Chapter 228
"Moyue, what are you doing there?"

Mo Qi's sharp voice sounded, and the figure also appeared on the simple side, and then Mo Yi also showed a figure:

"Junior Sister Moyue, what are you watching? Why didn't you call me?"

The last one who flashed out was Mo Su, who didn't make a sound, holding a black token in his hand, with thick flashes on it, which belonged to the coercion of Lord Lianxu, at first glance, it was a jade token for life protection, The jade tablet is also on the verge of opening.

Hua Chunshan didn't expect that it was his own hesitation, and he missed the opportunity to make a move. He didn't pay attention to the four transformation gods, but he was extremely afraid of the token that exuded the aura of the lord of the refining stage. The place is under the feet of the Demon Sect, so it is better not to expose yourself.

"A few friends seem to have misunderstood it. I was just curious to see this little friend Moyue helping a monk of the Heavenly Sword Sect. I just wanted to ask why. You don't have to be so nervous."

"Oh! That's why I misunderstood senior. I love Wu and Wu, and I rescued Jianzong's little friend. Why didn't you help me because you are a Taoist master?"

Hua Chunshan laughed and said:

"Little friend shot quickly, but I was behind."

After all, he is no longer in a stalemate with the simple people, tearing apart a space, stepping in, and disappearing.

At this moment, the few people breathed a sigh of relief, and Jian Jian immediately turned around:
"Thank you brothers and sisters for lending a helping hand in time, causing everyone to worry, please accept the gift of the magic moon."

"You really should thank us, how can you confront the distracted cultivator well?"

"When I met Cao Xiaoyou's fellow disciple, I helped him out. That dead old man was hiding behind the scenes. Seeing me make a move, he seemed a little unhappy. He leaked a trace of his breath and I discovered it."

"It seems that Xiaoyou Cao of the Heavenly Sword Sect is indeed your favourite." Mo Yi joked.

"Okay, you all came out, how did you choose the defensive treasure?"

"You haven't returned for a long time, and this is the first time you've come here. There's still something about the Ma family ahead, so we're worried and came here to look for you."

"No, I can feel the breath of Moyue Zhan from a long distance away. You look like you are ready to fight with someone. We must join in." Mo Yi said with bared teeth.

"Come on, the kung fu has alarmed the guards of Tianmo City at this moment, I'll go say hello, and we'll go before we leave."

"Okay." Several people responded.

Mo Qi threw a brocade box to Jian Jian, "This is the heart mirror you want."

"Thank you, senior sister, this is the spirit stone I prepared, you can see if it is enough."

Simply hand the other party a storage ring.

Qi Hua said that she was lucky today, and that Lord Jian asked him to leave Tianmo City and return to the sect as quickly as possible.

Qi Hua herself always felt that there was something fluffy behind her, so she believed her first instinct, found a hidden place, activated her ten-thousand-mile positioning teleportation talisman, and was directly teleported back to Tianjianzong.

After adjusting her breath in her cave for a long time, Qi Wei felt that she had come alive.

When my ancestor gave her this teleportation talisman, she also told her to use it to save her life, and because her cultivation base is low and her physical strength is not enough, she will definitely feel uncomfortable when she is forced to teleport it, so she should use it with caution.

Now Qi Hua finally understands why she was told to use it with caution!After another half day of breath adjustment, he went straight to the law enforcement hall of Tianjianzong.

"Qi Hua paid a visit to Zhenjun Jianning, this time I brought back important news."

Seeing Qi Wei's pale face, Jianning suppressed the discomfort to report, knowing that the matter might be urgent, so she let her make a long story short.

"I was left by Zhenjun Jiansheng to lurk outside Huanle City together, looking for clues about the Hua family, and found that they were indeed in Huanle City.

The Hua family kept their identities incognito. On the surface, they were engaged in the business of elixir, but they secretly colluded with the Jia family in the central Lingyun City, specializing in the business of buying and selling furnaces. "

Having said this, Qi Wei paused for a moment, and then said:
"On the surface, they open Jun Pavilion and Xiu Pavilion to entertain high-ranking men and women, but they are actually business furnaces in disguise."

Zhenjun Jianning listened very carefully, and when Qi Hua paused, he nodded to show that she knew about it.

Because Cao Chenfeng was arrested and taken to Jun Pavilion in this way, the little palace lord of Tianmo Palace intervened, and it was only then that he was thrown into trouble later on.

There were originally two teams of people from Tianjianzong who were looking for people, one team was looking for people who bought and sold orthodox monks as furnaces, and the other team was looking for the Hua family hiding in Huanle City.

In the end, the two teams found the Hua family and the Jia family behind the scenes.

"They acted recklessly, and tried to use drugs to control high-ranking monks to work for them. This time I found the ancestors of the Hua family who rushed back to the base camp of Huanle City, and people started chasing me."

"I was able to escape this time thanks to Junior Brother Cao's admirer, Mr. Jian who is in the stage of transformation. This is the jade slip she asked me to bring to Junior Brother Cao."

Jian Ning took the jade slip and found that there was a seal on it, which was the exclusive sealing method of "Anbu".

"Anything else?"

"I am sure that the person chasing and killing me should not be a monk from the Hua family. I realized that something was wrong and immediately changed direction. In order to confuse the enemy, I diverted to the territory of the Demon Sect."

"Well! The response is quick! Go on."

"They also wanted to round me up with a strong purpose, instead of killing me, they only consumed my aura. When I found out that something was wrong, I immediately sent a distress signal from the law enforcement hall. When I really felt in danger, it was the demon cultivator. Your Majesty Jane appears."

"I worked up 120,000 points of energy, and I was ready to use the life-saving jade talisman given to me by my ancestors. In the end, the other party helped me kill all the six killers from 'The End of the World'."

"However, when I left, the other party asked me to use the fastest method to return to the clan. I used the Wanli Directional Teleportation Talisman."

As Qi Hua spoke, her face looked like her flesh had been cut.

"You are lucky. Someone is escorting you, and you are reluctant to part with these foreign objects. My life is important, okay! Don't cry poorly here, go to your ancestor. I have checked the jade slip. If there is no problem, I will hand it over to Cao Chenfeng in person. Yes, you don't have to worry."

"Okay, my lord, I'll go back to rest first, and I will handle the tasks in the deacon's hall myself."

Jianning watched Qi Wei leave, turned around and handed the jade slip to Lord Jianli.

Jian Li took the ordinary jade slip, tapped the jade slip with his finger a few times, and the seal was opened.

With the opening of the seal, a three-dimensional three-dimensional image appeared. The image showed a rolling mountain forest, going east to west, and the forest became sparser as it went west.

Five hundred meters below the ground of this mountain forest is an independent space that occupies the entire underground of the mountain forest.

The words "Zanglong Palace" were marked on it with spiritual power, and then the image revolved around this "Zanglong Palace" for a circle, marking a route to the final palace, and all the images have been displayed so far.

In the end, a line of words appeared: something happened in Minggu, he was stationed with the team, and the return date is uncertain!The inscription is the word Yunzhu.

A smile flashed across Jian Li's eyes, and he said to Jian Ning on the side:

"Qi Hua is a lucky person. It should be that Yunzhu discovered the distress signal she sent. When she appeared, someone with a higher cultivation than her followed Qi Hua, so Yunzhu had no choice but to show up."

 Good afternoon, thank you dear readers for your continuous support. I have received recommendation tickets, monthly tickets and rewards. I am very happy and send my heartfelt thanks.

  For some friends who don’t respect the achievements of others’ labor, I can only say that if you don’t like watching it, you can quit it directly. You don’t need to come in and say it, and then give a bad review. If someone else treats your work like this, I believe you You will also be unhappy. It is better for everyone to respect each other.

  Tucao: Writing is not easy. It requires a vivid storyline, well-drawn characters, and content. It is really a mental work. I feel that since I started writing, my beautiful black hair has fallen off very quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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