Chapter 255
Simply stay in your own training cabin and hurry up to recover. This time using the full form of Moyue Zhan is to hit a sure hit. This Huachun Mountain is like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark, maybe one day it will come out .

Jian Jian has every reason to believe that he must have known that it was Shan Yunzhu who abolished the golden core of his junior Hua Zhenren, which means that his other identity is more dangerous. If he fights alone, he is not sure that he will completely challenge Success, after all, how could a distracted monk not have his own backup.

Therefore, after receiving the report from Yanagawa, a vague plan emerged in his mind.

Jian Jian and Liu Chuan confirmed again and again that it was Hua Chunshan who started the action. At that time, Liu Chuan said with certainty:

"As a spiritual plant, I am very sensitive to the aura of your cultivation, and last time I helped you detect exotic black beetles in Huanle City, my root system has basically reached every corner of this city, and I have left traces everywhere. The mark, this time it is in the city again, I feel it very clearly."

Jian Jian immediately made a plan, which was to take advantage of the opportunity to introduce the other party into the traveling team of Tianmo Palace. She was sure that even if Venerable Mozang did not make a move, he would hold the ground for her, so that she could carry out the next action.

Sure enough, when Jian Jian left with murderous aura, the three of Mo Qi followed closely behind. When she broke through the formation, the opponent's unscrupulous shots immediately affected the surrounding monks, and Jian Jian quickly removed the surrounding monks.

Mo Qi and the others also disdain this kind of behavior. This Taoist cultivator is so unscrupulous. Strength is one aspect, and disregard for life is another aspect. It is definitely not a good thing, so he firmly stands on the side of simplicity.

It was only with the close cooperation later on that the opponent was finally introduced to the resting place of the Heavenly Demon Palace. Moyue Zhan was also very competitive, killing him with one move. In addition to hidden dangers, he really neutralized the power of the people in the Heavenly Demon Palace, because they listened There is a difference between saying and feeling.

Didn't you see that when she boarded the flying boat, did the other cultivators and Nascent Soul cultivators look at her? invincible.

The damage this time was bigger than simple thought. After all, it was in a complete form, and it was still a little bit reluctant for the cultivation base of the early stage of transformation. For the next trip to the Valley of the Dead, Jian simply used the pill in the space storage room for the first time. medicine.

As the name suggests, "Hui Ling Pill" is a elixir that quickly restores spiritual power. It is a heaven-level ninth-level elixir, and it can replenish spiritual power in time even if the Mahayana True Venerable is injured. There are only three pills stored in the space.

This time I simply took out one and swallowed it without any hesitation. The elixir in the mouth immediately turned into a warm current, entered the abdomen along the esophagus, began to moisten the internal organs, and then entered the meridians, flowing into the limbs and bones, huge The spiritual power makes the dry and cracked meridians quickly moisturized and restored to elasticity.

Xiao Jian, who was somewhat sluggish in his dantian, also opened his eyes at this time, and the Yin-Yang Tai Chi disk in his body appeared automatically, and began to devour spiritual energy and transform it, gradually recovering the aura and magic energy in Jian Jian's body.

Simple, everything is going smoothly here, but the Hua family is in chaos. The ancestor's soul lamp is extinguished. This is their biggest backer, and the current new head of the Hua family is also a big head.

The current head of the Hua family is the descendant of Hua Chunshan's younger brother, and he has status in the Hua family. When Hua Zhenren had an affair with Kong Qiankun, Hua Wenwen didn't agree very much. The family is torn apart. If there was any fluke mentality at the beginning, then it is completely hopeless now.

"Patriarch, the contact person of the Kong family left the living room immediately after learning the news of the ancestor's fall from his disciples just now, and he is now missing."


Hua Wenwen was also surprised. This is not good news. A family without the protection of the distracted cultivator is probably a piece of fat in the eyes of the Kong family.

"Immediately arrange for the gathering of the clansmen, use the backhand left by the ancestors, and leave this place, quickly!"

Seeing the face of the Patriarch, the younger generation of the Hua family knew that something was wrong, so they nodded yes, and immediately went out to gather people and leave the place quickly.

In less than half an hour, there was only an empty yard left in the Hua family, and when the Kong family arrived, it was completely empty.

Since then, the Hua family has gradually declined, disappeared in the cultivation world, and completely lost the glory of the previous life, and easily and successfully cut off one of Du Yanran's minions.

The news of the fall of Hua Chunshan, the patriarch of the Hua family, was sent to Lord Jianli on the second day, and Jianning and Jiancheng, who received the exact news, went to retreat together. Since then, the cultivation world has entered a relatively stable stage.

However, the news about the invasion of the Lingyun Continent by the alien zerg has gradually spread to the entire Cultivation Continent, especially the simple sentence: "Our cultivators in the Lingyun Continent are not weak, we will take you one by one. Destroy them all and drive them out of this continent." It spread widely and added many loyal supporters to Simplicity.

After a five-day journey, the monks of the Heavenly Demon Palace finally arrived at the edge of the Bamboo Forest Sea and made the last adjustment. They will enter the Bamboo Forest Sea one day later.

When Mozang landed the flying boat at the entrance of the Bamboo Forest Sea, a purple figure slowly flashed out, and then the demonic power of the ninth-level monster swept across the black flying boat.

Mozang frowned, and immediately flashed out of the flying boat:

"Mo Zang of the Heavenly Demon Palace, I have seen Senior Nine Tails, I have alarmed you, please forgive me."

Nine-Tails' enchanting purple fox eyes looked at Mozang like a pool of spring water, and Su Mei's piercing voice came to the other party's ears:

"Little Mozang, you are leading the team this time! Why did you come so slowly? I'm not afraid that your Moxuan won't be able to hold on."

All the Huashen and Nascent Soul monks on the flying boat seemed to be bewitched, and their eyes were shining brightly looking at the nine-tailed monster in the air.

"Cough cough" Mozang's cough woke up the crowd from the spell.

"I made the seniors laugh. The disciples of the Heavenly Demon Palace can't practice well, so this time they are here to exercise."

"I won't interfere with your Demon Sect's mission, so I won't go there to join in the fun, but your people must take good care of them. If you enter my Demon Clan's territory without invitation, you know I will eat them!"

While speaking, Nine Tails stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, and the aftertaste expression made the hairs on the back of the Tianmo Palace disciple below stand on end.

"Hahaha! Seeing your unfazed looks, you actually take it seriously. I don't eat people, but I can kill people!"

"Yes, follow the instructions of the true venerable."

The following neat and tidy answers satisfied Nine Tails. At this time, Lord Bai Jue appeared behind him, still wearing a snow-white cassock, holding a feather fan, and nodded to Mozang. The simple body that moved out of the flying boat.

The familiar gaze made Jian Jian immediately raise his head and meet Lord Bai Jue's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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