Chapter 453
"Junior Sister, we stayed on the shore for too long just now, and the aura on our bodies has not completely dissipated there. These golden pheasants must have sensed the monk's aura, so they all bypassed the place where we set up traps."

After thinking about it for a while, Yu Yuanhai discovered the problem.

After listening to Zong Fan's explanation, Yu Jiajia also understood that they made a low-level mistake, so she could only scratch her head and continued to ask Zong Fan:

"Senior brother, what should we do now? Take a break and disperse our breath?"

"It's not necessary. Several waves of wild beasts and spirit beasts have come here one after another. They have already diluted our remaining breath. Let's wait and see."

Everyone continued to lurk in the grass, waiting for the golden pheasant to take the bait.Half a quarter of an hour later, a golden pheasant in the late stage of the first order really entered everyone's field of vision.

The late stage of the first level is equivalent to the late stage of Qi refining. Ten people held their breaths and condensed their breaths, trying not to let their breath out, otherwise they really would not be the opponent of this golden pheasant.

This golden pheasant is one meter high, with sharp nails on its khaki paws, shiny black feathers all over its body, and a huge bright red comb on its head, obviously very imposing.

At this time, he was walking towards the river step by step. First, he patrolled around vigilantly, and found that there were no other spirit beasts, and then cautiously continued to walk towards the river.

The eyes of all the radish heads are shining, this time there is a door.

Sure enough, the next moment, the golden pheasant fell into the trap, and there was a sound of cock crowing, which made everyone's ears hurt, and they covered their ears with their hands.

Zong Fan reacted the fastest, raised his sword and rushed to the side of the trap, and swung his sword at the golden pheasant that fell into the pit, and the chicken feathers flew wildly for a while.

The little radish heads also reacted, and stepped forward to support the senior brother, but at this time something happened, and the golden pheasant flapped its wings and flew out of the trap.

After landing, the golden pheasant spread its wings and began to peck at the rushing crowd with its sharp beak. For a while, chicken feathers flew all over the sky, and the children's screams were endless.

The corners of the mouths of the cultivators who were protecting secretly twitched. Looking at the rookie's behavior, they knew that they had never hunted spirit beasts on weekdays.

Fortunately, there are many people and strength, and there are swords and talismans. The golden pheasant found that he was invincible, and he did not like to fight. He flapped his wings and flew out of the battle circle, plunged into the grass, and fled.


I don't know who said it, but the little carrot heads all held their little swords and fell behind the golden pheasant.

"Senior brother, you said that if we follow it, can we find its lair? There must be other golden pheasants."

Yu Jiajia's idea is quite beautiful.

"It's hard to say, let's go and see."

A group of people chased the golden pheasant, gradually penetrated into the outer circle, and after another five miles, they were about to enter the inner circle.

The secret guard was about to remind the group of little guys, but Zong Fan was the first to discover the problem and immediately stopped everyone.

"Everyone, stop for a while, and if you go deeper, you will reach the inner circle. Our cultivation base is not enough, and the inner circle is too dangerous for us."

Yu Jiajia stomped her feet angrily, so she could only stop, and also stopped the little partner who wanted to chase after her.

"According to senior brother, the inner circle is full of spirit beasts above the second level, we can't deal with it."

Everyone was a little frustrated, and finally found a big golden pheasant, but they didn't expect to let the other party run away.

"Senior Brother, Senior Sister, look there, is it shining?"

The youngest guy among the group of juniors and sisters pointed to a pile of rocks and said.

Everyone looked at the place he pointed, and there was a faint luster in a gap where several rocks were piled up.

"Is there a baby in it?"

Everyone questioned each other uncertainly. Yu Jiajia was bold and tentatively approached the rock. Yu Zongfan directly pulled Jiajia back and said cautiously:

"I don't know what's inside, let's not go in."

The little radish heads all retreated together carefully, but they were all very curious, wanting to know if there was any treasure inside.

In the end, Yu Jiajia, still rich and powerful, took out a talisman from his storage bag:
"This is a survey talisman, which is used to check inaccessible places. My ancestor gave me two."

Talking about it, he showed it to everyone proudly, and all the friends gathered around to see the whole picture of this special talisman. Only Zong Fan carefully guarded the surroundings.

After reading it, Yu Jiajia made a formula, and the talisman turned into a spirit bird, which flew in from the crack in the stone following the direction of Jiajia's finger.

Jiajia immediately took out a small palm-sized mirror from the storage bag, tapped her finger, and a picture appeared in it immediately.

Through the sight of the spirit bird, everyone can see that after entering the inside, there is a dark cave with many things hanging on the top of the cave, because it is too dark to see clearly for a while.

Jia Jia wiped the small mirror vigorously with her hand, suddenly the picture was a little blurry and intermittent, and finally the talisman seemed to be attacked by something, and it fell directly.

During the fall, Jiajia saw an incredible scene, which shocked her from ear to ear for a long time.

Yu Zongfan also saw it, his face turned pale, and he said directly to everyone:

"Back up."

Then he directly asked his clan uncle for help.

In fact, Zong Fan didn't need to remind, the guards of the little guys had already shown their stature immediately, picked up their juniors, and exited the rocky area without a sound.

The moment Yu Yuanhai withdrew, he uploaded a message to Lord Jianwu, and then escorted everyone to the assembly point, and at the same time sent a message to another team to let them withdraw quickly.

Jia Yushu and Zhao Yunhai's team, after receiving the news, knew that something had happened, and didn't ask in detail. They took the remaining eleven people and quickly left the outskirts of Mount Putuo.

It took less than a quarter of an hour for the two teams to meet, and Jian Jian landed in front of everyone on the back of the light.

Seeing that Jian Slaughter had arrived, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Yu Jiajia trotted towards Jian Jian.

"My lord, that terrible place that Jiajia and his teammates discovered."

As he spoke, he patted his small chest with lingering fear.

"Hey, are you all okay?"

Simply touched Yu Jiajia's Baotou and asked everyone:

In fact, the moment they landed, the simple divine sense had already scanned everyone, and after that it was just a routine inquiry.

Jiajia, on the other hand, obediently handed her small mirror to Jian Luzun, and explained the before and after of the matter. Zong Fan sat beside him at any time to add, and finally the picture of the small mirror was frozen.

The spirit bird transformed into a talisman fell, and the picture in his sight was also upside down. Inside was a monk with brown-red vine-like branches wrapped around his body. His face was haggard, like a white bone with a layer of human It's just skin, surrounded by bones.

A stern look flashed in Jian Jian's eyes, and he directly handed the small mirror to Master Juesong who was at the side.

"Amitabha! I didn't expect such a place to exist in Mount Putuo."

"Master Juesong, but you haven't returned to the sect yet?"

The simple question is straightforward. After all, this matter is related to evil cultivators. I didn't expect the other party to be so bold as to bury the Xuechi crypt under the gate of Fozong Mountain.

Master Juesong immediately understood that something must have happened while he was away from the sect, so he didn't go around and asked simply:
"I have returned from going out to practice, but I haven't returned to the sect yet. What does Fellow Daoist Sword Slaughter know, can you tell me conveniently?"

"Naturally, it is convenient. The Heavenly Sword Sect has already warned other sects. I believe that the Buddha Sect has recently received the letter from our sect."

After the words fell, he directly handed Master Jue Song a jade slip.

(End of this chapter)

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