yue and Mo Su to practice in Mo Lian Palace."

"Yes, my subordinate understands."

After drinking a lot of wine, Jian Jian drove back to his peak with the light.

When leaving, all the peak masters took the initiative to exchange communication talismans with Moyue, and Tang Jian on the side almost turned his face in anger with an expression that everyone kept in touch with. In the end, he only choked out three words: "You are ruthless!" Then Walk away.

And Moqi is really happy, she really appreciates this Moyue, who is capable, intelligent, and ruthless enough, and directly solves the situation that is not conducive to her. Ma Chengjun has fallen, the patriarch of the Ma clan It seems that there will be another change of master. Ma Shi must have been hurt after this time, and he may not have enough strength to plan for the position of the peak master.

After Jian Jian returned to her peak, she was happily welcomed in by the attendant, she had no choice but to preach:

"Hey! Your Majesty has just lost an excellent partner. You should be more sad and worry about me. Don't be elated. This is inappropriate, understandable!"

"Yes, little one understands!"

The four attendants responded in unison, then quickly adjusted their facial expressions, and looked up at Jian Jian with worried eyes.

She nodded briefly and satisfied, and then waved them off. She is in a good mood today and is going to perform two weekly exercises.

In the practice room at the top of the peak, simply run the "Tianmo Jue" exercise to inhale the rich magic energy into the body, follow the exercise route, pass through the meridians all the way, enter the dantian, and then be refined by the little boy in the dantian, and then In this way, he polished his magic energy over and over again.

When the devil energy in the dantian is full, Jian simply turns to practice "Ice Muscle Jade Bone Magic Body Jue", disperses the devil energy into the bones, and starts to refine the bones. This is to remove the magazines in the monk's own bones and strengthen the bones. The density allows it to withstand greater blows.

Bone refining is almost crushing her own bones and refining them again, so the progress of simple cultivation is also very slow. At this time, there is a lack of animal blood of high-level spirit beasts. She is only refining from hand bones at present. It is worthwhile to complete the bone refining of his left hand.

Just as Jian Jian opened his eyes, a loud voice came from his ears:

"Tianmo Palace's deity-transforming cultivators must gather at the main hall of Tianmo Peak as soon as possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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