Chapter 354
Jian Jian took the moon and got rid of the good people, and arrived in front of the "Hundred Beasts Building" in less than half a stick of incense.

"Hundred Beasts Building" is a three-story attic, which is conspicuous on this commercial street.

When the guy at the door saw Jian Jian with a little fairy boy standing at the door, he immediately greeted him:

"This fairy, little fairy boy, welcome to the Hundred Beasts Tower. Please, please, we have a complete range of spirit beasts here, and you will definitely be able to choose the spirit beast you like."

He simply took the hand of the moon, entered the gate, and entered the hall. Inside, a space-expanding magic circle was used, and the space was wider. There were monks in twos and threes shopping for spirit beasts.

Opposite the door is a row of shelves, on which are the eggs of spirit beasts. The staff enthusiastically introduced:
"Fairy, here are unhatched spirit beasts, here are birds, and there are cubs of beasts."

The moon looked at it with its black eyes open, and then asked:

"Where do these eggs come from?"

"Returning to Little Fairy Tong, these eggs were bought by our Hundred Beast Building from various places, and some were eliminated by the sect. Some of the cubs of the beasts were sold to our Hundred Beast Building. Some of them were sent to consignment by monks after they were abandoned because of their frailty."

The moon was a little puzzled, and then asked:
"Should we be abandoned if we are weak?"

"Beasts can give birth to many cubs at a time, and the weak ones, unable to adapt to the cruel living environment in the future, will naturally be eliminated."

The moon suddenly felt a little depressed, leaning on the side of Jian's leg, and stopped talking.

The guy thought he said something wrong, looked at Jian Jian and saluted:
"But what did the little one say wrong to make Xiao Xiantong unhappy?"

Simply wave your hand to show that it's not the problem of the buddy, and then touch the moon's head:
"Moon, this is the cruelty of the cultivation world. The strong prey on the weak. Even you, it is because of your extraordinary talent."

"The moon knows that it is the moon's luck that the moon can form a bond with the lord. You have taught me a lot. In the future, the moon will be able to stand alone and share the worries of the lord."

"Well, the moon has always been great!"

Simply smiled and touched the moon's head, some words need not be said too clearly, the moon knows very well.

The guy seemed to hear something from the conversation between the two, but he didn't dare to ask, and led the two to the second floor:
"On the second floor are some cubs of spirit beasts. They are the spirit beasts hatched and cultivated by our Hundred Beasts Building. They are relatively obedient. They can be bought back and raised by themselves, or given to juniors; the third floor is some adult spirit beasts. Attack There are more sexual ones, and there are defensive ones, I don’t know which type the fairy likes.”

"It depends on our little fairy boy."

Moon was a little embarrassed, scratched her bun, then raised her head and said to Jian Jian:

"I'm just looking around, I don't want to buy anything, let's go somewhere else!"

"it is good."

Simply throw five low-grade spirit stones to the buddy:
"Please introduce me."

Holding the hand of the moon, he walked out the door.

"This fairy, please stay."

Coming down from the third floor was a cultivator at the early stage of Huashen wearing the robe of the Heavenly Sword Sect. The other party also suppressed his cultivation level. The revealed cultivation level was at the Nascent Soul stage, which happened to be one level higher than the one that was simply revealed.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm taking the liberty, I'm Pi Yu of the Tianjian Peak of the Tianjian Sect, I don't know if the fairy's spirit beast can be cut off?"

He briefly glanced at the other party, and then recalled it carefully. He didn't have the slightest impression of the name, and the other party was obviously coming for the moon.

"Can't cut love!"

The simple answer is categorical.

The other party didn't seem to have expected that the other party would refuse so simply, without even saying anything about the scene.

"I am about to represent the Heavenly Sword Sect to participate in the grand competition in this world. With the help of this spirit beast, I will be more confident."

"Huh? Didn't Tianjianzong spread the way of the sword to the world? When does it need to win the game through spirit beasts?"

The simple question was straightforward, a trace of embarrassment flashed across the face of the other party, and the moon answered:
"That's because his own strength is not as good as others, so he will use external force."

After finishing speaking, he nodded seriously, indicating that what he said must be right.

Pi Yu was about to open his mouth to refute the moon, when another group of people entered the Hundred Beasts Building, a familiar voice came:
"Brother, I saw a suitable spirit beast just now, it's just..."

What Fu Yao said next, the moment he simply turned around, he choked back and didn't dare to go forward again. He stood aside and lowered his head, bowing respectfully, and the four attendants behind him also bowed.

"So coincidentally?"

"My lord, today I made an appointment with my brother to choose a spirit beast."

Fu Yao replied immediately, although she was not convinced, she had already been warned by Senior Sister Jianning, so she did not dare to be too presumptuous.

"It seems that you brothers and sisters all have good eyesight, and you all have the same preferences."

Jian Jian nodded to Pi Yu, and then said to the moon:
"Baby Moon, it seems that there are many people who miss you. I am a little worried that they will snatch you away. Let's go back to the sect!"

"Okay! My lord, they can't take away the moon, and the moon will always be by your side. Let's choose a good day when we go out next time, um. Check the almanac!"

Yue Yue scratched her head, only thought of this rhetoric, she simply patted her head, and left the Beast Building with Yue Yue.

"Junior Sister, was that Venerable Master just now? Why haven't I seen it before?"

Pi Yu didn't ask Fu Yao who was at the side until the other party left. Fu Yao didn't seem to want to mention this person, so he just casually said a few words.

"She was born as a casual cultivator and has no background. She joined my Heavenly Sword Sect a hundred years ago and started as an outer sect disciple. She went out once after Ning Ying, and got the chance to directly enter the Void Refining Stage."

Pi Yu listened carefully, then thoughtfully said:

"We can let her join our camp. She has strength but no backing. She can be our pawn."

"I think so too. I'll tell Master later that I can't use this female cultivator."

The words of the two people's voice transmission communication reached Jianjian's ears verbatim.

"The ambition is not small, so don't ask me whether the client agrees or not."

"My lord, do you need the moon to teach them?"

"No, the moon is the key to my victory over the enemy. There is no need to use it on these two idiots. Come, follow me to meet Lord Jian Li."

Hall of Law Enforcement

Jian Li was holding the jade slip in his hand at this time, and felt a bit of a headache. The internal competition among all the sects of the Dao Sect had ended, and he was about to leave for the Yunhai Sect to compete among the sects in ten days. The leader of the team has not yet been decided .

Jianwan offered to lead the group on a trip, but Jianli didn't care about her.

Jian Wan's practice is quite hard, so she is also ranked among the monks who are in the emptiness stage, but she is more jealous and sometimes lacks the overall situation, especially in this kind of competition between sects, Jian Li I still want to choose someone who is safer and smoother to lead the team.

Jian Sheng hurried in from outside the hall and saluted Jian Li:
"My lord, the sword outside the palace is killing the lord, please see me."

"Isn't she teaching in Tongzitang, why is she free to come to me today?"

"In just one day yesterday, all the children in Tongzitang have successfully drawn qi into their bodies."


Lord Jian Li looked up from the list in his hand, very interested in this news.

"The lowest level is the first level of Qi Refining, and the highest cultivation level reaches the third level of Qi Refining."

Jian Li finally put down the jade slip in his hand:

"It seems that Jian Lu still has some real skills. I have arranged this mission appropriately. Let her in."

"Yes, my lord."

Jian Sheng said another word before going out:

"Can the leader of the team consider killing the Lord with the sword?"

(End of this chapter)

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