Chapter 350 Start Body Forging

The next day, Jian Jian took the moon to his second class in a refreshed manner.

"How are you thinking about yesterday's problem?"

"My lord, I know!"

Looking at the most active little girl, Yu Jiajia, she simply nodded:

"Okay, you talk first."

"We can't touch the moon because we haven't practiced it. The moon can do magic, but we can't."

"Hmm! Barely right!"

Simply nodded, waved for the little girl to sit down, and then asked:
"Who else has a different opinion?"

A little boy stood up, straightened his robes, and said:
"I observed the moon's trajectory yesterday. She moves according to the position of the five elements. If the twenty of us cooperate well and stop her in front of Senior Moon's trajectory, we should be able to touch her."

"Jia Yushu, why didn't you say so sooner? We almost broke our legs running yesterday."

Zhao Yunhai next to him was unhappy and muttered softly.

Jia Yushu pretended not to hear, and saluted Jian Jian, sat back on the futon, and responded in a low voice:
"I said you may not listen to me, why bother!"

Zhao Yunhai was grinding his teeth.

Simply smiled, and concluded:

"It's all good, it proves that you have really thought about it."

Simply speaking, he touched the little head of the moon, and saw a group of turnip heads below who were extremely greedy.

"In order to allow you to touch the moon, I will start a small recipe for you from now on, so that your wishes will come true as soon as possible."

"it is good!"

The answer this time was very imposing.

With a simple nod, the elementary body training course started.

Simple waved his hand, and put on bracelets and anklets for everyone. These are weight rings, which were made by simple people before coming to class.

"This ring is a weight-bearing ring. When you get used to the current weight, you will increase the weight little by little."

The little guys looked at the things on their hands and feet curiously, and some even stood up and jumped for a while, and then asked simply:
"My lord, I don't feel very heavy."

"Me too."

There are also small partners who should meet below.

"You don't have the energy to enter your body now, so it's just an ordinary weight. When you officially enter the practice, you will naturally feel it!"

"My lord, when can we cause the body to enter?"

The oldest little guy inside asked.

"Thirty days later, I will adjust your physical condition in the past few days, and get familiar with the entrainment art..."

"Honorable Lord, I have already mastered the Qi-Entraining Jue, and the elders in my family have taught me it!"

"Oh! That's right! Then I won't go into details, and I will show you when the time comes."

After calming down the little guy who was eager to practice, he simply let the moon lead the team and started running around the sword practice field.

Half an hour later, a group of people returned to the classroom with red faces.

"Now close your eyes, adjust your breathing, and meditate..."

Simply, it took another half an hour to decompose and demonstrate the basic sword technique "Nine Swords of Heaven" in super slow motion.

"Okay, I believe you all have memorized it. Go to the sword practice field and practice the nine moves of the Heavenly Sword. Whoever practices well can go back early."


As soon as they heard that they could leave the school early, everyone was very active, stood in line consciously, and began to make gestures with wooden swords in their hands.

Jian Jian didn't go out, and when he saw someone with non-standard movements, he condensed a drop of tea with his hand, hit the wrong position, and corrected it.

Jia Yushu was the first among the crowd to meet the standard, and simply gave him a jade slip:

"This is a body-building decoction that I specially prepared for you. It is different from the strengthening decoction that the elders in the family make for you. Go back and give it to the elders to have a look. They will make it for you if they think there is no problem. The thirty days Just keep soaking."

Jia Yushu took it respectfully, saluted and thanked:
"Let the lord bother."

"Well! Go back!"

Jia Yushu returned to Tiandufeng with the jade slip and the guards who came to pick him up.

The rest of the people saw that the lord really let the little friends who had reached the standard go first, and immediately put up all their energy and practiced the sword art seriously.

Jian Jian repeated the same words, each with a jade slip, sent them away, and returned to the peak early.

Besides, this group of children took the jade slips back and handed them over to the elders for inspection. Those who were cautious even made a pair. After experimenting, it did have the effect of body training.

The elder in charge of pill management in the affairs hall looked at the simple prescription and shouted, Lord Sword Slaughter is a genius.

The medicine was very bold. In addition to the spirit plant, the magic plant was actually used. However, because the dosage was appropriate, the magic plant played a very good catalytic role in the decoction, allowing the medicine to fully exert its effect.

Most of the children made the soup that night, and of course there were those who were cautious and didn't use the soup.

In class on the second day, I just glanced at it, and it was clear at a glance who had soaked and who hadn't.

Simply don't care about it, this kind of thing can't be forced, and then continue with your own lessons.

Jian Jian has become the teacher of the preschool class step by step, but Du Yanran has not been so happy in the past ten years.

After being slashed by Cao Chenfeng's sword from the Chengli Secret Realm, Du Yanran immediately crushed a piece of jade talisman that was teleported at random while the other party was locked by the thunder calamity, and escaped smoothly.

In the end, she was rescued by Chang Le, a small leader of "The End of the World". The other party fell in love with Du Yanran's beauty, and the place where she appeared was also very clever. It was when the Orange Glass Secret Realm was closed, and the serious injury was sent to Chang Le. .

After Chang Le rescued Du Yanran, she took care of her in every way on the surface, showing that she fell in love with him at first sight, but she was actually investigating Du Yanran's details.

When she learned that she was a missing monk from the Yin Yang Sect and now she was the best friend of Zhenjun Fan Ji'an in Lingyun City, Chang Le slowly tore off his disguised mask.

First, he designed Du Yanran to be poisoned, and then he detoxified Du Yanran step by step with the other party's dual cultivation, and then gradually turned Du Yanran into his own forbidden zone, and also wanted to improve his cultivation base through dual cultivation.

At first, Du Yanran still looked at each other from the perspective of her previous life, thinking that Chang Le still admired her and was willing to do anything for her, but as time went by, she found that things did not go as she expected.

When Chang Le proposed to improve his cultivation through double cultivation, Du Yanran regarded the other party as a dead person in her heart, but she did not refuse, she just retreated:

"Chang Zhenjun, you saved Yanran's life, and it is understandable to help you improve your cultivation base, but my cultivation base has regressed, and I am injured."

"What does Yan Ran mean?"

Chang Le put away the smile on her face, raised Du Yanran's chin, and let the other party face her, answering her question head-on.

Du Yanran burst into tears:
"Zhenjun misunderstood me. I am already a member of Zhenjun. Naturally, I have to think about you. I have the 'Yin Yang Pill' from the Yin Yang Gate here. Taking it during dual cultivation can achieve twice the result with half the effort."

As if afraid that Chang Le would disagree, Du Yanran immediately took out a pill bottle from the storage ring and handed it to the other party.

Chang Le opened the elixir bottle, which contained two pills, one black and one red, and motioned for Du Yanran to explain.

"The red pill is taken by female cultivators, and the black pill is taken by male cultivators. Taking it before dual cultivation can make the cultivation bases of both sides transform into each other more smoothly. It's just that this medicine is more domineering. If you take it with injuries, both of you may have to take it." suffer backlash."

"What does Yan Ran mean?"

"True Monarch, you keep the elixir first, and then give me three days, and I will be able to repair the old wound, and then I will naturally be able to double cultivate with the True Monarch."

"Okay, I'll wait for Yanran's good news."

Chang Le didn't force Du Yanran too much, turned around and left the room, in fact, to check whether the medicine really had such effects, and to distinguish whether the pill had been tampered with.

Du Yanran watched the other party leave, a glint flashed in her eyes, and a sinister smile appeared on the corners of her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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