Chapter 378 Magnolia Pearl Hairpin

After hearing the simple words, Han Pengfei's surprise flashed across his face, and he went through the content of the jade slip carefully before he said:

"They want to rob you outside Tianyue City, which means they also have accomplices in Tianyue City?"

"I don't like to leave a tail for myself, so these ten people should be all of them. As for whether there are any cities under their jurisdiction, or what methods they use to hide their tracks, it is up to Yun Haizong to investigate by himself, and it is not convenient for me to cross the border."

Han Pengfei immediately cupped his hands in thanks:
"Thank you, Lord Sword Slaughter, for reminding me. I will tell the lord to investigate this matter thoroughly."

"I naturally believe in the ability of the noble sect. In addition, they seem to have a standard in choosing their robbing targets. They should be based on the second and third generations of repairs. They are not strong enough and there is no shortage of spirit stones, but they can affect the judgment of close relatives at critical moments. .”

"The lord is suspicious, they only target this kind of monks?"

"My guess is that they followed Lu Xuanyuan all the way."

"So, when you found Xiaoyou Lu, you insisted on taking him aboard the spaceship of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and you never let him leave the mountain where you are?"

"It seems that Master Wushuang's news is also very well-informed, and it is true. Since I made a move, I will naturally ask Zixiaozong to owe me a favor."

A smile appeared on Han Pengfei's sharp-edged face,
"The lord is still the same as before."


Simply raise your eyebrows and ask.

"The temperament is dusty, and the beauty is like a nine-day fairy!"

"I didn't realize that Mr. Wushuang has also learned to flatter people." Jian Jian said with a smile.

Han Pengfei took out a blue brocade box from his storage ring, opened the brocade box, and pushed it in front of Jian Jian:
"Thanks to the lord for saving me many times, this is a little bit of my heart. I was in a hurry last time, and I couldn't thank you properly. This time I formally thank the lord Jian Slaughter."

After a brief glance, it is a pearl hairpin, on which a white magnolia flower is composed of white, pink, and goose yellow pearls.

"This pearl hairpin was picked from mussels in the deep sea when I was training abroad, and I found it to be crafted by a master craftsman of my sect. It has the functions of water avoidance and defense, and the most important thing is that it can be worn for a long time to keep your face."

"I'm really moved by what you said, and I accept the gift."

With a simple wave of his sleeves, he put away the gift, and then directly threw a 3000 years wind bead to Han Pengfei.

"This is my return gift, don't refuse, just accept it."

Han Pengfei looked at the blue wind-fixing bead in his hand and felt a little disappointed, but he still put it away solemnly.

"Thank you, Lord, I like this gift very much. The wind and clouds on the sea are unpredictable. With this wind-fixing bead, there is another layer of protection."

"My lord, my lord, there is a female cultivator at the foot of the peak who insisted on entering the peak, saying she was looking for someone, but was stopped by Bian Qikang."

The moon flashed, appeared in Jian Jian's arms, and reported to Jian Jian what he saw.

Simply rubbing her head, teasingly said:

"Are you inspecting the entire Yunyin Peak?"

"Yes, it is natural to be more cautious when leaving the sect, and we will stay here for a while, so we must be optimistic about our sect."

Yue Yue flicked his tail and said sternly, and squinted his eyes when he simply listened to a smile, and the corners of Han Pengfei's lips curled up.

"Pengfei, since someone is looking for you, I won't keep you. There are still many opportunities to meet in the future."

Han Pengfei also showed embarrassment this time. After a hasty salute, he turned and left the peak.

Simply tap the forehead of the moon:
"You little clever ghost, even though the female cultivators at the foot of the mountain named Han Pengfei by name, you still spoke vaguely."

"The moon is to let him go down and take that female cultivator away quickly. Don't delay the Lord's rest. Besides, if that female cultivator rushes up to find you, what will be the face of our Heavenly Sword Sect?"

"Hehe! You're still a set, but you're right."

Moon proudly raised her head, and continued simply:

"The moon will shoulder the responsibility of patrolling the peak, and report when there is something to do."

"Yes, honor the Lord's order."

The moon flashed and disappeared from Jian Jian's arms.

After a simple sweep of consciousness, Han Pengfei seemed to have a serious face, and took away a delicate and beautiful female cultivator in Tsing Yi. The female cultivator seemed to complain, and looked back at Yunyin Peak.

A simple sentence of emotion: peach blossoms are really prosperous.

This time, simply sent a message talisman to Bian Qikang directly, and don't disturb her if there is nothing to do, unless someone from Zixiaozong is visiting.

Afterwards, Jian Jian also entered the temporarily arranged cave, and was restricted.

Jian Jian stopped here, but the mood of the city lord Peng Xilai of Yunling City was not so good.

Peng Xilai's grandfather, Venerable Peng Wang, came to enlightenment by chance a few days ago, so he went to retreat to study enlightenment, and Peng Xilai continued to preside over the overall situation.

It was nothing at all, Peng Xilai, the city lord, was quite qualified, but after receiving the jade slips sent by Lord Jian Li of the Heavenly Sword Sect today, he was in a bad mood.

This Jia family is so courageous that they dare to do such a thing under his nose!
Peng Xilai had already torn the other party's heart, this time it also involved other families, he was also a little nervous, wondering if he wanted to hold his grandfather accountable.

"Report to the city lord that people from the Heavenly Sword Sect are visiting outside the mansion. This is an invitation."

Peng Xilai stepped back from the footsteps he had just raised, and took a look at the greeting card. It was indeed from the Heavenly Sword Sect, and the signature was Jian Li.


Peng Xilai rubbed his heart, calmed down, and came to the door of the living room to welcome Lord Jianli.

Jian Li was wearing a navy blue robe, with an imposing manner without anger. With a height of nearly two meters, standing in front of Peng Xilai made the Lord Peng feel a sense of oppression.

"Greetings to Lord Jian Li."

Jian Li raised his hand to support the opponent:
"Master Pengcheng doesn't need to be too polite. You must know the purpose of my coming here. Is Lord Pengwang here?"

Jian Li strode into the living room and sat down directly on the main seat. Peng Xilai could only stand aggrieved and answer.

"Grandpa is in retreat."

Jian Li frowned when he heard this, originally he didn't need to be present in person for this matter, but things turned out to be contrary to expectations, besides the four major families in Yunling City, there were also sects involved.

The Jia family is very cautious. In the past 40 years, they have released a total of ten Dingfeng beads for 5000 years, eighteen for 3000 years, and fifty for 1000 years.

Among the ten largest wind-fixing beads, five of them were digested by Yunling City, and the remaining five can be found. Most of the buyers are high-level monks, so the possibility of hiding black beetles is relatively low.

The eighteen wind-fixing beads of 3000 years are mainly purchased by small and medium cultivation sects and families, and the most thousand-year-old wind-fixing beads go to many places.

Some were bought, some were used as a way to buy high-level instruments, and some were directly given away by the Jia family as favors, and there is a high possibility that black beetles are hidden in this category.

"What is Lord Peng's plan?"

"Please allow me a few days. I need to determine the specific whereabouts of all the Dingfeng beads sold from the Jia family. In addition, I also need to confirm whether the Jia family has privately transferred the Dingfeng beads in question to other merchants, so that we can Good move."

Jian Li was silent for a moment after hearing this: "Hurry up, my sect's sword killing has leveled Heifeng'ao's lair, and it has been a day now, the longer the time, the more likely the other party will notice it!"

(End of this chapter)

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