Chapter 389
Simply put away the spiritual veins that had been absorbed without a trace of spiritual energy, and prepared to go back and hand them over to the sect to see if they could be nourished and recovered. Then he casually gave himself a cleansing formula, opened the restriction, and left the cave.

"Congratulations, Lord, your cultivation has improved!"

The moon with the marshmallow on its head appeared in front of Jianjian at the first time, and immediately jumped onto Jianjian's shoulders.

The jealous light in Jian Yu's eyes flashed away. Seeing Jian Jian's more vigorous body, he felt all kinds of feelings in his heart, so he could only smile and stepped forward to congratulate.

"Junior Sister Jian Slaughter, congratulations, your cultivation has gone a step further."

"Occasionally, I was lucky enough to be promoted to a level."

Simply pretending not to see the jealousy in the other party's eyes, and still respond with the usual attitude.

"Junior Sister, you're out of the test in time this time. The big competition will officially start tomorrow, and I'm still wondering if I'm going to detain you from the test!"

Jian Yu said it seems true.

"Let the senior sister bother you. If I hadn't passed the test before the big competition, wouldn't there be a senior sister? You can represent my Heavenly Sword Sect."

Looking at the other party sincerely with simple eyes, Jian Yu just forced a smile, and then said in a joking tone:
"Junior Sister, you are planning to be the shopkeeper! Fortunately, God has treated me well and let you leave the customs early."

"Of course I trust Senior Sister."

The two fought for a while, and Jian Yu found an excuse to leave.

Wu Siyuan and Bian Qikang, who had been serving as background boards for a long time, saw Jianyu leaving, so they went forward to salute Jianjian, congratulating Jianjian for his promotion to the Great Consummation of the Void, and they are only a short distance away from the fusion period.

Simply knowing that the two of them must have something to report waiting here, they let them enter the cave.

Wu Siyuan signaled Bian Qikang to speak first, and Bian Qikang took a step forward:
"My lord, during your retreat period, that young master Wushuang came twice and left after knowing that you were retreating. The female cultivator he took away last time also came, but she didn't enter the peak, just wandering on the sidelines. After a while, he left."

"Yeah!" Jian Jian nodded and motioned for the other party to continue.

"Also, Lord Qian from the Sanxiu League has also been here and left a greeting card, inviting you to visit the peak of the Sanxiu League when you have time. Three days ago, more people came to Yunyin Peak to send greeting cards , There are various sects in the Taoist sect, and they are all here to invite you."

After simply listening to it and thinking about it, he realized that it must have been the news that he and Jian Li joined forces to kill the fit monks in Yunling City, and that's why other sects paid attention to it.

After all, Lord Jianli became famous earlier, and his combat power is considered top-notch in the Heavenly Sword Sect. As a new and unknown Lord, he can cooperate with Jianli, and the fatal blow was made by himself, so he will naturally be punished. Each sect attaches great importance to it.

She dared to bet that all the information about her sword killing might already be on the desks of the heads of the major sects.

"okay, I get it."

Bian Qikang then asked for instructions:

"My lord, people from the Zixiao Sect have come twice and want to take Lu Xuanyuan back, because you have not left the customs, and you have ordered them to stay in Yunyin Peak before, so..."

"That's why you kept him detained and didn't let him take him back."

Jian Jian almost laughed out loud, and Wu Siyuan on the side also hooked the corners of his lips.Bian Qikang smiled awkwardly, nodded, and said that's what he did.

"Okay, I see. I'll send the person over in person in a while. This favor has to be fulfilled. You did a good job."

"Thank you for your praise, Zixiao Sect's temporary cave is in Yunxiao Peak."

After reporting his affairs, Bian Qikang withdrew. He knew that he was not strong enough to participate in the next thing.

Simply put on a soundproof cover, indicating to Wu Siyuan that he can speak.

"Congratulations, Lord, your strength has improved to a higher level."

Wu Siyuan saluted respectfully, then took out a jade slip from the storage ring, and handed it to Jian Jian:
"My lord, this was sent by Jianwu from the Law Enforcement Hall the day before yesterday. Let me leave it to you alone. Before I leave, I said that he will be back before the big competition begins after he has finished handling the follow-up matters."

Jian Jian took the jade slip and saw that it was the special sealing method of the law enforcement hall, so he didn't rush to check it, so he put the jade slip away first.

After Wu Siyuan reported the business, he paused again and continued:

"During the period of your retreat, Lord Jianyu went out once, and I was not cultivated enough to keep up. After returning to Yunyin Peak, I once wanted to send Young Master Lu of Zixiaozong back."

"Oh? I guess Lu Xuanyuan doesn't want to go back with her!"

"My lord is wise, that's exactly the case! At that time, Jian Yu seemed to want to use force, but this young master Lu did not show weakness, and directly took out the attack jade talisman given by his grandfather, so that Lord Jian Yu gave up. of."


After listening briefly, she put away her smiling face, Jian Yu wanted to put herself on the line, but Lu Xuanyuan was clever and escaped the catastrophe.

Lu Xuanyuan brought it back by himself. When Jian Yu did something wrong on the way back, if something went wrong, he would be responsible for it. After all, she was the leader of the team this time, and she just cooperated secretly.

It's beautiful to think about, but it's a pity that people don't cooperate.Simply and directly said to Wu Siyuan:

"There seems to be something wrong with Jian Yu's department, you stay away."

Simply didn't say much, just made a point.

Wu Siyuan's heart skipped a beat, he believed the words of Sword Killing Lord, and immediately bowed his hands:

"Siyuan understands, thank you Lord."

"Okay, come with me to send Young Master Lu back! I'm afraid there are too many people on my mind, and you won't be able to take care of it."


The moon stayed on the side quietly all the time, and when she saw that Zun Zun wanted to go out, she hopped onto Simple's shoulders with cotton candy.

Lu Xuanyuan's hair grew long in Yunyin Peak, and he followed the moon around the peak before, and the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect were all polite to him.

The cultivator of Zixiaozong came twice and wanted to take him back, but he was stopped by the Golden Core cultivator, saying that the lord did not agree, and he would wait for the lord to leave the customs.He didn't care, he just mixed with the monks of Tianjianzong.

Three days ago, that Lord Jianyu came up suddenly and said that he wanted to send him back in person. He didn't know what happened, but he just didn't want to. In the end, he even took out the ancestor's attacking jade talisman, and then sent him away.

Since then, Uncle Lu followed him every step of the way. It wasn't until today that the phantom of the giant sword formed on the peak, Uncle Lu breathed a sigh of relief and told him to get ready that they might leave at any time.

Sure enough, an hour later, Lord Jian Slaughter appeared in front of the two of them.

"Xiao Luzi, you did a good job this time, let's take this for you to play with!"

Simple and generous, he tossed a 5000 years wind-fixing bead to the other party. Lu Xuanyuan took a look, his eyes lit up, and he carefully put it away.

"Honorable Master wants to send me back to Zixiao Sect."

"Well! Let's go!"

Uncle Lu hurried forward and bowed respectfully:
"Thank you, the lord, to send you off personally. I am very grateful."

"There is no need to be so polite, I just want to talk to Lord Xiaoyong about the old days."

Jian Jian has already left their temporary cave, Wu Siyuan leads the way, and the group of people stand on Jian Jian's escape light, and within a moment they landed on Yunxiao Peak.

The moment the escape light was put away, the two Jindan monks under Zixiao Zongfeng greeted them.

"Greetings to the two seniors, and the young master."

Jian Jian narrowed his eyes, and saw that one of the Golden Core cultivators had teleported to Lu Xuanyuan's side.

(End of this chapter)

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