Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 420 Soul Suppression and Soul Collection

Chapter 420 Soul Suppression and Soul Collection
"Junior Sister Jianlu, these evil spirits must not be released, otherwise Tianshu City will be in chaos."

Jian Xu frowned and said to Jian Jian that the souls captured by evil cultivators in cruel ways are full of resentment, and this kind of resentment makes the souls more brutal.

Jian Jian took the Mo Xi sword and said to Jian Market:
"Brother, I have a way to temporarily suppress these souls, but there are too many of them, and it will take time for me to recover at least [-]% of my spiritual power."

"Okay, I'll protect you, you recover first!"

"Trouble senior brother!"

Wu Siyuan and Jian Gui swallowed the elixir, and recovered [-]% to [-]% of their spiritual power, and they also stood on one side, protecting Jian Jian in it.

With a simple wave of his hand, he buried himself in the pile of top-quality spirit stones and began to recover his spirit power.

The spiritual power in the top-quality spirit stone hit Xuan'er and entered Jianjian's body. After a short effort, Jianjian was surrounded by the spirit power cocoon. After changing the top-quality spirit stone five times, he restored his cultivation to [-]%.

"Woman, hurry up! These evil spirits have already begun to corrupt your spatial boundary, and I won't last long."

Liu Chuan's sound transmission rang in his ears, and Jian Jian immediately opened his eyes.

Sure enough, some evil spirits had begun to corrode the boundary, and the branches and leaves of Liu Chuan were affected and began to shrink, weakening the strength of the boundary.

And some evil spirits surrounded Patriarch Fu and began to bite. Patriarch Fu's cultivation had dropped so badly because of the side effects of the elixir that he had no ability to resist, so he could only let the evil spirits gnaw on his soul, and his whole body was in pain. Howling and trembling.

Jian Jian was unharmed by the protection of the three, but the three were also somewhat reluctant.

Without further ado, he wiped the storage bracelet with his hand, placed a sword-style guqin horizontally on his knee, and slid across the six strings. With a sound of "Zheng", the spiritual power diffused in the realm, and all the evil souls were shocked. stopped moving.

Simply take a deep breath, press the strings with your left hand, your right hand starts to wave, and strings of piano sounds flow out.

First, the sound of iron horses and golden swords impacted every evil soul, and the sound of golden swords fell, and then there was a sad and mournful sound like a relative crying through the sound of the piano, which made people cry when they heard it, and the evil souls were overwhelmed by this sad sound. Emotional infection, no longer attacking, seems to be recovering the consciousness in front of him.

The sound of the piano turned clear, like a ray of sunshine in the morning light, and the relatives were praying for the rest of the deceased. After that, the sound of the piano became more and more melodious, ethereal until the last sound of the piano fell, and the echo echoed in the air for a long time.

All the evil spirits had stagnated in the air, and the riot had stopped. At this time, Jian Jian's face was pale, sweat dripped down his forehead, and the spiritual power in his body was exhausted.

Simply gritted his teeth and began to shrink the space boundary, slowly gathering the sleeping souls together.

The magnolia flowers that had bloomed in Tianshu City for five days finally gradually shrunk, finally revealing the figures of Jian Jian and his party of four.

Jian Li was the first to greet him:
"Jianlu, Jianxu, are you all okay?"

Jian Jian didn't even have the strength to speak, and raised the budding white magnolia field in his hand to Jian Li:

"True Venerable, please take action and seal the evil soul!"

Tianyun Zhenzun understood the purpose of simplicity since he started playing the piano music simply to appease the evil spirits.

Turning around and going back to the clan, he borrowed the "Evil Sealing Bottle", and at this time he had come to Jian Jian, and introduced all the evil souls in the Magnolia Flower Realm into the "Evil Sealing Bottle", and then sealed it to collect his own savings. In the ring of things.

"Your task has been completed very well, and Jianli will take over the follow-up, and you can return to the clan first."

"Thanks to the True Venerable Dharma Protector for allowing me to have the confidence to fight this evil cultivator to the end!"

Jian Jian and Jian Xu took the lead, leading the remaining three people, and bowed to the Supreme God of Fortune.

"Hehe! Young people are awesome, you are all very good!"

The person who said the words had disappeared in front of everyone.

"I have arranged for people to take care of the aftermath, and I will send you guys back to the sect first."

Jian Li spoke calmly as always.

Jianjian and Jianxu have already laid down the most difficult part, what is needed most now is to go back and rest, Jian Liguan and the others all look exhausted.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Jianli, for taking us along with your light."

It's simple and you're welcome. Now that everyone is the most tired, they can't be taken advantage of.

Jian Li nodded, without saying much, and returned to the Heavenly Sword Sect with the four most exhausted, leaving only Jian Hou to assist in handling the follow-up matters of the Fu family.

After the monks of the Heavenly Sword Sect on both sides respectfully sent several lords away, they immediately surrounded the Fu family that had been razed to the ground, and began to search inch by inch without leaving any clues behind.

The people arrested in Fu's shop have all entered the "Punishment" Hall of Law Enforcement Hall and experienced the second round of interrogation.

When Duan Guang fell in front of the Heavenly Sword Sect's mountain gate, the four of them had already taken care of themselves and were not so embarrassed.

"I will go to the affairs hall to complete the task, and you can go back to the peak to rest on your own."

Simply speaking, he threw a white jade bottle at Jianxu, Wu Siyuan and Jiangui each,

"This is the 'Immortal Liquid' I obtained from hunting black beetles. You can use it to restore damage to your meridians and enhance your body's defenses."

The three people's eyes lit up when they heard this. This is a good thing. It seems that the hall master who completed this task is quite satisfied. The three of them were not polite, accepted the treasure, thanked each other and went back to the peak.

"My lord, the moon has passed out."

Marshmallow was sending simple sound transmission at this time. In fact, when the evil cultivator fell, the moon fainted, but she didn't let Marshmallow tell the Lord that she didn't want the Lord to be distracted because of her. This is a big taboo for the enemy.

"I know."

Simple knows that this time the moon has fought hard, and injuries are inevitable, so Marshmallow has always been by the side of the moon, protecting her, and now that she has returned to the sect, she must heal the wounds of the moon as soon as possible.

"Marshmallow, take me and the moon to Yaofeng."

Simply picked up the shrunken moon, and appeared on Yaofeng in a cloud of mist.

The guards guarding the peak saw the murderous Venerable Sword Slaughter appearing at Yaofeng holding a seriously injured spiritual pet in his arms, and immediately bowed to salute:
"Greetings to Lord Sword Slaughter!"

"No need to be too polite, I'm going to the raccoon orc land to heal my spiritual pet."

"Yes." Whoever dared to stop him immediately gave way to the way into the peak.

Marshmallow brought Jian Jian directly to the clan of the raccoon beast clan. Xing Xing and the ancestor of the raccoon beast found Jian Jian at the first time, and came out to greet Jian Jian.

"Lord, Moon," the clan elder asked aloud.

Xing Xing no longer cared about etiquette, and directly walked over to Jian Jian, stretched out his small paws to touch the moon, but was afraid of touching the cold body, his whole paws were trembling.

"The moon is alive, but its strength is exhausted, and it was seriously injured by the evil cultivator. I brought her back so that she can rest in peace and recuperate in the clan."

After hearing the simple words, Patriarch Raccoon and Xing Xing let go of their hanging hearts.

The two entered the bamboo house with simple steps, and put out a jade basin directly, poured the golden "immortality liquid" into it, and then carefully put the moon into it.

"This is the 'Immortal Liquid' that can repair the wounds of the moon. You just need to protect the method. After she wakes up, let her absorb and refine the liquid as much as possible."

"Yes, thank you Lord for your protection."

Seeing that the wounds on Moon's body were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye as the "immortal liquid" flowed, Xingxing felt relieved and immediately bowed to thank Simple.

Such a precious elixir, the lord used it for the moon without blinking an eye, which shows the lord's love for the moon.

"The moon is very brave this time, and cooperated with me to kill an evil cultivator in the fusion stage. Because of continuous fighting for five days, he was injured and then lost his strength. This matter has something to do with your raccoon beast clan. When the moon recovers, you You can ask her."


(End of this chapter)

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