Chapter 380 Help Yunling
As soon as Peng Xilai heard that there was something interesting, he immediately took out a small array plate from the storage ring, opened a hole in the defense of the guest house where Lord Jianli lived, and waited quietly for someone to come.

In less than half a stick of incense, a ball of white cotton wool appeared in front of Jianli's guest room, and then the white cotton wool spun from small to large, turning into a small white tornado. After the wind stopped and the clouds cleared, it simply appeared in the In front of everyone.

He briefly stroked his long hair, straightened his Lord's robe, stepped into the inner room, and the marshmallows turned into small clouds and stuck to Simple's head again.

"Senior brother Jianli, why did you call me here in such a hurry?"

He walked into the hall in a simple, elegant and calm manner, and sat on the seat on his right without waiting for Jianli's greeting.

Peng Xilai and his subordinates stood up and saluted Jian Jian:
"Meet the Lord!"

Jian Li's serious face eased a lot, and he said to Jian Jian:
"Junior sister, I didn't expect you to come so fast. I encountered some difficult things here, so I called you here because of no reason."

Just to give a brief introduction:
"This is Peng Xilai, the lord of Yunling City, you should have seen him before."

Turning to Peng Xi:

"This is the Sword Slaughter Lord of Tianyue Peak of my Heavenly Sword Sect."

Simply because of the accident in the Chilang Secret Realm, I had stayed in Yunling City for a while, and I was no stranger to seeing the city lord from a distance, so I nodded to the two people at the bottom, and then turned to Jianli:
"Senior brother summoned me with Mo Pei, can I come quickly! What is it?"

When Peng Xilai briefly asked his brother why, he also sighed in his heart that this beautiful and beautiful female cultivator turned out to be Lord Sword Slaughter.

It's hard for Peng Xilai to imagine that it was she who led people to wipe out Heifengao. As expected, the Heavenly Sword Sect were all sword lunatics and they couldn't be messed with.

After simply listening to Jian Li's narration, he already understood the general situation and also understood Jian Li's purpose for calling him here, so he didn't repeat himself, and with a wave of his sleeve robe, the comatose guy on the ground woke up.

The man sat up from the ground with his head supported. He was recalling what he had experienced. When he raised his head, he bumped into a pair of beautiful eyes unexpectedly. After that, he didn't know anything.

With a blue light in Jian Jian's eyes, he and the boy looked at each other for a moment, and then the other party fainted again.

He simply closed his eyes, opened them again after a while, then took out a jade slip, burned the memory he had read into it, and handed it to Lord Jian Li.

"Brother, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Jian Li took the jade slip, but he didn't read it yet, when he heard the simple question, he said directly:

"good news."

Simply smiled, and told everyone directly without being a secret:
"The good news is that they are indeed planning to sell the fixed wind beads containing the black beetles to some small shops and let them help spread them out."

"It means that it has not been implemented in time."


"The bad news is that half of the fixed wind beads they have scattered have problems."

Jian Li finished reading the jade slips, raised his head to tell the bad news, made another copy of the jade slips, and threw the other one directly to Peng Xilai.

Peng Xilai took the jade slips, scanned them quickly, and said to the nun behind him:
"Go and verify the news quickly. If it is consistent with what you are monitoring, quickly arrange for someone to come to your door with my post to notify you. Tell Lao Qi to send this guy back as it is, so as not to arouse the suspicion of Manager Jia."

"Yes, City Lord."

The female cultivator immediately responded, and after saluting to the two lords at the head, she carried the boy out again.

Taking advantage of this gap, Jianli also passed the content of the jade slip to Jiancheng through Mo Pei, asking the other party to step up verification, and then cross-comparison with the information obtained by Lord Peng.

In this way, the current owner of the Fixed Wind Orb can be determined, which is more conducive to controlling the problematic monks during the action, and there is no need to blindly attack all-out, so it is easy for the opponent to take advantage of the loopholes.

After Peng Xilai arranged the tasks under his command, he turned around and bowed respectfully to the two lords:

"Thank you two lords for your timely action. I will take care of the rest. You two just wait and see the good show."

After saying goodbye, he left first.

Jian Jian waited for the other party to leave, burned another jade slip, and handed it to Lord Jian Li.

"This is the list of the Heavenly Sword Sect. It contains the list of affiliated families and affiliated sects who have purchased Wind Beads. They have a half chance of being parasitized. Brother, let's arrange someone to deal with it!"

"I knew you had saved something." Jian Li was not surprised at all.

"Naturally, we can't completely open the gate of the Heavenly Sword Sect to them."

Then he frowned again, and continued to say to Jian Li:
"Because Tianjianzong broke up the Hua family and made them lose an arm, they have tried every means to sell the wind-fixing beads to my sect in the past few years."

Then he shook his head again, and continued:
"Unfortunately, the effect is not very obvious. The Heavenly Sword Sect mainly focuses on swords. After all, there are only a small number of monks who use auxiliary magic weapons. Besides, the wind-fixing beads are not necessary, so their infiltration was unsuccessful. Instead, they went to the affiliated families and The loophole of the small sect."

"It's okay, this time it's military training. Fortunately, you discovered it early."

While Jian Li quickly delivered the mission order of the Law Enforcement Hall, he did not delay the simple conversation.

"But Junior Sister, why did you think of going to Heifengao?"

With a simple and reserved smile, she can say that she failed in the black wind in her previous life, so she is looking for a place in this life!
That must be impossible, so I can only cough lightly and explain:
"It's purely by chance. I knew that I would definitely enter the sea of ​​clouds in this competition at the Cloud Sea Sect. I just wanted to take everyone to the tooth-fighting festival and eliminate harm for the people. I didn't expect the result to be like this, and it even alarmed you!"

Simple and helpless.

"My plant pets always laugh at me, saying that I have a disaster physique, and accidents happen wherever I go."

"Maybe it's God's will."

Jian Li summed it up in one sentence.

"Maybe, no matter what, I'll just go ahead."

With a simple touch from the storage bracelet, he took out an 8000-year Dingfeng Bead and handed it to Jianli:
"Brother, this is to honor you."

Jian Li took a look, and saw that the cyan bead was the size of a baby's fist, exuding a soft light, and it was top-grade at first glance.

"Okay, I'll accept it. I'll ask Jianpo to hand over the booty you brought back to the affairs hall. It can be regarded as the contribution of your group to the sect, and it will be divided among everyone at that time. After returning to the sect, you can Redeem yourself."

Jian Jian hurriedly cupped his hands to express his thanks, then looked at the sky, and asked about Jian Yu when he still had time:

"Brother, does Jian Yu, who is my partner this time, also belong to the Fu family? I feel a little unreliable."

"It's expedient. You won Jian Wan and let her lose face in the sect. The sect can only give some compensation in disguise, and stabilize them first."

"Hey! It's wrong to say that I didn't expect the opponent to be so weak. Anyway, I had to go through a few tricks before admitting defeat. I was also shocked when I hurt her natal sword."

"I have Liuyingyu who watched your competition. You move your sword quickly without any fancy or redundant moves. You have mastered your power very precisely. If you hadn't transferred the remaining power of that sword to the defensive cover in time, her natal sword would definitely break."

"It's exactly as my brother said."

Simply nodding in acknowledgment, he continued:
"But things may not be that simple this time. The Fu family has a wind-fixing bead, which is a gift from the Jia family."

(End of this chapter)

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